Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I neglected you again, dearest blog. So sorry. ;-;

My college semester is on the cusp of winding down; we've got about three weeks left, so everything's leading up to final papers/projects/presensations/finals themselves. That means I'll be hella busy this week, but hopefully after that things will relax and I can get down to finishing this darned story.

It's been almost two years, I realized that the other day. Chilled began in like mid-May, and it's sooner than I would have liked. I remember last year thinking I could finish it before school started...poor naive past!Prin. xD

But I guess the goal now is to finish before the 2-year anniversary. Prolly won't happen, but we can try! Things should go a bit faster now, since with the timeskip, certain things are going to heat up....

Anyway, I'll address the latest chapter's reviews, since there aren't as many to get through. Sorry to the people who reviewed the other ones; I read them all, I promise, but responding to them would take forever. I still appreciate you. <3

@Moonfeather: Yep, it's hard losing a character that you care about, but that pain means I'm doing my job well enough to make you care, haha. Sometimes characters die, that's just how it is. What'll happen with Chillpaw and his new life remains to be seen.

@Mallowfeather: Leopard's had a really rough time recently, ehe. Poor gal. Glad you like the story, though, thank you!

@Dracones: Yep! It's kinda crazy to read back over the older chapters and see how much Fire and Spider despised each other. Luckily, Leopard's given them some common ground; like Eaglestrike said, if the two of them can actually agree on something, he should pay attention. I really like shades of gray too; we've seen it a bit when Spider and Petal were looking over the battle at GreenRocks, and he imagines each of the rogues having their own story. It ties in nicely with Shattered, I think, and gray is always a theme I'd like to explore further. Maybe with my next project....;)

@Lynxeye: Yep, things in the Clan are looking pretty dark, and Eagle seems about to crumble under the pressure. In his defense, it's been longer than half a year that he's had to shoulder both leader & deputy duties, so he's really worn out. As for what you mentioned about Carmelo, I think I PM'd you about this, but I can't remember: I can't find the spot where he says the Twolegplace cats all know the cure very well. He knows it because he's the top dog now and it's an integral part of his plan. A few others - mostly high-rankers, or those that are just good at getting information - know it too, but your average-Joe-cat has no idea what causes it or makes it go away. He's definitely kept the cure away from Leopard, just in case something like this - with her turning traitor - happened. She was only in Twolegplace while she was a kit, remember.

@The Last Clan: Ehe, still sorry about your heart. As for Fire/Leopard, we'll see! Becoming mates probably wouldn't be a good strategic move on either of their parts at the moment, since she's a prisoner and all, but maybe later. I understand what you mean about Black/Spider; unlike a lot of my other pairings, there's no central conflict between them anymore (Tiger/Fox had Tigerstar's loathing of Foxfire's lineage, Snow/Frost had really obvious issues, Tiger/Ginger never really happened, Silver/Forest had the kidnapping/almost dying/declaring-love-is-hard thing) so there's not as much to get in their way. As for the longest novels, you're right, we're getting close! I kinda hope we don't actually get there (so many chapters to write v_v) but it's pretty cool nonetheless. I do remember that when I set out to write Chilled, I was hoping it'd be a bit bigger than Shattered, and it's certainly delivered on that, for better or worse. Still, there are some really long fics out there; mine's the longest Warriors one, but there are a few Pokemon ones that I know of with over a million words. We're never getting there, I'm sorry. xD

@Mistyheart: Technically, it was only Jaypaw's because he was carrying it. Both of the plants belong to Northstar, as he was the only one who knew where they were. He could have easily gone without AshClan and grabbed them if he'd wanted, but he decided to play nice. But, since the only reason they have even one snowberry plant is because Northstar let them have it, it technically belongs to him. They could claim it was Jaypaw's, but that would kinda make them look like jerks, if that makes sense. xD

@Luna-Soul-Sky: Thanks! There's the possibility, I guess, but it's really unlikely. She wasn't happy there, and her shenanigans have led to more than a few deaths; that's not something to be forgiven lightly. It's different from Leopardpaw, since even if Leopard had changed her mind earlier, she still doesn't know the secrets of the cure and couldn't save any lives, but Bluepaw did and just chose not to speak. In the Clan's eyes, that would actually make her guiltier, and they wouldn't be able to trust her again after all that mess.

Anyway, that's all for now. Until next time! :)