Thursday, June 30, 2011


We're in deep doo-doo now.

@Shimmertail: Clearly the badger-butterfly was indeed a hidden message from StarClan; obviously the metamorphosis from badger to butterfly signified the change in the Clan over time, from a fierce enemy to a soft (somewhat creepy looking) insect. Obviously StarClan is telling them that without proper leadership, AshClan is going soft...and that all of the cats will soon develop a third pair of legs. I should have known that you would ship ChillxSoot. You would think I'd have learned by now. We'll see their relationship develop more in the future, in ways that not even you can imagine! *evil laugh* Okay, probably not really, since you seem to always figure things out. But I can try.

@Nightkill: Soot always seems to get the short end of the stick, no?

@Silverblossom: Aww, thank you! Bluepaw has been specifically calibrated to fit your cuteness needs. I like Ravenwing too; she's kind of minor now, but she's always been a sweet girl. As for Moonpaw...she's harmless, honest. Probably.

@Brambleshine: Thank you! Don't worry, I think we all lolz from time to time. I would really recommend reading Shattered, since a lot of stuff won't really make sense unless you do...hinty hint. Not that I'm forcing you to, or anything, it's only a suggestion. xD

@Insane: Thanks! Better use the right suffix for Moonpaw, or else she might get mad at you. And she's pretty terrifying when she's angry, for an imaginary friend. ;)

@Mlaia: Yep! Despite his roughness, Firepaw definitely has a soft spot for his sister. Probably his one redeeming quality, really. xD

@Pain: Sorry, but Firepaw wasn't going to let him off that easily! I think he made the right choice, too, although he probably shouldn't have humiliated Blackpaw the way he did.

@Priceless: Thank you! :D

@Ravenshade: Thank you! It's always great to see new faces! Forestheart is definitely one of my favorite characters, and Soot/Spider make an excellent team (when Spider isn't yelling at her, of course). Leopard definitely has her own motives for choosing AshClan instead of PeakClan...hopefully we'll delve into that. We'll definitely see more of Chill, as he sinks his claws even deeper into Sootpaw's, that sounded more ominous than I intended. Thanks again! <3

@Personwithoutaname: Yeppers! Although, Spider doesn't even have a decent reason to be so cranky, ha. Silver won't be getting better in the near future, but maybe by the end of the story she'll have come around. Or died. One of the two. xD

@Too lazy to log in: Thank you very much! I'm excited for our mystery disease, indeed! I can safely say that Moonpaw doesn't know anything about the sickness; she's about 85% Sootpaw's imagination. Of course, there's still the question of where the other 15% comes from, but even that part of her doesn't know anything about the sickness. Maybe Spider is all squishy and adorable on the inside...or he could be a total jerk through and through! I guess we'll just have to see, ha. Stormshadow unwittingly echoed the opinion of many readers, I'll admit. Yes, it's a pity that Bramblethorn died...but his death will definitely have repercussions for the rest of the story, oh yes indeedy. I'm glad you like Leopardpaw, I do too! I've always wanted a Leopard character, and she's going to be marvelous. I'm glad you like Bluepaw, too! She's like Rabbitpaw 2.0. I'm not a  member of the official forums, if that's what you're talking about, sadly; I don't venture onto very many forums, especially not fandom-based, since I have some, ah, very strong opinions about the direction the series has taken. I'm glad you read my silly dA story, though! It's definitely a bundle of nonsense, but very fun to write. xD

I think that's everyone, ha. Thanks as always for the reviews, lovers, I always appreciate them. <3

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Apprentice Shenanigans

Not the fun kind, tho.

Sorry for the late update, gah, like I said I've been busy. That's the only excuse I have...I'm sorry. D:

@Pain: Thanks! Yes, it definitely is. ^^

@Shimmertail: Not to be a creeper, but what timezone are you in? It seems like you're on every hour of the day! I'm impressed you remembered Nightpaw's warrior name (I honestly didn't). You know me, I always aim to please comically (when I'm not killing off characters, that is). Yes, Shimmer's not really too happy with anyone...least of all our buddies in the stars. AshClan's in for some trouble, I'm afraid.

@Crowstorm: I really like Bluepaw too, I'll admit. I miss Rabbitpaw, but we'll see her plenty. Yikes! I wasn't even considering suicide, ha. Interesting that you thought that. I promise we'll get to something interesting soon. D:

@QueenOfThePens: I hate all of those pairings too (especially LeafxCrow, bleh)! Don't worry, darling, just trust me. I'll take care of everything in my own special, often-deadly way. C: You know very well that I can't telll you about future pairings (as much as I would like to xD). We'll just have to wait and see!

@Mlaia: She was about the Clan-starving bit (just a bit) but the rest of it was sincere. Petal's a sweet gal. ^^

@Silverblossom: I hadn't even considered the suicidal implications, ha. Luckily she didn't, I guess. Shimmer's definitely not her old self anymore, but who is, right? We'll get Northy to your heart's content later (ha, not really, who can ever get enough of him? But we'll get a lot), no worries. ^^

@Insane: See? Eagle's not crazy after all. He's got a master plan. :D

@Artemis: Clan cats are a bit dense in the relationships department, eh? You'd think StarClan would just learn enough to lift that dumb rule, but they never do. Sigh. Chill is very important, and we're definitely getting closer to something cool with him. ^^

@CrystalSakura: Soot's quite frustrated, the poor girl! She's helping her clumsiness a bit, but she's definitely got a long way to go. If only she had a mentor. *dramatic sigh*

@Warriorcrazy: I don't know, do ya see it? It could all just be a figment of your imagination...or it could be there. You never know. Am I driving you insane with curiosity yet? xD

@Nightkill: Thanks! And yes, he's got it all figured out. ^^

@Smokefrost: Thanks! It's about time he had his tail handed to him, doncha think? And yes, I've watched BCD, on Animal Planet. It's been awhile now, but I remember it fondly. C:

Something I noticed that made me smile was that Spider got several more votes in the poll, after he compromised with Petal. My plan worked. *cackles*

Friday, June 17, 2011


Now, this post is mostly dedicated to Shimmertail, who wrote a (very good) one-shot for Shattered. The rest of you guys probably don't want to read it, but there IS an important bit of information tucked away inside. I'll put it in bold so the rest of you can see it, because typing it again is tiring and I'd probably forget to, sooo....Yeah. Anyway, talking-to-Shimmertail-time. xD

Firstly, I want you to understand how amazing I find it that you actually wrote this one-shot, completely unprompted. You wrote a one-shot of my fic which was based on original role-play which was based on the Warriors series. That's a lot of stuff in the middle, and you could have snipped it out by writing about characters straight from the canon series, but you didn't, you wrote about /my/ OCs, and that feels absolutely FANTASTIC. The thought that someone would care enough about my random OCs to write anything about them is completely amazing to me, and for that I thank you. <3

As for the one-shot itself, it was very well-written (I expect nothing less from the literacy you show in your reviews, of course), and I'll admit that I'm impressed. You need a FFN account, and you need to be writing giant awesome fics too, okay? Because the site is missing out.

Of course, there were some small nit-picks for me (like Northy monologuing out loud, he tends to keep that to himself), but I want you to understand that any mistakes/OOC moments I noticed were extremely small. I'm an EXTREME Mama Bear (like you have no idea) when it comes to other people using my characters, or using the characters of other people; for that very reason, I don't read very many fics, because I believe that only the original author can truly do a character justice (which is why in TR, Tigerstar himself didn't have many lines, and I was actually fairly reluctant to write JtR, because I don't think I can properly capture his character; I gave it my best, but I know I fell short). Really, I feel this way because characters are so involved and complex that there is a ton of stuff that I know about them, but the readers don't, because there's no place to really tuck it into the story with it still being relevant (for example, when Stormshadow was still a rogue and very young, he was abused by his father, very brutally. His father actually ended up killing his mother, at one point. There was nothing Stormshadow felt that he could do, he was too young, until he met Scorpion. Scorpion convinced him to stand up for himself, and together they took down Stormshadow's father. That was when Stormshadow took his rogue name, Shredder. Because of that, Stormshadow is disdainful towards most Clan kits, especially Spiderpaw, because to him they act spoiled and have no idea what having a hard life is really like. That's also why he's sort of taken a father position for Firepaw and Blackpaw, so they have what he didn't at their age. And, that is why if Nightshade was still alive or her kits were ever found, he would personally rip her and them limb from limb, because Scorpion was, in essence, his "savior". That was kind of rambley and weird, but I assume that you see what I mean? It's hard to use characters if you don't know everything about them, which is why I try not to use too many canon characters, unless they were pretty minor, like Snowkit.) But even with my feelings on the subject,  I will say that you did very well portraying him in all his angsting, tortured glory, and I was happy to see that you stuck Shimmerpaw in there too. She acted appropriately cold, considering that he was the enemy, and I understand how difficult it is to capture her odd speaking exactly right (sometimes I feel that I mess it up myself).

As for the actual content, I was a bit confused there at the beginning of the timeframe of the story, but after I read it again it made sense to me. I loved Northy's beginning bit (even though it was out loud xD) especially since it's rather close to what Eaglestrike says to her later, about her being oblivious and all (Eagle and Northy are kind of foils to each other, in some traits at least, so it was a nice parallel). One teeny thing I didn't like in the next paragraph was addressing the reader with "You guess", mostly because it changed the tense of the story; the one-shot was written in 3rd person limited, but by addressing the reader you changed it to 2nd person for a moment. That's obviously a small thing, but I just thought I'd mentioned it (I myself love critique, but I'm not sure how you feel about it, so I'll try to keep it to a minimum xD). And then you described his bout of anger (like so many others that he seems to get) very well, and I like his other monologue too, it sounded very much like him. I think the entire paragraph that starts with "He didn't feel like the manipulative killer" is probably my favorite in the piece, mostly because it communicates extremely well his view of himself and his view of her. The little snippets were an excellent stylistic choice, in my opinion.

And then Shimmerpaw (yay!) comes in! The only thing I see wrong with her is that Northy wouldn't forget her name, because Silverstreak used the same name when she was talking to Rainwind/Mousepaw, and that's what tipped him off in the first place that she was hanging around. But, again, a tiny thing. I do like how you handled her speech, since it's sort of hard to get a grip on, and her mentioning Mudder was oddly sweet. She's definitely her defiant, smart-mouthed self, which is wonderful, since sarcastic characters can be hard to capture. And, of course, Northy getting angry was completely in character and wonderful, and him sleeping beside her at the end was completely sweet. <3

Sorry if that was too analysis-y, I didn't mean for it to be, but that tends to be how I comment on stuff. All in all, I'm very impressed and grateful that you chose to actually write something about them (and Northy's beginning monologue does explain their "buckets of UST", ha. On a side note, you're a troper, right? I think you've made a few off-handed trope-y comments, but I just want to make sure xD). Also, I recently found out that apparently Dustpelt and Ferncloud are uncle/niece, so NorthxSilver would be technically possible, if silly Forest and Rose didn't get in the way. Maybe your fic is set in an alternate univserse, mm?

Do I have permission to post the one-shot somewhere on here? I'm sure anyone that actually read this besides you is probably wondering what I'm talking about. xD

Chapter up, yaaaay!

I apologize for the late blog update, again! I always seem to upload new chapters really late, and then I have to remember in the morning to update because I don't have time at night. Sorry again! Really! D:


@Shimmertail: You're always like one of the first people to review! How do you do it? That's a good point about Jag, he's probably suffering from some sort of horrible distress syndrome and will probably snap and gut poor Spiderpaw like a fish. Glad you enjoyed seeing Forest again; originally it was supposed to be Thistlethorn on the patrol, but then I was like 'naaaah' and changed it, because I love Forest too (he's my first romantic partner to date a main character that hasn't died yet, so that's awesome). Darkstorm mentoring Spider makes me cringe, especially since Spider's so small and kit-looking still, ha. I'm excited about those too (it's fun being an excited author :D) and I posted Chilly just for you, if you wanna go look, he's with the others now. His design isn't very creative tho, sigh. Yay, kittens! I'm glad they all made it to good homes; I've never had a pet give birth, but my friends have, and they all say that's the hardest part. Glad you managed it. We'll see how Sootpaw gets her training, no worries! Also, as a side note, it kind of soothes my ego how you ask for updates rather politely, thank you for that. <3 I'm going to write about your one-shot in a different post altogether, since it doesn't really belong in this entry, so I'll get to it soon!

@QueenOfThePens: ForestxSoot, I presume? Intentional, darling, intentional, but completely one-sided. Soot might have a teeny crush on him, in a fifth-grader-crushing-on-his-teacher sort of way. It probably won't amount to much, though, since Soot is going to be on---er, I mean, we'll see. Also, Eaglestrike isn't manipulating Silverstar, he just sort of isn't consulting her very much.

@Crowstorm: Thanks, I'm fond of his saying too! Iceblossom was Icepaw in most of Shattered, a haughty little apprentice of PeakClan that hooked up with Volepaw/Volewhisker at the end. Snowpaw, Shrewpaw, and Swanpaw are their kits. ^^

@Lynxeye: Thanks! I wanted to try something different on a couple levels here, so I experimented with their training, and I'm pleased with the result. Of course, Soot's difficulties will have some impact on the plot, once we get around to more than just her crazy dreams. Hopefully we'll see more of Forest, and you'll just have to wait to see how Silver turns out. I like Jag too, although as Shimmertail pointed out in her review, he's kind of a dangerous BFF to have. xD

@Insane: We'll just have to see how poor Silver pans out...but wow, that Spider/Northy scene would indeed be amazing. If only it was possible...*sigh*

@Nightkill: She has a rough time, huh? D:

@AngelDevilCat: Thanks! I appreciate it. ^^

@Silverblossom: I assure you, I don't mind. ^^ Stormshadow said to Spiderpaw basically everything you did, although I didn't intend it to be that way, ha. There's nothing wrong with the word funk, although I admit I don't use it much....*writes down in idea notebook* Everyone's hating Eaglestrike, how sad. And by Sparklewish, did you mean Darkstorm? xD

@PricelessCatLady: I'm kinda regretting posting the summary since the main plot hasn't taken off yet, but ah well. Soot'll be a super-hero soon enough.

@Mlaia3: Thanks! It would appear so, but knowing Northy....

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Soot = Super Spy

Seriously, she's good at this eavesdropping stuff.

@Shimmertail: You're the best at making up nicknames. *pats poor Spider* I've never seen the Karate Kid, so sadly your jokes would be lost on me, but maybe someone else would get them? I adore HP. <3 You're always so good at theorizing too, sigh. Can't pull anything past you. Still waiting on Vigil, by the way, are you ever going to send it to me? *stern glare*

@Crowstorm: Hopefully he'll get some development; him turning into a Jag clone would be awesome, especially if they were fighting back to back against a dragon...hmm. Maybe some day. About the PMD thing, they added a writing section, and the cliche-ness of the team name is on purpose; Nike isn't very imaginative beyond her own name (she named if after herself; at one point Tane questioned why they couldn't name it after both of them, but even he agreed that Team Victory Man would be a stupid name xD). Maybe we'll have hidden flaws, I dunno; they're a bit harder to write, I s'pose, but I do need some practice.

@QueenOfThePens: Because we aren't going to have a murder-mystery type deal like we did in TR (well, we kind of are, but with less murder and more mystery xD) I can safely say that Stormy isn't evil. He's like Viperfang from TR (although I'm not sure if you've read that, me being the scatter-brain that I am); he's gruff and tough and made of rough stuff, but he's a good guy deep (deep deep deep) down, and extremely loyal; he'd never turn his back on Petalcloud/Firepaw/Blackpaw. Not to say that he wouldn't do some totally jacked-up stuff to defend them (like killing Chillpaw), but he could never turn on them. Chilly possessing people would be extremely cool (and honestly, if it happened to anyone it would be dear spacey Birchpool) but I doubt it will actually happen. xD

@DreamHeart: He sort of already knew he would lose, he just wanted practice, and he wasn't initially wanting to spar with her. Still, stupid, but Spider kind of is when it comes to stuff like that. As for a beta reader, why do you ask? I've considered it before, but most (if not all?) of my mistakes are merely typos (which I usually spot after reading it like the fifth time, but by then it's posted and I'm too lazy to edit the document and reupload it or whatever), plus I'm extremely impatient and if my beta was slow to get back to me on each chapter I'd probably snap and just post the chapter I don't think it would work out. I would kinda like to /be/ a beta though, since I'm excellent at finding mistakes when it's not my own work. xD

@Insane: Isn't it? Of course, that's counting all those ANs and stuff, but even trimming those it would still be really long. And yes, yes he is. Stupid Spider. :D

@Priceless: Spider + Duct tape = Happy AshClan.
Prin + Rebellion = Even more crushing dictator parents. :(

@Nightkill: I really liked Longtail, for some reason, even though he was a coward. Longtail is kind of like what would happen if Darkstorm and Spiderpaw had a baby. I think. Him getting blinded by that rabbit was utter crap. D:

@CrystalSakura: He sure is! I can be a jerk too though, sometimes, sadly. Although mine's less 'you're an idiot' and more incredibly sarcastic jerkiness.

@ilfbehwh: I think we all wish we had protective siblings, doncha? Sadly, I'm the oldest, so that's my duty around here...pfft.

@Smokefrost: Honestly, I strongly dislike Jayfeather myself...but I kind of understand why the Erins have him now, because jerks are fun to write for (not as fun as Northy, but still). But yeah, Spider doesn't take a lot of crap, 'tis true. Leopard's one smart cookie, and despite his exterior, Jag's a pretty good advice giver. :D

@Ninjakitty: I've seen that commercial; isn't Willliam Shatner in it? Sadly, not much of a cliffie because we had another time-skip, but we at least got to see Northy a bit; he'll be important later on. I do like Leopard a great deal, though. I hope you have a good summer too! <3

@Sunspirit: Because Spider's head is as thick as a badger's butt? Because he's slightly sexist in that manner? Because he wants to be the very best / like no one ever was / to catch them is his real test / to train them is his cause? Because quoting those lyrics had nothing to do with your question? I think I stopped making sense, sorry. Jag's pretty good at advice, but much like Spider, he doesn't shy away from tellin' it like it is (with a pessimistic spin, of course! Yay pessimism!)

@Silverblossom: Hey, lover! Don't fret, I don't mind late reviews, they make me smile while I'm working on the next chappy. That sounds about how I feel about my lil brother, most of the time, which is probably appropriate. Jag & Northy will both be important (in very different ways), no worries, and Leopard will too.

Random thing I noticed:

When it's a Soot chapter, everyone gushes about her dreams. But when it's a Spider chapter, everyone talks about his 'tude. I also find it funny that you guys are extremely divided when it comes to him; half say ya hate him, half say ya love him (and a few of you, like Silverblossom, are somewhere in between xD).

Not that I'm complaining, or anything, just some amusing little quirks that I noticed. :p

Love you guys as always. <33

Thursday, June 9, 2011

New chapter, bleh

Bleh, I'm really tired right now. This has already been a hard summer for me. D:

But enough about that~

@Shimmertail:...that imaginary friend thing totally sparked an idea for me! Not for this story, but for another, hmm. Thank you for that. And I hadn't noticed the "Fire for heroes" thing (although I guess I don't read a lot of fics, maybe that's why) but I'm glad you like it? And you know I can't tell you anything about future pairings, silly girl. ^^

We totally needed a time skip, ya. Kits are adorable and all, but there's only so much they can waddle around and do, right? Yep, right in one. The Clans believed that StarClan was angry at them for kicking SkyClan out (keep in mind it's been a year since they did that, and an extremely hard year at that) so they sent out a search partaaay (which is a lot less fun than it sounds). And sorry about comparing Northy to a daisy; I'm sure it was traumatizing to read. *pats*

@Nightkill: Eh, I am pretty mean to poor Death/Darky. He used to be so cool in role-play, too. *wistful sigh*

@Ninjakitty: All good guesses! Only time will tell. :)

@LittleSpark: Thank you! All I can say is that I have a lot of time (or used to, anyway) and the lovely Pandora radio~

@Smokefrost: Sorry for leaving you behind a bit, dear! Glad you're all caught up again. :3

@TheVioletGleek: Excellent theories! We'll see. :D

@Autumn Sunsets: Actually, I think poor Soot got the short end of the stick; if the mentors are all busy, she simply can't train at all; at least Spider has a mentor. Spider and Petal may not get along, but she has all the skills that Spider needs to acquire, which is why Eagle chose her for Spider instead of Soot. But, yeah, Eagle is taking his responsibilities a bit seriously...remember, though, he used to be deputy for Fadedstar, and he was even leader after Fadedstar's death (for all of, like, a day). He feels as though he failed BirchClan, and he's trying to make up for it now, protecting Silver as best he can, even if it's misguided. And you know I do love playing with canon when there's an opening for it. Alas, I cannot say what will happen to the search party; we'll just have to see! And I think Soot gets punished in just about every chapter, one way or another; she and her brother seem to get into a fair bit o' trouble, doncha think? As for Jagged and Minnow, we'll definitely see more of them later. Blackpaw is still about a moon away from being a warrior, so Eagle didn't want to burden Reed (the only other time a mentor was given two apprentices was with Forest, but Thistle was only /half/ a moon from being made a warrior, so it was a little more flexible. Blackpaw's training also isn't going as well, since it was interrupted by Bramblethorn's death and all. She's not good at coping with things like that. ^^

@CrystalSakura: Yep. I was reading back, and Jag's eyes were described as blue-green first...but then in that very same chapter I said they were yellow, too. *headdesk* Spider still has those white markings, I guess I just don't mention them very often? Also, out of curiosity, are you still reading my PMD fic? It's been awhile since I've seen your name there. Just curious~

SkyClan won't be important in this story, but the search party definitely will. I was wrong about the Bluestar timeline, though, as noted in this most recent chapter, but I was only off by a few moons. :D

@QueenOfThePens: *feeble shrug* Maybe, maybe something else horrible and traumatizing
 happened to her. Who knows? xD

@Lynxeye: We'll see where the search party ended up! And, yes, I do try to give poor Jag a reason to be grumpy. I suppose Smallear/One-eye/Halftail all had reasons to be grumpy (losing their hearing, eye, and half a tail, respectively, would make me angry too) but dumb Patchpelt was just whiny, ha. And thank you! Yes, Silver seems to have a miserable life...all the time, poor girl, from one thing to the next. You should always be suspicious. :D

@Silverblossom: Sorry for the confusion, but there's not much I can say, ha. Thanks, as always. C:

@Sunspirit: I have no idea how to pluralize hypothesis, honestly, but that sounds semi-right? I dunno. Dream series' (how do you pluralize series, mm?) are one of my favorite things, so maybe. We'll see. :D

@Crowstorm: *snaps fingers* She-cats can mentor too! Spider might just be a lil sexist, is all. And no one pays attention to poor lil Soot. And thanks, anonymous stalker buddy! <3

The character bios are those things with the picture and the blurb underneath (a few posts down is one for Chilled, I think). But I can sneak those two kitties in here somewhere, if you like. ;)

@Pain: Thanks! Always love seeing new faces. Eagle's a furball, I'll agree, but the poor stud means well at least. We'll see plenty of Chill and Northy, no worries, and Jag too. I also like Spider's name, although finding a good suffix is hard. xD

@Warriorcrazy: Soot was initially intending to go back to sleep, but by the time she thought about going on the dawn patrol, it was kind of too late to be Moonkit, since she was already wide awake and opened her eyes and stuff. Keeping her eyes closed is part of the magic~! Please don't hunt me. I'm delicate, and stringy. ;^;

@Amanda: That takes some dedication! I read Shattered for about an hour each night (wanted to re-catch up, if that makes any sense) and even skipping a few boring chapters it took me four days or so. Which isn't bad, I guess, since it's longer than most HP books, but eh. And don't worry, it's fine if you don't log in, it makes no difference to me, really. xD

@Artemis: I think Spider inherited his father's occasional jerkiness. Which is a pity; hopefully he'll come around. We'll see more of the search party, and definitely more of our darling Chill. :D

@Priceless: Good theory, we'll see whether or not that's true. :)

@Smokefrost: Soot's a lil spy, agreed. I eavesdrop too, sometimes, so I guess Soot got that from me. We'll see more about all of this eventually!

I saw "we'll see" so much, it must be awful for you guys. I'm sorry! I just don't want to spill any beans, is all.

Love you all as always~ <3