Not much to say this time around, but I figured I'd go ahead and make this post for the record (idk, sometimes I go back and check the dates of when I posted stuff for various reasons).
This might be the longest chapter so far, by a wide margin (second closest is Faun's first chapter, weirdly enough, but I guess that one had a lot of worldbuilding to do). That's what you get when you try to combine past & present events, I s'pose. I'm sure the four finale chapters will all be monstrous as well, there's a lot to be done. v_v
Next week we'll see what Faun's most recent plan is (how many of these have he and Trick made, again?), and some unsettling business with...well, we'll see!
After that, we'll have eight chapters (and the epilogue) to go.
See you guys next Monday!