So yeah, posted the most recent chapter...and apparently blogpost updated or something? That's cool, I guess!
Anyway, I also posted three oneshots on the challenge that you should read, staring Dapplefern, Chilly, and the ensemble darkhorse of Shattered, respectively. Enjoy those, if you haven't already~
I feel like I had a lot to say about this chappy, but forgot it all? Oh well, I guess.
@Spongestar: Thank you! I like writing about rogues, since their perspectives are quite different from those of the Clanners. As for Leopardpaw, I can't say much at the moment. I'm sure Tubs would love you too, so long as you have something for him to eat. ^^ As for the length, I'm not quite sure. We could track the story by the journey, I suppose: at the moment they have 1/3 herbs from Bluepaw's prophecy, and Sootpaw has listened to the confessions of 3/7 DF cats. That makes it seem like a little under half way, but since they are pretty close to the next herb and the DF cats should move faster here in a bit, I'd say we're quite past half. It will definitely be as long as Shattered, although I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up at 60 chapters? Length is always a tricky thing to guess, so unfortunately I can't be more specific. :x
@Isi Writer: Thank you, I'm glad you like it thus far! Yes, it is almost like two stories in one. I've said it before; Sootpaw's arc is more spiritual/mental much like the 2nd/3rd series (and I guess the 4th, which I haven't read) whereas Spiderpaw's is more down-to-earth, like the 1st series. I like to keep things fresh in my writing, so multiple story lines definitely helps. c:
@Sunspirit: Yep! I could see everyone jumping to rape conclusions regarding Faint, but of course not every she-cat that gets preggers should be because of that! She does have a worse situation than most, though, with no hubby to look after her. It'll be a tough time for the Colony, trying to get used to the new territory. And yes, Spiderpaw is very good at predicting things. He has an analytic mind, unlike his sister (but much like Chilly) and he always uses his observations to his advantage. Thanks! :D
@Hermytail: Sorry I'm so slow. Time keeps getting away from me. :c
@Purple Panda: Yay, I missed you! I was scared my semicolons and adverbs had scared you away. I felt the same way about that chapter; it was a little slower going than most, but I was pleased when I finished it. I'm really glad you liked it! And yeah, I can see why you might like the Spider chapters more, since they have more of that 1st series feel to them, which most of us remember with nostalgia. As for Redpaw, he wasn't there. He doesn't like Spiderpaw and didn't think that wandering around in a dark, cold marsh in the middle of the night following a she-cat that you really can't trust was such a good idea. He was wrong, of course, and looks like a lil turd because of it. I imagine Tubs being jiggly too. He's just such a lardball. I'm lazy roughly all the time, so don't feel bad. |D
@Spiritwing: Thanks!
@Ivystep: That's very flattering, thank you. ^^ That's pretty much how everyone feels about Spiderpaw, it seems like; he started out as a little turd, but has developed quite nicely thus far, methinks. I know some people see Sootpaw as lacking something, which makes sense since her brother overshadows her pretty easily with his personality and all, and she's really passive. I love surprises when I read stuff too, so I always try to tuck in a few here and there. ;p
@Nightkill: I like Shrew too, even though he's a baby-eating monster and all. Thanks. :)
@Lynxeye: The SkyClan-searchers are all in the allegiances on this blog (at least those that have been named). If you search 'allegiances' you should be able to find their entry. I added them below PeakClan. Yup, Shrew's stuff was pretty grisly. I intentionally kind of left it really vague, without any detailed description or anything like I did with Brightstar. That's an interesting comparison between the rogues and AshClan. There are certainly a lot of similarities, as you pointed out...although it's Baron, not Byron, ha. Leopardpaw's even more of a wildcard than ever, perhaps?? She is by far one of my most elusive characters, heehee. I hope you didn't get in trouble, though! It was a lovely review. <3
@Redleaf: No problem, glad you liked it. :)