Sunday, August 28, 2011

Late chapter is late :(

Again, I shower my apologies upon you lovely ducklings. Feel free to badger me on how terrible I am. D:

@Shimmertail: Oh noes, sorry you got in trouble (although I hope you were squeeing, rather than "squeezing" xD)! Also glad you liked your birthday present (apparently I was entirely correct when I said I prolly wouldn't update before Friday; dear lawd this chapter took me forever). As for the city kitties, I'm planning on us seeing them eventually, but it might not be for awhile (and might not be who you expect).

@Tangleflame: Glad I could make you smile! :D

@Koraki: Ha, don't worry about it. Lots of people get my charries' names mixed up...and you did bring an interesting new pairing (SootxBlue) to light. I'm kind of waiting for the masses to begin clamoring for them now. xD

@Crowstorm: Spider can be cunning when he wants to be, although most of the time this doesn't really show through because of his big head/temper. He's really good at capitalizing on others' tempers too, though, which is what makes him a very good fighter. ^^

@PianoGirl: Thanks!

@CrystalSakura: Yes, he probably would; Jaggy isn't one for nicknames (I doubt even Reedrush could avoid getting smacked, however gently, for calling him that xD). Blackpaw might be an elder by the time she becomes a warrior, but at least she'll have her warrior name, right?

@Silverblossom: I do love opposites attracting, but we'll just have to wait and see how things work of the best bonuses of SpiderxBlack would definitely be Fire's conniption, though. Also, I am quite surprised how many people support LeopardxFire. It's very...interesting. Shimmer has definitely changed a lot, in ways that we haven't yet seen; I actually sort of considered her keeping her weird speech thing, but it didn't really seem to fit since she's a lot more mature here than she was in role-play (in role-play her speech never changed, but that was a long time ago). And no, I don't want you to die, so clearly I absolutely must make sure everything turns out exactly as you said. :O

@Nightkill: Redpaw is definitely a stupid furball; maybe he'll get some character development (but I kinda doubt it xD). He actually wasn't meant to become the way he is, but we already had two pretty chill, normal toms (Jay and Blizzard) that adding a third felt redundant. And thus thug!Redpaw was born. :p

@PurplePanda: I'll admit, I was proud of that paragraph, although there was a little piece near the end that kinda bugged me, but I'm too lazy to fix it. This most recent chapter was much less descriptionily-delicious, sadly. I get your comment about the dirt, but my viewpoint of those sorts of words is that if the word is in third-person commentary, outside of any cats' thoughts or speech, it's used as it would be normally; if it had been Spiderpaw saying or thinking "dirt," then it would have been poopie. I feel that I use earth/ground too often, and other synonyms like soil/dust wouldn't have worked in that context. As for the herbs, it's true that leaf-bare is coming and they'll prolly be disappearing, but Shimmer always has a pretty vast store; not only that, but a lot of his pain was coming from stiffness/disuse, so once he starts moving around more it should help lessen the pain. I always thought Darkstripe needed a good cuddle, so many Redpaw will get one too. Also, wow, it sounds like your addiction is much worse than mine, you poor thing! I can't even remember the last time I cried over anything. I'm not much of a crier; didn't even cry at Marley and Me, if you can believe that. :O

@Priceless: I'd like to get something of mine published, but I guess we'll just have to see. Thanks. ^^

@TheVioletGleek: Shimmer is very, very bitter, that much is definitely true; what's more, she's holding onto this bitterness, rather than Silver, who's starting to let her sadness go. Shimmer is very, very angry with StarClan - she blames them for her brother's actions - as well as herself, because she feels responsible for Chilly as well, since she helped him get into the Clan in the first place. There are very few cats that Shimmer cares about, and Chilly was the cause of both her mother's death as well as Silver's. Most of her anger/spitefulness is derived from these inner feelings...and then she's generally irritated at apprentices for doing stupid apprentice things (xD). As for Blackpaw, she did sort of want to become a medicine apprentice when she was younger; however, at the time Shimmer was already holding that position, and it wasn't until after Blackpaw became a normal apprentice that Rumble died and the position became open. Shimmer wasn't taking any apprentices for a few moons, so Blackpaw couldn't switch over, and when she decided to take on Bluepaw it was too late for Blackpaw. Blackpaw isn't bitter or anything over it, though; she trusts that StarClan helped Shimmer make the right decision. And it would be amazing if Blackie totally snapped on her brother...although I think tigers only live in Asia. xD

@Sara Darkotter: Spider's thoughts exactly! :D

@Silence: I do have a pairing (or two...or three) in mind for Soot, yes. Prolly not Fire, though, since it's going to be a good long while before they see each other again. ^^

Thursday, August 18, 2011

School = Crack

Okay, so remember how the other day I said I would update the blog the next day? And it totally didn't happen?

Of course you do, it was yesterday. Honestly, why am I asking such silly questions.

I'm really sorry about not doing this yesterday, but you see, the thing you need to understand is that I have recently started school. No, I'm not going to say what you expect (that I am too busy now to update the blog and stuffs). Actually, that's not it at all. The real problem is this:

My body thinks school is crack.

Or, perhaps more correctly, my body things being around people is crack. Seriously, for at least the first week or two at school, I am nothing but a useless giggling mess. Seeing all the people I haven't seen in months and telling them new stories and jokes and everything just makes me feel extremely high, for lack of a better term. And it's great and bubbly and wonderful and onmygodsomuchfun.

There's only one problem. When I come home, suddenly the people are GONE. And I'm just sitting by myself or with my brother staring at a computer scene. And my brain kinda goes 'Oh, the people are gone? That's good, we were running out of happy-make-Prin-do-stuff-juice anyway" and kinda shuts off and then I just like vegetate until I go to bed. Seriously, not making this up.

So please please please bear with me for these next few days, because things WILL get better. I just have to adjust to seeing my friends on a regular basis again.

Also, if you don't believe me, then I think you should also know that I was thinking about doing this blog update for like three hours before I actually summoned up the energy to do it. So.

Anyway, reviews and all that stuff I normally do:

For all the people who went 'Aw Reedrush is mean why? D:":

See, this is another case of author-sees-stuff-that-we-don't. What you readers don't know is that Thistlethorn and Swanpaw spent basically the whole day sniping at each other and bickering. Northy didn't care, Jay is pretty chill, Blue is a total ditz, and Bracken wanted to stay out of the whole thing, which left Rainwind and Reed playing the peace-makers; Reed's generally a pretty understanding and sweet gal, but dealing with stoopid lil Swanpaw all day really burned her bacon, so to speak. Then there's the fact that she's still feeling bad over fighting with Jagged, she's tired from walking all day without stopping to rest or eat, she's worried about her aunty Silver, and she's concerned with her own private motives (such as the reason she wanted to go to the Twolegplace). All of this is putting a lot of stress on her, so when Sootpaw (who, remember, was supposed to be Reedrush's next apprentice but Blackpaw wasn't warriorized, which Reedrush blames herself for) shows up, it's pretty much the last sequence of events in an already-terrible day. At that point, Reed kinda snapped inside and basically told Soot to shove off because she really couldn't deal with anything else. In this, Reedy was showing that's she's only human. Or only a cat. Whatever~

@Crowstorm: As fun as that would be, it would be pretty unrealistic, since she's only had a few hunting lessons and is in general really clumsy and stuff, and thus the odds of her teaching herself to hunt is pretty slim. Someone else like, say, Spiderpaw could prolly do it, but that's because he's a really intelligent lil boy. Sooty isn't stupid, exactly, but she's not as smart as him.

@TheVioletGleek: About Reedy leaving Blackpaw behind: at this point there is very little she can do with Blackpaw. She honestly doesn't know how to teach Blackpaw any better than she already has been; heck, Eaglestrike, the DEPUTY isn't even having much luck with poor Blackie. Reedrush leaving her isn't really a big deal (besides the emotional toll for Blackie, i guess) since there was nothing more she could do for her anyway.

@Nightkill: Yeppers, that's the Bleach guy's name. Sorry your family looked at you weirdly. :p

@Lynxeye: Bleh, don't even get me started on Crowfeather's issues, ha. I find it interesting that you're considering him turning on his allies rather than Sootpaw. It's a neat theory~

@Artemis: At first, when Blue and Rabbit met I was afraid there would be a cutesplosion, but thankfully that didn't happen and our world is still intact. As for Chilly, I really love him too; I think I've used him in four different places now, because he's really grown on me as a character, ha. The Soot-sacrifice thing makes me think of them all dancing around and chanting around a fire, or something....xD

@Nightfrost: It'll be a looong time before Soot and Fire meet up again...but maybe he's harboring some intense passion for her that even I don't know about. All kidding aside, I'm actually kinda surprised how many people have mentioned SootxFire. But, I was sort of surprised when people mentioned SpiderxBlue after her very first appearance, so I guess I should be used to it by now.

@Silverblossom: Be careful, I don't want your parents shipping you off to the loony bin because you're giggling to your computer! I'd feel so guilty. And sure, make all the mind-Northy plushies you like...I don't think I could stop you anyway. xD

@Shenzi: Out of curiosity, what would I write about Black/Northstar? Both of their stories are sort of already complete, in a way. Blackstar is supposed to die sometime in the fourth series, I think, and as for Northy...well. There won't be a lot for him to do after Chilled, I don't think.

@PurplePanda: Wow, that was a deliciously long review (and a funny one, too)! Thank you very much for that! Sorry you don't like the tongue-yawn thing. See, the thing about that is every cat I've ever seen yawn does the tongue-curl thing, but most dogs don't (one of mine does, but the other two I've had in the past never did). So that's always been a cat thing for me. And I definitely know about the jumping-off-the-page sentence thing you're talking about; that happens to me all the time (although usually it's just words/phrases and I describe them as being delicious xD). As for Swanpaw, she musta inherited it from her mother, since Iceblossom's the same way. Swanpaw's been going on like that alllll day, but Rainwind is a really laid-back dude, so he didn't say more than that, and Swanpaw only stopped to consider her next insult; she doesn't go over-board like Spiderpaw does, most of the time. The Moonpaw-eye twitch thing really made me laugh. And I totally get what you're saying about the thesaurus (dinosaurs rock), I try to use synonyms but Open Office really sucks at providing them and looking them up is so much worrrrk. Kidding aside, I am trying to improve. As for the apprentices, they just sort of popped in during Shattered; Reedrush had Blizzardpaw at the very beginning when we first met her, Frostfeather was preggers during the beginning of Shattered and had Jay/Robin, Raven was preggers with Spider/Soot at the end of Shattered, Red/Blue came from Twolegplace (semi-adopted, I guess), and then Fire/Black came from a group of rogues, several of which joined AshClan at the end of Shattered. There's a lot of them, but that's necessary because obviously not all of them will survive the story and AshClan needs a strong second generation to make sure that the Clan doesn't end up all teeny-tiny. As for the paragraph-spacing, I don't think FFN does that, since when I'm writing that's just how my paragraphs format. I need spaaaace (I have mild claustrophobia, maybe that's why I space out my paragraphs xD).

@ShadowedRadiance: YOUSHOULDBESOASHAMEDIAMSOMAD--Kidding, of course. I won't hate you if you don't review every chapter, or whatever. That's fine, although I definitely appreciate the reviews I recieve. For Spiderpaw's temperament, that's just sort of the way he is; I'm sure you know people like that, who are all sarcastic and snippy /all/ the time (I certainly do). Most of his anti-friendship prickliness is driven by the belief that cats have to be strong to be respected, and respect is all that matters; that's just sort of what was somehow driven into his thick lil skull. There's not any real reason you could point at that directly leads to his viewpoint, it's just sort of how he developed growing up. I'm also a lover of underdogs, so I totes get what you mean about Sooty. C:

I've got to go now (volunteering at a church pantry thingy) but hopefully when I get back I won't be school-crack-deprived or whatever; sometimes leaving the computer for awhile helps, I guess. We'll see.

Anyway, love you guys and your reviews, as always. <33

Friday, August 5, 2011


Like I said in my AN, I'm gonna be gone for awhile, and school starts soon, so updates might be a bit spotty. Bear with me. D:

@Nightkill: Blackpaw does seem like an airhead in this chappy, but it's mostly because she's scared stiff of Spider. He does have a bit of a reputation for being a growly jerk, after all.

@Koraki: I don't mind repetitiveness (and I do love long-winded spiels flattering me xD) but if you have any critique or specific ideas to give, don't hesitate! I won't hate you even if you don't review. :)

@Ravenshade: Every night. Yay. :D I like "newborn mouse" too; I seem to be coming up with some odd phrases for this story, ha. And yes, it was pretty obvious. Spider doesn't know how to hide his feelings very well. xD

@Lynxeye: Yep, Spider seems to push all his ladies away. Maybe he could just go for the harem solution, and make them all his mates, just so they don't each have to have too much time with him...clearly this is the best option. :D

@Silverblossom: Love blinds a momma to her children, sometimes, I'm afraid. Fireblaze is always sweet around her, too, cuz he luffs her so much. As for Fire's past crush, it (obviously) never amounted to anything, so maybe we sees it, maybe we don't~ And no, Spider/Black are not related at all (Black and Fire's biological parents are a mystery, actually, since they were adopted by Petalcloud and Swansong).

@Emberspark: I don't think I'll be working on my parody any time soon; I'm too busy and comically
 uninspired. :(

@Nightfrost: A good guess, as good as any. ^^

Monday, August 1, 2011

Late D:

Eep, a few days late. I was going to do it yesterday morning, but it kept slipping my mind. My memory is the worst. D:


I found it to be interesting how many of you mentioned Blight's pet-calling this chapter, even though he only had a few lines before popping out. It makes me smile, seeing how astute you all are!

@QueenOfThePens: And I quote:  "If StarClan did show you these visions for some reason, it could be a variety of things. They could be warning you of things to come. They could be trying to fix their mistakes in the past, trying to learn from them, to protect those on this new journey. Or, this journey might hold important information of another matter...the destination, what they were looking for, how it all ended...something has to be important for them to show it to you." They're quite relevant, I promise you. :3

@Silverblossom: I really do dislike forbidden love...but apprentice love, in any form, is just too gosh-darn adorable for me to hate. At heart, I'm honestly a hopeless romantic. D:

@Ravenshade: Interesting catch there...but most could still mean that she isn't coming back, since she was somewhat prominent at the beginning of the story. You never know, ha. As for Reedrush, you're guess was incorrect, but it was a good one! We might figure out why soon, methinks. As for the smell of freedom, I bet you're right about that.

@Veni: Yep. I don't generally like "new generation" stories, but I especially dislike them when they're just a continuation of the lineage. I figured I'd do something a little different. And yes, we'll see Minnow and her kits, I promise! As for the poll, I figured I had to throw some random pairings in there, just to keep things interesting. Weird little ghost babies would be pretty cool, though. Imagine the question marks from the rest of the Clan when Soot delivers those. xD

@Dustleaf: We haven't really seen Soot longing for freedom, that much is true; however, I think it's sort of an inborn thing for young cats, to crave a bit of freedom and a bit of distance from their family, to spread their wings (so to speak). Soot just sort of reflects that longing. Freedom also gives her the ability to become a hero (technically a heroine, but I've always thought that sounded too druggy xD), which is what she really wants to be. She wants to live up to her father's legacy, and at home, with her deputy daddy and protective mother watching her carefully, her brother screwing everything up for her, and without a mentor, she feels she won't ever get that chance (aside from helping the DF cats, but of course no one could ever know about that). Freedom gives her the chance to become that hero. As for following them in secret, that much is true; she has very little training when it comes to hunting/fighting, and there's no way that she could provide for herself. However, she only has to follow them for a day or so; by then they'll be too far away to send her back, since she could just keep following them and they couldn't waste time escorting her home. Now, as we learned in this most recent chapter, Northstar is coming back earlier than the rest of the group, so he might be bringing her back with them, but as of now that's not certain. As for how she can track them, remember that most, if not all of her training sessions thus far have been focused on stealth. She's pretty decent at being stealthy by now; as seen in the chapter, she uses her knowledge from everything she's learned (the ferns from Spiderpaw, remaining hidden from Frostfeather, keeping track of her movements from Ravenwing, etc.) to help her on her way.

@CrystalSakura: Good question, about Thistlethorn's name. Firstly, I had to come up with it quickly, because I sort of changed the timeline of when the story started; originally where I'd planned to start, Thistlethorn was still an apprentice, but then when I changed the timeframe, he was a warrior, so the name was kind of created on the fly. However, I think you have a misconception; a thistle is not just the thorny part of a plant, it is the entire plant itself; thorns are just one part of that plant. It's basically the same sort of name as Rosepetal. Anyway, I generally use -thorn for fierce, powerful, somewhat "prickly" cats, all of which fit him pretty well. He's pretty friendly to his Clanmates, but to outsiders he's very leery (which might cause problems on the coming journey, since he's not fond of PeakClan).

I think that's all the questions. Sorry about the lateness, darlings~