Sorry the blog update's a bit late; finals week has me finishing up a lot of papers and stuff. But today's the last da for all that! In a few hours, my vacation will begin. :)
Chilled's two-year anniversary is in a week, though! Scary stuff. Hopefully I can crank out another chapter or two then. It would be fun to reach the climax on the anniversary, haha. We'll see!
Not much to say, other than I've really enjoyed the past few chapters. Getting the plot speeding right along is nice, of course, and Sooty's finally getting the hope she needed. Life is good. <3
@Mallowfeather: Thanks! Ah, if only, if only. Publishing something would be a dream, and I've already got you guys ready to prowl the shelves for me, haha. Maybe some day, with some original work.
@Dracones: Yep, it's been there awhile. Since the beginning of Chilled at least, I think - but don't quote me on that, because the genesis of ideas is really hard to pin down. xD I thought it was pretty funny how you picked up on "the dead one," since I was planning on bringing it into this chapter to begin with. Great minds think alike, I suppose! As for the journeying cats, it prolly is a bit confusing. They've been traveling back for about a half moon, at this point, maybe a little more - and making great time, at that. It helps when there aren't any traitors gimping around, I think. ;)
@Starshine: Thanks c:
@ty7769: Sorry for confusing you! I hope my PM cleared things up a bit. I'll post it here for anyone else still confused,
"Basically, cats from the original four Clans plus a bunch of Kestrel's prisoners joined together to make FogClan, with Fogstar as leader. He appointed Foxpaw his deputy (after Foxpaw was named a warrior and such). However, because the Clan was so large, divisons sprang up amongst them, and when Fogstar died, Foxstar made the decision to split the Clan up. He named his portion BirchClan, after his mate, and they took up most of the forest. Another Clan was ShellClan, who lived by the sea, and then there was MarshClan and an unknown Clan who lived in the hills/mountain area.
Eventually Twolegs started encroaching upon the territory, and the mountain Clan decided to leave. They became PeakClan. Along the way, one of their cats left to live in Twolegplace, and it's possible that she was Belladonna's ancestor.
The mountain Clan left a lot earlier than the other Clans; the others were determined to cling to their territory, and thus it was generations before they left, so few of them even remembered the mountain Clan had existed. They followed the Thundertracks (the bicycle trail where Bluepaw and Sootpaw found the juniper berries) until they reached Twolegplace/the lake, whereupon they went north. There they found the burnt forest, and ShellClan, BirchClan, and MarshClan settled down there, eventually clashing with the mountain cats and creating FrozenClan.
There was also Guppy, who might be Minnow's ancestor, or might not."
It's a big mess, but hopefully a coherent one! Everyone that didn't read Shattered is probably lost, though, I expect. I warned you! xD
@Woods Warrior: Hah, it's quite the challenge. Then again, I suppose summarizing any 450k+ novel would be. Yep, a lot of people suspected the journeying cats were their ancestors right from the beginning, which was nice. I do so love fan theories. Right now, I have no big plans for other fics, but I do have some original projects lined up. I'll probably outline everything after the climax is done, and we start getting into wrapping everything up (we're so close, I can't believe it!). It'll be kinda sad, since I won't be as active here, but hopefully interesting too, with my original projects. :)
@Appercot: Thanks!
@Luna-Soul-Sky: We have at least 1 more Sooty piece and then 1 Spider one that will tackle the climax, and then a few more chapters to wind everything down. I'm not exactly sure how many - we'll just have to see! And then the epilogue, of course, which I am excited for.
@Guest: Nope! Chilled's where this story ends, I'm afraid, although there will probably be plenty of one-shots springing up. I'm addicted to them. :p
@Bookworm: Thank you! Also, I love how you phrase your idea - "done it accidentally." I'm picturing one of them just like tripping onto the other or something, ick. But no, there were no ghost-love-times for Sooty and Chill, and I think ghost-babies would be more problematic than helpful. xD
@Purplemudkip: But what about the journeying cats she dreams of? Or deets on the sickness? Or the traitors lurking in the Clan, or the threat of Twolegplace? Kidding aside, that's a really succinct summary. I'd give you a prize, if I had one. :p
@NoReason2Care: Nope, when Chilled's over, it's over, although the one-shots will allow me to dig into a lot of POVs. I do really really miss them. Shattered was so much fun, in the non-Silver chapters. ;-;
@Lynxeye: Get on the ball, girlfriend! Rook's a pretty cool dude, I like him a lot (and wish we coulda seen more of him in earlier chapters, sigh). The combination of chapters recently has been interesting, with action-oriented ones and then feeelingsss chapters. The dynamic between the two has been really fun to play with. And I'm super-glad to have been able to help you! It's a beautiful symbiotic relationship we have going, haha. xD
@no: Ha, prolly not. Sooty doesn't feel like much of a leader - she just wants to go home and figure things out for herself. c:
@Mossystar: Thanks. :)
@Catlover: Not by a long shot!
@Swiftehstar: Ship whoever you like, haha. Interesting theory, but we'll just have to see. :3
Anyway, that's all for now. See you, ducklings! <3