Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Chapter 17, darlings!

Yay, another chappie! And more questions to answer, squee!

Seriously, guys, I love answering questions, so don't be afraid to ask! I won't eat you!

Bramblelegs: Aren't burdock leaves used for rat bites?
Yes they are, darling! However, rat bites run a very serious risk of infection, and the burdock leaves soothe/help with infection. To my knowledge, they are most potent with rat bites, but are very valuable with other wounds as well.

Anonymous: When is Silverstreak going back to her friends?
Good question, probably one that many of you are wondering about. I can't really say anything (mostly because I don't even know, as stupid as it sounds). However, I'm leaning towards it being very soon, so no worries!

Rainshimmer: When in the timeline is this? Is it before or after Lion takes over? Is Snake going to be important later on? What's going to happen in the NorthxRosexBlack triangle? Speaking of which, why hasn't Northstar been renamed? He did join PeakClan, right? So, shouldn't he have gone back to being Northwind?
 First, I adore you. Second, the timeline in this story is very flexible; this is my first time writing from so many viewpoints, and everyone seems to be on a different page. Lion overthrew Slaughter on Day 17. He kicked out Brightfire the next day. On Day 19, he adopted Chill. For Belladonna, the day she was captured was Day 24. The day Silverstreak returned to Forest was Day 20. So yes, when she met up with Snake, Slaughter had already been overthrown. We'll see Snake again, but he'll be dead; he was never very important, except for the fact that he attempted to mate with Brightfire's sister, Rainsplash, after her miscarriage, and lost an eye for his troubles. He also has a thing for silver she-cats (Rainsplash, Silverstreak, Reedrush), which, as we see later, leads to his eventual death. As for NorthxRosexBlack...we'll see. Northstar remains with his name partly because of what his name represents (power, prestige, the position that he believes he should have) and as long as he makes Lightstar think that he has nine lives, Lightstar would refer to him as Northstar. Unlike Brokenstar, who was renamed, Northstar is not a prisoner; thus he still maintains his power as leader. Lightstar is (foolishly) secure in his leadership, and thus sees no reason to assert his authority over Northstar by renaming him.

Hope those answers helped you guys! Vote on my poll on my profile, and review~!