I was gonna update this after I posted the latest chappy, but it was really late...and then I totally forgot until now. Worst blogger ever, I know, I know.
But it kind of just hit me that this next chapter will be the last full Silverstar chapter EVAR. Serious shiz time, man. We're down to the wire, after moons of stalllllling.I'm kind of terrified.
Also, WOW. I'm surprised that a lot of you actually said you're advertising/talking about my story. It's like being a celebrity when you don't know you are. It's cool, and I really appreciate you guys; it's thanks to you all that this story even exists. <3
@WolfOfBloodPack: Silver and Forest are mates. However, they haven't, ah "sealed the deal" as of yet. As mentioned briefly in a previous chapter, Silver didn't want to do any deal-sealing, because being with kits and losing them like Doveflight would be the worst thing ever, and she didn't want to go through that; plus, having a pregnant leader before or shortly after the battle would be hugely bad, since they need her in a leader-y frame of mind to pick up the pieces after the dust finally settles. They do lick and such, but there's just not enough time to show them interacting much, without bogging down the story.
@Ninjakitty: Dapplefern went to go tattle about PeakClan's plans only a few days before the battle; because of Silverstar, she knew when the battle would take place, so she just waited for TalonClan to get close so she could sneak off to talk to them without making her Clanmates suspicious. They were probably around the lake somewhere, and she went around Twolegplace instead of through it, so it didn't take too long...and no one likes her anyway, so they don't watch her very closely. xD
@Mlaia3: *sniffs* Do I smell a Troper here? c:
@Shimmertail: I'm not exactly sure where Scourge's timeline fits in with everything else; because it's only been a few moons after Brownfur fled MarshClan, we know that it is well before Snowkit was probably even born...but not too far, I guess. It could be well within the canon timeline for Scourge to be making BloodClan, and I guess it could be possible for Jaggedclaw to be a part of it in the past...maybe? He might be too old, I dunno. I epic fail with timelines, if you didn't already guess from TR and Snatched. xD
And, I guess my ANs will stay, because it seems you guys like them...I'll try to tone them down after epic battles and junk, tho, honest.
Also, I'll do the before-and-after thing (it's going to be so long, oh God D:) but after the story's over, cuz I'd be spoiling otherwise.
Thanks again to everyone advertising by word of mouth and all, I really appreciate it. I don't think I say this enough; I love you guys! <33
Friday, April 22, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Oh Dear, 50
I'm sorry, I haven't updated this yet! I kinda forgot. DD:
Anyway, we've got time, sooo.
For the people who asked about Northstar/wind; he'll remain Northstar for at least the duration of the story. Only a few cats don't know he isn't really Northstar, and I honestly can't imagine him without the -star suffix. It's kind of part of who he is. C:
@JayEyedWolf: The sequel will only be a few moons ahead of time, so all the main characters (or...at least most of them, mwhaha) will be there. They won't be the focal point, but most of them will still be be-bopping around down.
@CrystalSakura: As Silverstar briefly thinks in this chapter, PeakClan isn't native to the forest; they used to live somewhere else, and presumably wherever they used to live a long time ago had more than one Clan.
@Shimmertail: Ha, for once my innuendo wasn't intentional! And I'm honored that someone would write a fic of my fic (seriously, that's dedication!).
@QueenofthePens: There are similarities, sure, but some things are obviously different. This enemy has been foreshadowed, instead of randomly appearing (seriously, we never heard of them before the book they appeared in) and, although it is similar in that Clans are joining forces, that doesn't necessarily mean they're exactly the same. For one thing, in this battle the other leaders will actually do something in battle, rather than letting Firestar/Silverstar do everything by themselves. And...there was more when I first read the question, but I can't remember them now. Sorry. xD
@Crowstorm: I'll just leave what happened that night to your imagination. It would be awkward for Rosey to be preggo again, ya, but I don't think anyone would really hold it against her now. Dapple is her main hat3r, and....
@Oakwhisper: I'm honored, and you're definitely not a psychopath. I think about it at school too...although that's planning, really. :p
@Frostfirecat: A little late, but happy birthday, darling! *tosses Northy plushie*
@JayEyedWolf (again?): I don't have a warrior name for Hawky just yet, but I will. And, as always, I can't spoil pairings. :p
@:Lynxeye: Thanks! I'm definitely not fond of Jayfeather, as you can see. As for Silverstar's family tree, most of it occurred a long time ago in rp, although there were a lot of changes I had to make for this draft.
I think that's all (it was a lot to reply to!) which is awesome. Hopefully I'll have the next chappy soon. In the meantime, here's the current layout:
Ch 51: Someone's POV (no way!)
Ch 52: Silverstar
Ch 53: Another mystery guest's POV
So ya, not long. xD
Anyway, we've got time, sooo.
For the people who asked about Northstar/wind; he'll remain Northstar for at least the duration of the story. Only a few cats don't know he isn't really Northstar, and I honestly can't imagine him without the -star suffix. It's kind of part of who he is. C:
@JayEyedWolf: The sequel will only be a few moons ahead of time, so all the main characters (or...at least most of them, mwhaha) will be there. They won't be the focal point, but most of them will still be be-bopping around down.
@CrystalSakura: As Silverstar briefly thinks in this chapter, PeakClan isn't native to the forest; they used to live somewhere else, and presumably wherever they used to live a long time ago had more than one Clan.
@Shimmertail: Ha, for once my innuendo wasn't intentional! And I'm honored that someone would write a fic of my fic (seriously, that's dedication!).
@QueenofthePens: There are similarities, sure, but some things are obviously different. This enemy has been foreshadowed, instead of randomly appearing (seriously, we never heard of them before the book they appeared in) and, although it is similar in that Clans are joining forces, that doesn't necessarily mean they're exactly the same. For one thing, in this battle the other leaders will actually do something in battle, rather than letting Firestar/Silverstar do everything by themselves. And...there was more when I first read the question, but I can't remember them now. Sorry. xD
@Crowstorm: I'll just leave what happened that night to your imagination. It would be awkward for Rosey to be preggo again, ya, but I don't think anyone would really hold it against her now. Dapple is her main hat3r, and....
@Oakwhisper: I'm honored, and you're definitely not a psychopath. I think about it at school too...although that's planning, really. :p
@Frostfirecat: A little late, but happy birthday, darling! *tosses Northy plushie*
@JayEyedWolf (again?): I don't have a warrior name for Hawky just yet, but I will. And, as always, I can't spoil pairings. :p
@:Lynxeye: Thanks! I'm definitely not fond of Jayfeather, as you can see. As for Silverstar's family tree, most of it occurred a long time ago in rp, although there were a lot of changes I had to make for this draft.
I think that's all (it was a lot to reply to!) which is awesome. Hopefully I'll have the next chappy soon. In the meantime, here's the current layout:
Ch 51: Someone's POV (no way!)
Ch 52: Silverstar
Ch 53: Another mystery guest's POV
So ya, not long. xD
Friday, April 8, 2011
I'm Only Kinda Late....
Ya, so, didn't get time to update the blog before I left...and then unfortunately I didn't write anything because
a) Had to do some homework (and by some I mean 100+ AP US History terms)
b) I usually wait at least an hour before starting to write (only when in the car) because for some reason it helps me get my ideas together...and I kinda dozed off.
c) Something wiggity-wack was going on with the battery, so the first time I turned the computer on, it was already at 80%. Ten minutes later, it was at 59%. So...ya.
So those are my excuses for not giving you another chappy when I came home. Please buy them and don't eat me. :D
@Shimmertail: I'm really curious now....Why don't you already have an ff account? They're easy to make. As for my music, I've been listening to Pandora Radio lately (you can thank that beautiful invention for these updates, oh yes). You can see all of my songs that I've check-marked and stuff (the one I listen to most often is the Perfect one; it takes the title as the first song you pick as the title of the station, and I just typed in "Perfect", so don't think I named it that on purpose. I didn't know it was the name of the song, lawl. xD
Anywho, linky:
Also, I've no idea what Toxin's warrior name was. Eheh. You can make up one for her, I don't care. xD
@QueenofthePens: Eh, maybe she'll die in the battle, I dunno. I don't think that's what's up with Dapplefern; she just deals really, really badly with rejection (shoulda given that one some thought there, Northstar) and when Lightstar gave her apprentice away, she felt like the entire Clan rejected her...and...we'll see. C:
Silverstar didn't tell Northy because it would seriously completely and totally rock his world. Because, not only is he then responsible for the death of his father, but the sister he never knew he had, too. And then his loyalties will be all squished, and...it would be messy. He needs to keep his head in the game right now, so he's ready for the battle, instead of worrying over past wrongs, and she knows that.
I think that's all for this round...maybe? I dunno, I'm sleepy, so. Stay tuned, and all that...love you guys. <3
a) Had to do some homework (and by some I mean 100+ AP US History terms)
b) I usually wait at least an hour before starting to write (only when in the car) because for some reason it helps me get my ideas together...and I kinda dozed off.
c) Something wiggity-wack was going on with the battery, so the first time I turned the computer on, it was already at 80%. Ten minutes later, it was at 59%. So...ya.
So those are my excuses for not giving you another chappy when I came home. Please buy them and don't eat me. :D
@Shimmertail: I'm really curious now....Why don't you already have an ff account? They're easy to make. As for my music, I've been listening to Pandora Radio lately (you can thank that beautiful invention for these updates, oh yes). You can see all of my songs that I've check-marked and stuff (the one I listen to most often is the Perfect one; it takes the title as the first song you pick as the title of the station, and I just typed in "Perfect", so don't think I named it that on purpose. I didn't know it was the name of the song, lawl. xD
Anywho, linky:
Also, I've no idea what Toxin's warrior name was. Eheh. You can make up one for her, I don't care. xD
@QueenofthePens: Eh, maybe she'll die in the battle, I dunno. I don't think that's what's up with Dapplefern; she just deals really, really badly with rejection (shoulda given that one some thought there, Northstar) and when Lightstar gave her apprentice away, she felt like the entire Clan rejected her...and...we'll see. C:
Silverstar didn't tell Northy because it would seriously completely and totally rock his world. Because, not only is he then responsible for the death of his father, but the sister he never knew he had, too. And then his loyalties will be all squished, and...it would be messy. He needs to keep his head in the game right now, so he's ready for the battle, instead of worrying over past wrongs, and she knows that.
I think that's all for this round...maybe? I dunno, I'm sleepy, so. Stay tuned, and all that...love you guys. <3
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Holy New Chapter, Batman!
Yep, me again. You prolly didn't want to see me again so soon...my bad. But 'tis an important chappy, so yay, right?
We're really close to the end, if that wasn't painfully obvious.
@Shimmertail: Maybe (for Dapplefern). Leopardpaw isn't currently connected to anyone at this stage of the planning process, but you would not believe how much crap I just make up on the spot. So who knows, really. xD The Scourge story is still untitled, bleh.
@Ninjakitty: Sandpelt is Hawk/Ice's daddy, and Dapplefern's his sister, so she's Ice's aunty. It shows. xD
I think that's all, since I had about 9 reviews this time. Hope you enjoyed this chappy, tho, it felt epic while I was writing it. Love Pandora's Radio Thingy.
We're really close to the end, if that wasn't painfully obvious.
@Shimmertail: Maybe (for Dapplefern). Leopardpaw isn't currently connected to anyone at this stage of the planning process, but you would not believe how much crap I just make up on the spot. So who knows, really. xD The Scourge story is still untitled, bleh.
@Ninjakitty: Sandpelt is Hawk/Ice's daddy, and Dapplefern's his sister, so she's Ice's aunty. It shows. xD
I think that's all, since I had about 9 reviews this time. Hope you enjoyed this chappy, tho, it felt epic while I was writing it. Love Pandora's Radio Thingy.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Rabbitpaw's Shenanigans
Yay, another chappy, blah blah blah. :D
@CrystalSakura: I can't remember Firestar's ceremony, but I think Cinderpelt at least came with him to the Moonstone...and I know fo sho that Echosong was with Leafstar when she gained her nine lives in Firestar's Quest. I'm pretty sure that medicine cats are at least there during the ceremonies.
If you guys need a picture, I have a truly wacked-out family tree? Wanna see it? xD
@AutumnSunsets: The Kalan already existed before Cinderstream came with lil baby Reed. Ashstir's mother's mother already made it.
@Shimmertail: I'm sorry for the death of your One True Pairing...but me? Kill Forest? *whistles innocently* Also, it's funny that you mention Timberkit, because in original role-play one of her kits was named Timberkit (although in rp she wasn't mates with anyone called Forest and there wasn't a Timber).
Also, I would again like to point out that my updates are not very long inbetween. Most webcomics/fics only update once a week, and mine are usually earlier than that. If we do a little math, perhaps we'll see. There are 52 weeks in a year. Divide that by 12 months and you get about 4.3 weeks in a month. Shattered is ten months and eight days old. That's about 43.14 weeks. We currently have 48 chapters. So...yeah. I generally update more than just once a week, so I don't really know why it would seem like it's been a long time for you guys...? Sometimes it's a bit more than a week, I know, but life gets in the way, or writer's block sets in, which isn't really my fault. xD
Love you guys as much as ever, though. <3 Also, I'd like to encourage voting on the poll (it's still pretty close despite about 2/3 of you voting for Chilled, because there haven't been many total votes). Also, I'd like to go ahead and give you gives a sneak peek of Chilled, in case it wins. Here's one of our main characters:

As the lil blurb says, this is Leopardpaw, found as a rogue on the territory. Sootkit/paw is our main character; her brother Spiderkit/paw is sort of like our Northstar in terms of how many chapters he'll receive, since the POV is going to bounce between the two of them. Leopardpaw will not receive any POV chapters, so she's kind of like...Frostfeather or Ravenwing. Important, but we don't stare into her mind or anything.
I'm very fond of her design, honestly, but enough about aesthetics. The actual character of Leopardpaw is puzzling; she seems nice enough on the outside, but she's a schemer, and doesn't hold back even when sparring with her Clanmates. She's very antisocial, and has an odd habit of watching the Clan; definitely a suspicious character, especially since she cares to share so little of her past. Most of Spiderkit/paw's chapters will revolve around his suspicion of her.
I think the chapter order will be Sootpaw, Sootpaw, Spiderpaw, Sootpaw, Sootpaw, Spiderpaw, etc. Sootpaw's the main focus, but Spiderpaw lets us see what's going on with the home front.
This is probably all really confusing (but hopefully interesting) since most of you guys don't know the broad strokes of Chilled's plot. Sorry, but it would be too spoiler-y for Shattered right now. xD
Uh, anyway, hope you enjoyed this lil glance. Sorry about the size of the picture, it won't format right. If you click on it, it'll be big and you can read the blurb on the side. ^^
Until next time~
@CrystalSakura: I can't remember Firestar's ceremony, but I think Cinderpelt at least came with him to the Moonstone...and I know fo sho that Echosong was with Leafstar when she gained her nine lives in Firestar's Quest. I'm pretty sure that medicine cats are at least there during the ceremonies.
If you guys need a picture, I have a truly wacked-out family tree? Wanna see it? xD
@AutumnSunsets: The Kalan already existed before Cinderstream came with lil baby Reed. Ashstir's mother's mother already made it.
@Shimmertail: I'm sorry for the death of your One True Pairing...but me? Kill Forest? *whistles innocently* Also, it's funny that you mention Timberkit, because in original role-play one of her kits was named Timberkit (although in rp she wasn't mates with anyone called Forest and there wasn't a Timber).
Also, I would again like to point out that my updates are not very long inbetween. Most webcomics/fics only update once a week, and mine are usually earlier than that. If we do a little math, perhaps we'll see. There are 52 weeks in a year. Divide that by 12 months and you get about 4.3 weeks in a month. Shattered is ten months and eight days old. That's about 43.14 weeks. We currently have 48 chapters. So...yeah. I generally update more than just once a week, so I don't really know why it would seem like it's been a long time for you guys...? Sometimes it's a bit more than a week, I know, but life gets in the way, or writer's block sets in, which isn't really my fault. xD
Love you guys as much as ever, though. <3 Also, I'd like to encourage voting on the poll (it's still pretty close despite about 2/3 of you voting for Chilled, because there haven't been many total votes). Also, I'd like to go ahead and give you gives a sneak peek of Chilled, in case it wins. Here's one of our main characters:

As the lil blurb says, this is Leopardpaw, found as a rogue on the territory. Sootkit/paw is our main character; her brother Spiderkit/paw is sort of like our Northstar in terms of how many chapters he'll receive, since the POV is going to bounce between the two of them. Leopardpaw will not receive any POV chapters, so she's kind of like...Frostfeather or Ravenwing. Important, but we don't stare into her mind or anything.
I'm very fond of her design, honestly, but enough about aesthetics. The actual character of Leopardpaw is puzzling; she seems nice enough on the outside, but she's a schemer, and doesn't hold back even when sparring with her Clanmates. She's very antisocial, and has an odd habit of watching the Clan; definitely a suspicious character, especially since she cares to share so little of her past. Most of Spiderkit/paw's chapters will revolve around his suspicion of her.
I think the chapter order will be Sootpaw, Sootpaw, Spiderpaw, Sootpaw, Sootpaw, Spiderpaw, etc. Sootpaw's the main focus, but Spiderpaw lets us see what's going on with the home front.
This is probably all really confusing (but hopefully interesting) since most of you guys don't know the broad strokes of Chilled's plot. Sorry, but it would be too spoiler-y for Shattered right now. xD
Uh, anyway, hope you enjoyed this lil glance. Sorry about the size of the picture, it won't format right. If you click on it, it'll be big and you can read the blurb on the side. ^^
Until next time~
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Nine lives, oh jesus
Finally completed Silverstreak's nine lives. Hope you guys enjoyed finally discovering her tangled family tree. (Seriously, I tried making one for AshClan, and it's like...impossible. Dear God.)
Queen Of The Pens, you can quote me if you like, I don't mind. xD
Autumn_Sunsets: Sweet! Someone finally asked if Blight's ever done this before, and why. How exciting! I promise those questions will be answered, I'm just not sure if it'll be in-story, or not. If I can't do it in-story, I'll answer it either here or in my final AN.
@Tears of a Black Wolf: I dunno if I like them or not, I don't generally pay attention to the artists of songs I like, ha.
@Bluefire Eternal: I'm the same way, I keep an eye on the books through wikis, cuz I can't stomach reading them anymore...I just like making sure that canon hasn't changed much, important things like how StarClan/the Dark Forest work, that sort of thing.
Rainshimmer, I've missed you tons! Glad you're back! Slaughter is totally a pedophile, but so are a lot of cats in the Warriors series (cough Ashfur and Brambleclaw, cough). And you asked about the 'whys' of Blight's stuff too, which makes me happy.
@Thewhispers: Thanks for pointing that out. Curse you, blind toms!
Everyone hates Dapplefern. I wonder why....xD She'll get her comeuppance eventually, methinks.
I suppose that's all for now. Thanks for the reviews, as always. <3
Queen Of The Pens, you can quote me if you like, I don't mind. xD
Autumn_Sunsets: Sweet! Someone finally asked if Blight's ever done this before, and why. How exciting! I promise those questions will be answered, I'm just not sure if it'll be in-story, or not. If I can't do it in-story, I'll answer it either here or in my final AN.
@Tears of a Black Wolf: I dunno if I like them or not, I don't generally pay attention to the artists of songs I like, ha.
@Bluefire Eternal: I'm the same way, I keep an eye on the books through wikis, cuz I can't stomach reading them anymore...I just like making sure that canon hasn't changed much, important things like how StarClan/the Dark Forest work, that sort of thing.
Rainshimmer, I've missed you tons! Glad you're back! Slaughter is totally a pedophile, but so are a lot of cats in the Warriors series (cough Ashfur and Brambleclaw, cough). And you asked about the 'whys' of Blight's stuff too, which makes me happy.
@Thewhispers: Thanks for pointing that out. Curse you, blind toms!
Everyone hates Dapplefern. I wonder why....xD She'll get her comeuppance eventually, methinks.
I suppose that's all for now. Thanks for the reviews, as always. <3
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