Yay, landmark 40th chappy~
For all those who asked, Chill is completely, definitely, and totally NOT Lion's real son. Lion knows this, in the back of his mind, but he can't directly think about it. It doesn't make sense, really; Chill is too old, and completely white versus Clover's ginger and white. Chill also has blue eyes, which neither Clover nor Lion had.
Snowfur, I will be the first to say that I hate this timeline. It's messy and uncoordinated even when I have the events organized, because in order to portray some events I have to skip around in time and it's even a little confusing for me sometimes, so I understand where you're coming from. I'll probably never do a story this complex because of it. xD
Whether or not the Clans are "good" or "bad" isn't Lion's priority. He knows Silverstreak isn't guilty of anything, but Fadedstar cost Lion his kits; in a way, Lion is doing the same by killing Silverstreak. He knows that individual cats may be good, but in his mind the Clans are a corrupt, evil system that he must bring down, no matter the cost, to ensure that he will never lose his family (which now consists entirely of Chill) again. It's kinda tragic, really. :3
Chill also knows that he isn't Lion's son. He's actually of apprenticing age, although he's very small for his size. Because of how old he is, he does remember his past, including his real mother. That's why he was alarmed about Lion mentioning his mother; he thought Lion meant his biological mother, that he'd figured out who Chill really was.
Lion hasn't killed any of his followers yet...but any cat still in TalonClan is a coward or deserter from the original Clans. Some cats joined to protect their kin, but most of those have probably fled, like Brightfire and Rainsplash. The original FrozenClan cats make up most of TalonClan, but they want to kill the BirchClan cats and take their revenge on Northstar anyway, so everything works out for them.
We'll see about who Blight sides with, but remember that at heart Blight is a coward out for his own self first; he'll side with whoever has the power.
Carmelo is currently united with Toxin; they might or might not have a physical relationship, although an emotional one might also be possible. Carmelo isn't a very slimy, shifty cat, although he is charismatic; he'll only turn on Lion if Lion shows signs of betraying him, or if his increasing psycho-ness becomes truly evident. We might find out how he and Toxin met, but I'm not sure yet.
That's a very interesting idea, Crystal-Sakura, but I of course can't say anything about that. Chill will probably and obviously play a part in the sequel, but...well...we'll see. xD
Snowstar of RiverClan, I'm afraid I don't know who Featherthorn is...and the only defining features of Carmelo (physically) would be his golden fur and eyes, but you said the eyes are different, so I'm not exactly sure how their pelt color makes them extremely similar...?
And you're welcome (since I'm sure you'll thank me, because you lovely people usually do) for the quick update!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Chappy 39
Yay, Lion's insanity. Honestly, I felt that this chapter was really, really bad because I was having CRIPPLING blockage, and everything I tried with him just felt awful. Lion is one hard nut to crack, lemme tell ya. D:
For those still wondering about what the heck Belladonna looks like, you can try googling "blue calico" or "dilute calico". A blue calico is a cat that has blue patches instead of black, and cream instead of ginger, like a normal calico cat. I think they're very pretty myself, and she's the first character I've had with that coloring (it doesn't look very good on pictures, but if you see one IRL it is sooo pretty <3). Too bad she's such a head case, eh?
And, about Brightflash...no. *awkward cough* Originally she was Lightflash, but it was awkward because of Lightstar, so I changed it to something almost the same, but...there's Brightfire. Eheh. I'm an idiot sometimes, I know. She'll need a name change, but it's okay. She's based off a character named Whitelight (rhymes D:) who had amnesia, although I never had the opportunity to delve into her past.
*tosses Shimmertail a Northy plushie with Super-Sleeping Action* It would be sweet if you named them after my characters, but please don't name any of them Belladonna. She'd be doomed from the start. xD
Some of your predictions were also very interesting. It's a given that Lion will attack Silverstreak (no one else is taking his revenge from him), but why do you think that Eaglestrike and Stonestar will die? It's possible that Eaglestrike might (not saying anything more about that, mhm) but Stonestar has nine shiny-and-spiffy new lives. Do you think Lion or TalonClan could take them all away?
CrystalSakura, you asked about Mousepaw's stutter. I just threw it in there when I first made him (because...I can?) but the reason he switches words is actually something I learned from observing my teacher (he has a very bad stutter). When he gets to a word that he's stuck at and knows he can't get past, he'll switch to another word or phrase that is easier for him. Like Porky Pig (no offense to any stuttering readers).
You also asked about /why/ Dapplefern is crazy (most people just guessed who she was and left it at that). Dapplefern isn't crazy, exactly, but she has an enormous ego because of her snazzy looks. She's always been able to get what she wanted, but Northstar was not at all interested (and a little creeped out, because he's not exactly experienced in these sorts of matters) and rejected her. She's acting kind of like an angry cheerleader, but since this is a life-or-death kinda world, things are a liiittle more serious.
Now, one final issue that I'd like to address. Someone named "Nightfrost" left a review that kind of irked me. I'd like to address her concerns, if I may.
Firstly, I had never said that cats have to look identical in order to be related...but they do have to share their traits with their parents. Maybe you haven't gotten to genetics in middle school yet, but kits inherit their traits from their parents. It wouldn't make sense for them to look wildly different, although many different-looking kits can appear in a litter depending on how many fathers there were. Secondly, I never said that all white cats with blue eyes were deaf. In real life, roughly 70% of them are, but not all. Whitestorm didn't have white fur and blue eyes; his eyes were yellow, so he's not exactly the best example there. Also, if you remember, both Chill and Blizzardkit are white with blue eyes...so not even all of my own characters are deaf. Also, I would appreciate if you'd work a bit on your grammar and spelling before critiquing another writer. ^^;
Please understand that I definitely appreciate any and all critique, so long as it actually...makes sense. Y'know what I mean. xD
Anyway, our beautiful 40th chappy should be here soon. C:
For those still wondering about what the heck Belladonna looks like, you can try googling "blue calico" or "dilute calico". A blue calico is a cat that has blue patches instead of black, and cream instead of ginger, like a normal calico cat. I think they're very pretty myself, and she's the first character I've had with that coloring (it doesn't look very good on pictures, but if you see one IRL it is sooo pretty <3). Too bad she's such a head case, eh?
And, about Brightflash...no. *awkward cough* Originally she was Lightflash, but it was awkward because of Lightstar, so I changed it to something almost the same, but...there's Brightfire. Eheh. I'm an idiot sometimes, I know. She'll need a name change, but it's okay. She's based off a character named Whitelight (rhymes D:) who had amnesia, although I never had the opportunity to delve into her past.
*tosses Shimmertail a Northy plushie with Super-Sleeping Action* It would be sweet if you named them after my characters, but please don't name any of them Belladonna. She'd be doomed from the start. xD
Some of your predictions were also very interesting. It's a given that Lion will attack Silverstreak (no one else is taking his revenge from him), but why do you think that Eaglestrike and Stonestar will die? It's possible that Eaglestrike might (not saying anything more about that, mhm) but Stonestar has nine shiny-and-spiffy new lives. Do you think Lion or TalonClan could take them all away?
CrystalSakura, you asked about Mousepaw's stutter. I just threw it in there when I first made him (because...I can?) but the reason he switches words is actually something I learned from observing my teacher (he has a very bad stutter). When he gets to a word that he's stuck at and knows he can't get past, he'll switch to another word or phrase that is easier for him. Like Porky Pig (no offense to any stuttering readers).
You also asked about /why/ Dapplefern is crazy (most people just guessed who she was and left it at that). Dapplefern isn't crazy, exactly, but she has an enormous ego because of her snazzy looks. She's always been able to get what she wanted, but Northstar was not at all interested (and a little creeped out, because he's not exactly experienced in these sorts of matters) and rejected her. She's acting kind of like an angry cheerleader, but since this is a life-or-death kinda world, things are a liiittle more serious.
Now, one final issue that I'd like to address. Someone named "Nightfrost" left a review that kind of irked me. I'd like to address her concerns, if I may.
Firstly, I had never said that cats have to look identical in order to be related...but they do have to share their traits with their parents. Maybe you haven't gotten to genetics in middle school yet, but kits inherit their traits from their parents. It wouldn't make sense for them to look wildly different, although many different-looking kits can appear in a litter depending on how many fathers there were. Secondly, I never said that all white cats with blue eyes were deaf. In real life, roughly 70% of them are, but not all. Whitestorm didn't have white fur and blue eyes; his eyes were yellow, so he's not exactly the best example there. Also, if you remember, both Chill and Blizzardkit are white with blue eyes...so not even all of my own characters are deaf. Also, I would appreciate if you'd work a bit on your grammar and spelling before critiquing another writer. ^^;
Please understand that I definitely appreciate any and all critique, so long as it actually...makes sense. Y'know what I mean. xD
Anyway, our beautiful 40th chappy should be here soon. C:
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
PMD: Sapphire
So, since I'm writing a PMD fic, I figured they deserve their own question-answering posts. Crystal-Sakura asked all the questions, so:
* It isn't that Dewdum loves dew (although they do), it's that a long time ago that's what their town was known for, because it was so pretty. It became a tradition to have the dew on the roofs all day, and they had to preserve that after the weather grew warmer, so it falls to some fabulous Ice Pokemon to keep it going.
*For the squiggly e, go to Insert -> Symbols -> More Symbols and just look for it. To get it in every word I type "Pokemon" while I'm writing, then go back to Ctrl+F to find and replace "Pokemon" with Pokémon.
*Thanks for the heads up, I need to change it eventually.
*Sapphire knows about birds/bugs the same way we know about dinosaurs and smilodons. Around Ash Ketchum's time (in the first few episodes of the anime, anyway) normal animals existed. This is way in the future (somewhere in the ball park of 2000 years) but humans would still remember them existing, even if they all went extinct. They probably have cute little old nature shows and everything.
*Igglybuff is the pre-evolved form of Jigglypuff. You're thinking of Wigglytuff (confusing, ain't it?)
*Most teams want to be legend teams, since they still get to do rescue/exploration team stuff with the bonus of chatting with Legendary. It's pretty much everyone's ambition.
* It isn't that Dewdum loves dew (although they do), it's that a long time ago that's what their town was known for, because it was so pretty. It became a tradition to have the dew on the roofs all day, and they had to preserve that after the weather grew warmer, so it falls to some fabulous Ice Pokemon to keep it going.
*For the squiggly e, go to Insert -> Symbols -> More Symbols and just look for it. To get it in every word I type "Pokemon" while I'm writing, then go back to Ctrl+F to find and replace "Pokemon" with Pokémon.
*Thanks for the heads up, I need to change it eventually.
*Sapphire knows about birds/bugs the same way we know about dinosaurs and smilodons. Around Ash Ketchum's time (in the first few episodes of the anime, anyway) normal animals existed. This is way in the future (somewhere in the ball park of 2000 years) but humans would still remember them existing, even if they all went extinct. They probably have cute little old nature shows and everything.
*Igglybuff is the pre-evolved form of Jigglypuff. You're thinking of Wigglytuff (confusing, ain't it?)
*Most teams want to be legend teams, since they still get to do rescue/exploration team stuff with the bonus of chatting with Legendary. It's pretty much everyone's ambition.
Monday, February 14, 2011
V-Day, Hooray
Yay, somewhat fluffy chapter. Good times. :3
Few small answers
*giggles* I kind of half-way named Cane/Amber after Cain/Abel. It just sort of fell into place, there was no real beginning for the idea of them.
Natasha and Mitch aren't exactly mates; they're old friends, but they kind of have romantic feelings for each other. When Natasha found Red/Bluekit, she was hoping the two of them could raise them together, but she unfortunately couldn't produce any milk.
Crystal-Sakura, don't worry! Your reviews are crystal-clear (*giggle*, I'm so lame) to me, and I do the same thing when writing AN's (or answering these questions D:). And the sequel might or might not include Chill/be related. We'll see. @.@
Lynxeye: Why did Sandpelt retreat?
Pretty much all of the answers that you listed, actually. PeakClan was outmatched (although not outnumbered) and from the very beginning the raid was pretty much doomed. He was also worried about her words, since he was the deputy and could barely land a blow on her; he knew his warriors wouldn't fair much better. And, he needed some time to regroup and rethink their battle plan. Retreating was really all he could do, since PeakClan was losing.
Crystal-Sakura also mentioned something about the rogue-band names, which I meant to justify but forgot to. So:
The rogue band actually comes from original role-play (really far back). It was a lot of fun, although the events were quite different (Blight really did get into the band, but he had Toxin with him, and she actually was pregnant; they didn't kill anyone, although they tried it). Mostly their names were just sort of fun and random when I first created them, and I wanted to preserve a bit of the old spirit, since this new story is drastically different from the silliness of my old rps. Phoenix and Griffin were both originally kittypets, and kept their names; same for Swansong and Primrose. Swansong and Primrose actually adopted Merla and Pyro; the two little kits didn't remember anything but their names. Scorpion and Shredder come from a dear rp-friend of mine with cats of the same names (one of them became Swansong's mate originally, the other mated with Phoenix, but I always got them mixed up and I can't remember which was which now).
Few small answers
*giggles* I kind of half-way named Cane/Amber after Cain/Abel. It just sort of fell into place, there was no real beginning for the idea of them.
Natasha and Mitch aren't exactly mates; they're old friends, but they kind of have romantic feelings for each other. When Natasha found Red/Bluekit, she was hoping the two of them could raise them together, but she unfortunately couldn't produce any milk.
Crystal-Sakura, don't worry! Your reviews are crystal-clear (*giggle*, I'm so lame) to me, and I do the same thing when writing AN's (or answering these questions D:). And the sequel might or might not include Chill/be related. We'll see. @.@
Lynxeye: Why did Sandpelt retreat?
Pretty much all of the answers that you listed, actually. PeakClan was outmatched (although not outnumbered) and from the very beginning the raid was pretty much doomed. He was also worried about her words, since he was the deputy and could barely land a blow on her; he knew his warriors wouldn't fair much better. And, he needed some time to regroup and rethink their battle plan. Retreating was really all he could do, since PeakClan was losing.
Crystal-Sakura also mentioned something about the rogue-band names, which I meant to justify but forgot to. So:
The rogue band actually comes from original role-play (really far back). It was a lot of fun, although the events were quite different (Blight really did get into the band, but he had Toxin with him, and she actually was pregnant; they didn't kill anyone, although they tried it). Mostly their names were just sort of fun and random when I first created them, and I wanted to preserve a bit of the old spirit, since this new story is drastically different from the silliness of my old rps. Phoenix and Griffin were both originally kittypets, and kept their names; same for Swansong and Primrose. Swansong and Primrose actually adopted Merla and Pyro; the two little kits didn't remember anything but their names. Scorpion and Shredder come from a dear rp-friend of mine with cats of the same names (one of them became Swansong's mate originally, the other mated with Phoenix, but I always got them mixed up and I can't remember which was which now).
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Chapter 37 uppp
Lawl, what I loved about the reviews for these chapters was that for Chapter 36 you were all "Death's phobia is so funny :D" but by Chapter 37 you were all "...D:". Bwahahaha.
Yes, the psycho kitty was obviously Dapplefern. Just making sure you guys remembered the good ol' days. :p
Jeremy Irons has one of the coolest voices ever, so if some of you imagine Northstar talking like that, more power to you.
For those who mentioned Northy being good, keep in mind that this is all benefiting him. Sure, Stonestar doesn't trust him now, but if he can prove himself in battle then he hopes that will change, and he's hoping that Silverstreak will die during/after the battle. Once the battle's over, if everyone is still alive he'll be focused on taking them down again. Yay.
Queen of the Pens, your dot points have utterly convinced me. Rosedapple must secretly be the killer; so secretly that I didn't even know! Truly, your brilliance astonishes me. Would I be wrong to assume that you already knew about the (rather passionate) affair that Buck and Jag are having behind closed doors? :)
Shimmertail, I will neither confirm nor deny your theory. But, a few things you might have to reconsider:
a) Reedrush is not Ashstir's biological daughter. He mentions that his mate brought Reedrush with her, and that although Ashstir raised her as his own, she is not his daughter.
b) When did Cinderstream's sister leave the Clan? If Reedrush was not Ashstir's daughter and Cinderstream's sister lived in BirchClan, that means the father would be a BirchClan tom. Wouldn't Silverstreak have mentioned by now a queen that ran off with one of her own kits? That would be big news, even if it happened a long time ago. Silverstreak would remember that, maybe even recognize Reedrush, depending on how old she was when her mother left the Clan.
I think those were all of the answerable bits I really had during these reviews...but, these reviews were all very lovely and juicy, and I thank you all for that! You guys are the reason Shattered exists, just as much as I am. <3
Yes, the psycho kitty was obviously Dapplefern. Just making sure you guys remembered the good ol' days. :p
Jeremy Irons has one of the coolest voices ever, so if some of you imagine Northstar talking like that, more power to you.
For those who mentioned Northy being good, keep in mind that this is all benefiting him. Sure, Stonestar doesn't trust him now, but if he can prove himself in battle then he hopes that will change, and he's hoping that Silverstreak will die during/after the battle. Once the battle's over, if everyone is still alive he'll be focused on taking them down again. Yay.
Queen of the Pens, your dot points have utterly convinced me. Rosedapple must secretly be the killer; so secretly that I didn't even know! Truly, your brilliance astonishes me. Would I be wrong to assume that you already knew about the (rather passionate) affair that Buck and Jag are having behind closed doors? :)
Shimmertail, I will neither confirm nor deny your theory. But, a few things you might have to reconsider:
a) Reedrush is not Ashstir's biological daughter. He mentions that his mate brought Reedrush with her, and that although Ashstir raised her as his own, she is not his daughter.
b) When did Cinderstream's sister leave the Clan? If Reedrush was not Ashstir's daughter and Cinderstream's sister lived in BirchClan, that means the father would be a BirchClan tom. Wouldn't Silverstreak have mentioned by now a queen that ran off with one of her own kits? That would be big news, even if it happened a long time ago. Silverstreak would remember that, maybe even recognize Reedrush, depending on how old she was when her mother left the Clan.
I think those were all of the answerable bits I really had during these reviews...but, these reviews were all very lovely and juicy, and I thank you all for that! You guys are the reason Shattered exists, just as much as I am. <3
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Chappy 36~
Whew, that was a fun battle to write. I hope you guys are as satisfied as I am after that. xD
Now, onto the reviews, I suppose...although there weren't as many as usual and they were shorter. Mff.
Crowstorm: if Cane needs to cross Amber's territory to get to the moss clearing, then wouldn't the siblings meet before they got the the clearing?
A-ha! I was waiting for/hoping someone would ask this question. Yay. :D
Yes, Cane needs to cross Amber's territory. But when he mentioned something about going through it looking for trouble, he was just bluffing; he knows Forest has some sort of alliance with the forest cats, and hopefully if he impresses Forest, he impresses the Clan. It was purely a bluff; if/when he goes to meet in the clearing, he's gonna be uber-stealthy about it, because the last thing he wants is to show up to parley all battered and bloody, right? You aren't very intimidating with a bloody nose. ;)
Also (and I know you guys don't know this, so I'm not holding it against you xD) Cane and Amber are very different from one another. Amber is very punctual; she likes having and following plans, and so she'll show up right on time at nightfall. Cane, on the other paw, enjoys being fashionably late, so he would probably head out a bit later; thus they would miss each other, although Cane's group might scent Amber's on the way there.
And, finally, Amber's a little distracted now by the giant fire raging on her territory. The meeting is a few days away, but she's going to have to spend time surveying the damage/lives lost. She isn't going to be preoccupied much with Cane and his doings.
Queen of the Pens: I still don't properly understand why Forest left. Did he just leave because he was momentarily angry, or was it a full anger that hasn't yet faded?
Forest left for several reasons. First, he wasn't sure how much Silverstreak truly cared about him, and he was frustrated because he didn't know. He envies others like Eaglestrike (especially since Eaglestrike is another tom) because they're closer to Silverstreak than he is. He feels like Silverstreak keeps her distance from him, because she's too internally confused about her own feelings. And he knows that Silverstreak cannot fully come to grips with her feelings; she left Frostfeather/Ravenwing partially out of anger, but also because she couldn't deal with the feelings of their betrayal. Forest was afraid if he pushed her too hard, she would flee again; at the same time, he felt like he couldn't wait any longer. He had to know how Silverstreak felt. So while anger played a part, it wasn't the whole story. He cares for her very deeply, even now.
Shimmertail: Who was your favorite warrior from the First Arc?
That's actually a really hard question for me, ha. I loved Yellowfang and Cinderpelt both to death, as well as Brightheart and Sandstorm (even when she was a little butt-munch! :3). Graystripe too (he was cool before Millie came along, gah). And I loved Littlecloud...but above all, my favorite character in the entire series has to be Whitestorm. I just love him to death. <3
*twiddles thumbs* I'm sorry that we won't have a Lion chappy for some time...but hopefully Nightshade will intersect with Lion too. We've got a lot to do. D:
For those wondering about the time-line, the day of the battle with PeakClan is Day 51. Nightshade/Blight are scheduled to reach Lion by Day 64. It's debatable how long it will be after that before Lion actually sets out on his mad quest. :)
Now, onto the reviews, I suppose...although there weren't as many as usual and they were shorter. Mff.
Crowstorm: if Cane needs to cross Amber's territory to get to the moss clearing, then wouldn't the siblings meet before they got the the clearing?
A-ha! I was waiting for/hoping someone would ask this question. Yay. :D
Yes, Cane needs to cross Amber's territory. But when he mentioned something about going through it looking for trouble, he was just bluffing; he knows Forest has some sort of alliance with the forest cats, and hopefully if he impresses Forest, he impresses the Clan. It was purely a bluff; if/when he goes to meet in the clearing, he's gonna be uber-stealthy about it, because the last thing he wants is to show up to parley all battered and bloody, right? You aren't very intimidating with a bloody nose. ;)
Also (and I know you guys don't know this, so I'm not holding it against you xD) Cane and Amber are very different from one another. Amber is very punctual; she likes having and following plans, and so she'll show up right on time at nightfall. Cane, on the other paw, enjoys being fashionably late, so he would probably head out a bit later; thus they would miss each other, although Cane's group might scent Amber's on the way there.
And, finally, Amber's a little distracted now by the giant fire raging on her territory. The meeting is a few days away, but she's going to have to spend time surveying the damage/lives lost. She isn't going to be preoccupied much with Cane and his doings.
Queen of the Pens: I still don't properly understand why Forest left. Did he just leave because he was momentarily angry, or was it a full anger that hasn't yet faded?
Forest left for several reasons. First, he wasn't sure how much Silverstreak truly cared about him, and he was frustrated because he didn't know. He envies others like Eaglestrike (especially since Eaglestrike is another tom) because they're closer to Silverstreak than he is. He feels like Silverstreak keeps her distance from him, because she's too internally confused about her own feelings. And he knows that Silverstreak cannot fully come to grips with her feelings; she left Frostfeather/Ravenwing partially out of anger, but also because she couldn't deal with the feelings of their betrayal. Forest was afraid if he pushed her too hard, she would flee again; at the same time, he felt like he couldn't wait any longer. He had to know how Silverstreak felt. So while anger played a part, it wasn't the whole story. He cares for her very deeply, even now.
Shimmertail: Who was your favorite warrior from the First Arc?
That's actually a really hard question for me, ha. I loved Yellowfang and Cinderpelt both to death, as well as Brightheart and Sandstorm (even when she was a little butt-munch! :3). Graystripe too (he was cool before Millie came along, gah). And I loved Littlecloud...but above all, my favorite character in the entire series has to be Whitestorm. I just love him to death. <3
*twiddles thumbs* I'm sorry that we won't have a Lion chappy for some time...but hopefully Nightshade will intersect with Lion too. We've got a lot to do. D:
For those wondering about the time-line, the day of the battle with PeakClan is Day 51. Nightshade/Blight are scheduled to reach Lion by Day 64. It's debatable how long it will be after that before Lion actually sets out on his mad quest. :)
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