Bleh, I'm really tired right now. This has already been a hard summer for me. D:
But enough about that~
@Shimmertail:...that imaginary friend thing totally sparked an idea for me! Not for this story, but for another, hmm. Thank you for that. And I hadn't noticed the "Fire for heroes" thing (although I guess I don't read a lot of fics, maybe that's why) but I'm glad you like it? And you know I can't tell you anything about future pairings, silly girl. ^^
We totally needed a time skip, ya. Kits are adorable and all, but there's only so much they can waddle around and do, right? Yep, right in one. The Clans believed that StarClan was angry at them for kicking SkyClan out (keep in mind it's been a year since they did that, and an extremely hard year at that) so they sent out a search partaaay (which is a lot less fun than it sounds). And sorry about comparing Northy to a daisy; I'm sure it was traumatizing to read. *pats*
@Nightkill: Eh, I am pretty mean to poor Death/Darky. He used to be so cool in role-play, too. *wistful sigh*
@Ninjakitty: All good guesses! Only time will tell. :)
@LittleSpark: Thank you! All I can say is that I have a lot of time (or used to, anyway) and the lovely Pandora radio~
@Smokefrost: Sorry for leaving you behind a bit, dear! Glad you're all caught up again. :3
@TheVioletGleek: Excellent theories! We'll see. :D
@Autumn Sunsets: Actually, I think poor Soot got the short end of the stick; if the mentors are all busy, she simply can't train at all; at least Spider has a mentor. Spider and Petal may not get along, but she has all the skills that Spider needs to acquire, which is why Eagle chose her for Spider instead of Soot. But, yeah, Eagle is taking his responsibilities a bit seriously...remember, though, he used to be deputy for Fadedstar, and he was even leader after Fadedstar's death (for all of, like, a day). He feels as though he failed BirchClan, and he's trying to make up for it now, protecting Silver as best he can, even if it's misguided. And you know I do love playing with canon when there's an opening for it. Alas, I cannot say what will happen to the search party; we'll just have to see! And I think Soot gets punished in just about every chapter, one way or another; she and her brother seem to get into a fair bit o' trouble, doncha think? As for Jagged and Minnow, we'll definitely see more of them later. Blackpaw is still about a moon away from being a warrior, so Eagle didn't want to burden Reed (the only other time a mentor was given two apprentices was with Forest, but Thistle was only /half/ a moon from being made a warrior, so it was a little more flexible. Blackpaw's training also isn't going as well, since it was interrupted by Bramblethorn's death and all. She's not good at coping with things like that. ^^
@CrystalSakura: Yep. I was reading back, and Jag's eyes were described as blue-green first...but then in that very same chapter I said they were yellow, too. *headdesk* Spider still has those white markings, I guess I just don't mention them very often? Also, out of curiosity, are you still reading my PMD fic? It's been awhile since I've seen your name there. Just curious~
SkyClan won't be important in this story, but the search party definitely will. I was wrong about the Bluestar timeline, though, as noted in this most recent chapter, but I was only off by a few moons. :D
@QueenOfThePens: *feeble shrug* Maybe, maybe something else horrible and traumatizing
happened to her. Who knows? xD
@Lynxeye: We'll see where the search party ended up! And, yes, I do try to give poor Jag a reason to be grumpy. I suppose Smallear/One-eye/Halftail all had reasons to be grumpy (losing their hearing, eye, and half a tail, respectively, would make me angry too) but dumb Patchpelt was just whiny, ha. And thank you! Yes, Silver seems to have a miserable life...all the time, poor girl, from one thing to the next. You should always be suspicious. :D
@Silverblossom: Sorry for the confusion, but there's not much I can say, ha. Thanks, as always. C:
@Sunspirit: I have no idea how to pluralize hypothesis, honestly, but that sounds semi-right? I dunno. Dream series' (how do you pluralize series, mm?) are one of my favorite things, so maybe. We'll see. :D
@Crowstorm: *snaps fingers* She-cats can mentor too! Spider might just be a lil sexist, is all. And no one pays attention to poor lil Soot. And thanks, anonymous stalker buddy! <3
The character bios are those things with the picture and the blurb underneath (a few posts down is one for Chilled, I think). But I can sneak those two kitties in here somewhere, if you like. ;)
@Pain: Thanks! Always love seeing new faces. Eagle's a furball, I'll agree, but the poor stud means well at least. We'll see plenty of Chill and Northy, no worries, and Jag too. I also like Spider's name, although finding a good suffix is hard. xD
@Warriorcrazy: Soot was initially intending to go back to sleep, but by the time she thought about going on the dawn patrol, it was kind of too late to be Moonkit, since she was already wide awake and opened her eyes and stuff. Keeping her eyes closed is part of the magic~! Please don't hunt me. I'm delicate, and stringy. ;^;
@Amanda: That takes some dedication! I read Shattered for about an hour each night (wanted to re-catch up, if that makes any sense) and even skipping a few boring chapters it took me four days or so. Which isn't bad, I guess, since it's longer than most HP books, but eh. And don't worry, it's fine if you don't log in, it makes no difference to me, really. xD
@Artemis: I think Spider inherited his father's occasional jerkiness. Which is a pity; hopefully he'll come around. We'll see more of the search party, and definitely more of our darling Chill. :D
@Priceless: Good theory, we'll see whether or not that's true. :)
@Smokefrost: Soot's a lil spy, agreed. I eavesdrop too, sometimes, so I guess Soot got that from me. We'll see more about all of this eventually!
I saw "we'll see" so much, it must be awful for you guys. I'm sorry! I just don't want to spill any beans, is all.
Love you all as always~ <3