Sorry for the late update! I wish I could say I had a legitimate excuse, but to be honest it just slipped my mind (I got Pokemon Y on Friday, and it's kinda consumed me! On a side note, I'm open to adding people so if you have Y/X, my friend code is 4098-3599-9474. Post yours in a review or something and I'll add ya back). The new chapter (7: Plans) is posted now, though, so feel free to check it out! I'll try to be better prepared next week.
@Bookworm: Hah, both Trick and Sprite did survive the day...but will they survive the next? (dundundun)
@Lynxeye: Yep, Toma was a lucky ducky last year - and so are the runts, since otherwise they'd be completely screwed! Foxes don't really live all that long in the wild; the average is something like 3 years, but I'd have to look that up again to be certain. In captivity, they've been known to live 10-12 years, but of course that's in a situation where they have no enemies, endless food, and free healthcare, haha. By the wild foxes' standards, 5-6 years is practically elderly! I think it's actually the same thing with feral cats; they don't live much longer than 3-4 years either, because their lives are filled with much more wear and tear. Poor things.
Thanks for the reviews, as always. See you next Sunday (hopefully before 8pm xD)!