So yeah, posted the most recent chapter...and apparently blogpost updated or something? That's cool, I guess!
Anyway, I also posted three oneshots on the challenge that you should read, staring Dapplefern, Chilly, and the ensemble darkhorse of Shattered, respectively. Enjoy those, if you haven't already~
I feel like I had a lot to say about this chappy, but forgot it all? Oh well, I guess.
@Spongestar: Thank you! I like writing about rogues, since their perspectives are quite different from those of the Clanners. As for Leopardpaw, I can't say much at the moment. I'm sure Tubs would love you too, so long as you have something for him to eat. ^^ As for the length, I'm not quite sure. We could track the story by the journey, I suppose: at the moment they have 1/3 herbs from Bluepaw's prophecy, and Sootpaw has listened to the confessions of 3/7 DF cats. That makes it seem like a little under half way, but since they are pretty close to the next herb and the DF cats should move faster here in a bit, I'd say we're quite past half. It will definitely be as long as Shattered, although I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up at 60 chapters? Length is always a tricky thing to guess, so unfortunately I can't be more specific. :x
@Isi Writer: Thank you, I'm glad you like it thus far! Yes, it is almost like two stories in one. I've said it before; Sootpaw's arc is more spiritual/mental much like the 2nd/3rd series (and I guess the 4th, which I haven't read) whereas Spiderpaw's is more down-to-earth, like the 1st series. I like to keep things fresh in my writing, so multiple story lines definitely helps. c:
@Sunspirit: Yep! I could see everyone jumping to rape conclusions regarding Faint, but of course not every she-cat that gets preggers should be because of that! She does have a worse situation than most, though, with no hubby to look after her. It'll be a tough time for the Colony, trying to get used to the new territory. And yes, Spiderpaw is very good at predicting things. He has an analytic mind, unlike his sister (but much like Chilly) and he always uses his observations to his advantage. Thanks! :D
@Hermytail: Sorry I'm so slow. Time keeps getting away from me. :c
@Purple Panda: Yay, I missed you! I was scared my semicolons and adverbs had scared you away. I felt the same way about that chapter; it was a little slower going than most, but I was pleased when I finished it. I'm really glad you liked it! And yeah, I can see why you might like the Spider chapters more, since they have more of that 1st series feel to them, which most of us remember with nostalgia. As for Redpaw, he wasn't there. He doesn't like Spiderpaw and didn't think that wandering around in a dark, cold marsh in the middle of the night following a she-cat that you really can't trust was such a good idea. He was wrong, of course, and looks like a lil turd because of it. I imagine Tubs being jiggly too. He's just such a lardball. I'm lazy roughly all the time, so don't feel bad. |D
@Spiritwing: Thanks!
@Ivystep: That's very flattering, thank you. ^^ That's pretty much how everyone feels about Spiderpaw, it seems like; he started out as a little turd, but has developed quite nicely thus far, methinks. I know some people see Sootpaw as lacking something, which makes sense since her brother overshadows her pretty easily with his personality and all, and she's really passive. I love surprises when I read stuff too, so I always try to tuck in a few here and there. ;p
@Nightkill: I like Shrew too, even though he's a baby-eating monster and all. Thanks. :)
@Lynxeye: The SkyClan-searchers are all in the allegiances on this blog (at least those that have been named). If you search 'allegiances' you should be able to find their entry. I added them below PeakClan. Yup, Shrew's stuff was pretty grisly. I intentionally kind of left it really vague, without any detailed description or anything like I did with Brightstar. That's an interesting comparison between the rogues and AshClan. There are certainly a lot of similarities, as you pointed out...although it's Baron, not Byron, ha. Leopardpaw's even more of a wildcard than ever, perhaps?? She is by far one of my most elusive characters, heehee. I hope you didn't get in trouble, though! It was a lovely review. <3
@Redleaf: No problem, glad you liked it. :)
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
A timely update for once!
I actually updated in a timely fashion, hooray! I'm so proud of myself, haha. <3
This chapter was pretty fun overall to write. And we get to return to Soot and Chilly and all them peeps again, which is great! :D
Umm, not much to say in this chapter, I guess. Baron has a crush on Fern (he was pretty sensitive when they were talking about Carmelo being dreamy, remember...but Carm's such a sex magnet that there's nothing Baron can do!) and Fireblaze is an upstanding citizen once more...and Tubs is Tubs, I guess. Good times.
@ReploidCat: Mmf, I know. I used to name chapters back in the days of Snatched, but I kinda got tired of it. I think in my next fic (whenever that happens |D) I'll name them again. It's too hard keeping track, otherwise.
@Hannah: Hey, nice to see you again. And yup, you guessed right. Funny how the nice ones can be some of the creepiest, eh? Thanks for the review. <3
@CrystalSakura: Yeah, Bluepaw's kind of a piece of work; she's one of those kitties that keeps everything inside because she doesn't want to burden anyone else...kinda like Sootpaw, in a way, although Sootpaw can at least release her feelings to Chilly. I suppose Sage and Chilly are alike in some ways, you're right. I guess I just have a thing for well-spoken toms this time around? As for Spider/Robin, I actually considered it in the beginning (nasty sharp-tongued cat + cripple fun times?) but decided against it after remembering they're cousins. 'Sides, Robinpaw has nicer toms padding after her. I know what you mean about Swift, it's always been one of my favorite prefixes, partially for its double meaning. And no problem, using his name is fine. I'm fond of Chillwind too. <3
It's been a long time coming, but the rogues finally did /something/ other than skulk around...although it prolly wasn't what you were expecting. I know what you mean about the kits; not having any to write about is kind of depressing, and for some reason I love naming kits. Snowkit just sounds so much better than Snowstep or Snowfur, for some reason; I guess it's the open possibilities for the suffix, and the character or something. I dunno. I miss kits. |D
@Spongestar: Yep, Shrew's kind of an odd character to write because I feel sorry for him but feel that he's a gross dude at the same time. As for the kits, it was probably a mixture of reasons. For one, the timing was close to the ancient times (a few generations after SkyClan left, really) so there weren't many Twolegs around. Twolegs only moved in after destroying SkyClan's territory, and it probably took them a long time to build all their houses and stuff. The Clans wouldn't be used to the Twolegs hanging around, and wouldn't want to get close to them or entrust them with their kits. Plus, most of the kits were sick; only two were alive, and both their parents were dead, so the Clan wasn't focusing on them as much as they should. Most of the Clan was down-in-the-dumps and dejected, and grappling with their own survival/morality was probably closer to their minds than the needs of the kits. It was a bad time for ShadowClan. :c
@Sunny: Ha, sorry. I have a knack for killing off some of my favorite characters. It's a problem. :p
As for the other pairings, I can't say anything yet~
@Zera: Aww, thank you! I'm glad I was able to leave such an impression. I'm glad you were touched by Shrew's scene. I love writing emotional stuff. You're right, we have been lacking a lot of Northy lately! I miss him. Maybe we'll get a oneshot of him when I write the last two Sinner oneshots (we only have Dapplefern and Chilly remaining for those, I believe). I still find it amusing how overwhelmingly popular he is, haha. Northy was always my favorite to rp, and I'm glad you all love him to pieces as much as I do. Thanks for your review. <33
This chapter was pretty fun overall to write. And we get to return to Soot and Chilly and all them peeps again, which is great! :D
Umm, not much to say in this chapter, I guess. Baron has a crush on Fern (he was pretty sensitive when they were talking about Carmelo being dreamy, remember...but Carm's such a sex magnet that there's nothing Baron can do!) and Fireblaze is an upstanding citizen once more...and Tubs is Tubs, I guess. Good times.
@ReploidCat: Mmf, I know. I used to name chapters back in the days of Snatched, but I kinda got tired of it. I think in my next fic (whenever that happens |D) I'll name them again. It's too hard keeping track, otherwise.
@Hannah: Hey, nice to see you again. And yup, you guessed right. Funny how the nice ones can be some of the creepiest, eh? Thanks for the review. <3
@CrystalSakura: Yeah, Bluepaw's kind of a piece of work; she's one of those kitties that keeps everything inside because she doesn't want to burden anyone else...kinda like Sootpaw, in a way, although Sootpaw can at least release her feelings to Chilly. I suppose Sage and Chilly are alike in some ways, you're right. I guess I just have a thing for well-spoken toms this time around? As for Spider/Robin, I actually considered it in the beginning (nasty sharp-tongued cat + cripple fun times?) but decided against it after remembering they're cousins. 'Sides, Robinpaw has nicer toms padding after her. I know what you mean about Swift, it's always been one of my favorite prefixes, partially for its double meaning. And no problem, using his name is fine. I'm fond of Chillwind too. <3
It's been a long time coming, but the rogues finally did /something/ other than skulk around...although it prolly wasn't what you were expecting. I know what you mean about the kits; not having any to write about is kind of depressing, and for some reason I love naming kits. Snowkit just sounds so much better than Snowstep or Snowfur, for some reason; I guess it's the open possibilities for the suffix, and the character or something. I dunno. I miss kits. |D
@Spongestar: Yep, Shrew's kind of an odd character to write because I feel sorry for him but feel that he's a gross dude at the same time. As for the kits, it was probably a mixture of reasons. For one, the timing was close to the ancient times (a few generations after SkyClan left, really) so there weren't many Twolegs around. Twolegs only moved in after destroying SkyClan's territory, and it probably took them a long time to build all their houses and stuff. The Clans wouldn't be used to the Twolegs hanging around, and wouldn't want to get close to them or entrust them with their kits. Plus, most of the kits were sick; only two were alive, and both their parents were dead, so the Clan wasn't focusing on them as much as they should. Most of the Clan was down-in-the-dumps and dejected, and grappling with their own survival/morality was probably closer to their minds than the needs of the kits. It was a bad time for ShadowClan. :c
@Sunny: Ha, sorry. I have a knack for killing off some of my favorite characters. It's a problem. :p
As for the other pairings, I can't say anything yet~
@Zera: Aww, thank you! I'm glad I was able to leave such an impression. I'm glad you were touched by Shrew's scene. I love writing emotional stuff. You're right, we have been lacking a lot of Northy lately! I miss him. Maybe we'll get a oneshot of him when I write the last two Sinner oneshots (we only have Dapplefern and Chilly remaining for those, I believe). I still find it amusing how overwhelmingly popular he is, haha. Northy was always my favorite to rp, and I'm glad you all love him to pieces as much as I do. Thanks for your review. <33
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Ugh. And again I will say it, ugh.
I really had good intentions about updating the blog yesterday, honest. But our ten hour drive turned into a thirteen hour drive, and then we had the wrong address because hotelsdotcom lied to us, so then we wasted another hour trying to figure out where we were staying, and it was terrible. But now we are in the correct place and it has wifi (glorious, glorious wifi) so I can finish up all dat blog junk.
Now, we just saw Shrew's little story, and I think it's pretty obvious that Shrew embodies Gluttony. Gluttony is usually seen as the sin of stuffing yourself, but basically it's about enjoying anything in excess. Shrew gorged himself on prey when it was needed for the whole Clan, and then he went and nommed some kits out of desperation. Basically, he put himself before everyone else, even those that he swore to protect under the warrior code and all. That's the reason he's one of the few DF cats (the others being Chillpaw and Blight, since Chillpaw refers to himself as Chill...Sootpaw just doesn't listen to him very well) that doesn't have a warrior name. Brightstar, Nettlefrost, and Dapplefern all still consider themselves warriors (Swiftshade just doesn't care one way or the other, and getting used to being called just Swift would be too hard for his lazy butt) but Chillpaw, Blight, and Shrew do not. Chilly and Blight don't for obvious reasons, since they were never all that good with the warrior code anyway, but for Shrew it's more of a self-inflicted punishment. Like he said, he dreamed of being a hero as a kit, but in the end he failed his Clan and himself, and he knows he doesn't deserve a warrior's name any longer.
Again, I'll mention that we saw him in the Skeleton one-shot. He wasn't such a bad dude there, or at least he didn't seem to be; he stayed with the kits when they asked him to. Shrew isn't incapable of compassion; he's just too weak to put that before his own needs.
Also, the reason I named him Shrew in the first place is because shrews have a nasty habit of eating their own young. There are also a few types of shrew that can actually starve to death in a single day because their metabolisms are so high. Nasty little creatures. o:
Also (kinda random fact) Baron is a tuxedo tom, because he is a lil mister fancypants.
Now for the reviews~
@Sunspirit: I'm not even really sure if I like Tubs or not, but I'm glad you do. He probably needs all the fans he can get. Spiderpaw staging an escape would be cool, but difficult on his own. We'll have to see if he manages that or if Eaglestrike is forced to send someone to bargain for his son. As for Tubs mentioning Reedrush...we'll see. c:
@Iceflower: Thanks! I hope you enjoy the audiobooks, I think they're neat. c:
@The Last Clan: Yep, after all that training his first battle was kind of a flop, but that's what he gets for having such a big mouth. As for the two Barons, just remember mine's the one with the most class. ;D
@Sara Darkotter: Oh noes, I'm kind of scared of what your mind might have worked up for her. She's such a leetle thing. D:
@Tangleflame: Ha, that's awesome. Give your Tubbs a big hug from me. ^^
@Crystal Sakura: I can't say much about kit possibilities atm, but I'm curious about your concern about the gap? It seems like the gap would be more beneficial, since I don't think most warriors should receive apprentices until they're sixteen moons old anyway. As for Goldenshine, he's been there the whole time. One of the biggest obstacles AshClan had in getting established was PeakClan's immense numbers. Remember, they've lived on their territory for years and years with more prey than they could ever eat, plenty of water, and a huge camp, not to mention that they don't have any enemies in the forest beyond a stray badger or too. That allowed their population to pretty much asplode. I didn't have time to show every single PeakClan cat, and in the Allegiances I only listed those we've already met. Goldenshine is a normal PeakClan cat, born and bred...he just as a fondness for silver medicine cats. As for the sinners being reborn, that's hushhush for right now. :x
@Nightkill: Well, I do like complicated love triangles. Let's say SootxBrackenxSwanxSagexBluexSpiderxLeopardxFirexReedxJagxMyrtle and call it a day, shall we? c:
I really had good intentions about updating the blog yesterday, honest. But our ten hour drive turned into a thirteen hour drive, and then we had the wrong address because hotelsdotcom lied to us, so then we wasted another hour trying to figure out where we were staying, and it was terrible. But now we are in the correct place and it has wifi (glorious, glorious wifi) so I can finish up all dat blog junk.
Now, we just saw Shrew's little story, and I think it's pretty obvious that Shrew embodies Gluttony. Gluttony is usually seen as the sin of stuffing yourself, but basically it's about enjoying anything in excess. Shrew gorged himself on prey when it was needed for the whole Clan, and then he went and nommed some kits out of desperation. Basically, he put himself before everyone else, even those that he swore to protect under the warrior code and all. That's the reason he's one of the few DF cats (the others being Chillpaw and Blight, since Chillpaw refers to himself as Chill...Sootpaw just doesn't listen to him very well) that doesn't have a warrior name. Brightstar, Nettlefrost, and Dapplefern all still consider themselves warriors (Swiftshade just doesn't care one way or the other, and getting used to being called just Swift would be too hard for his lazy butt) but Chillpaw, Blight, and Shrew do not. Chilly and Blight don't for obvious reasons, since they were never all that good with the warrior code anyway, but for Shrew it's more of a self-inflicted punishment. Like he said, he dreamed of being a hero as a kit, but in the end he failed his Clan and himself, and he knows he doesn't deserve a warrior's name any longer.
Again, I'll mention that we saw him in the Skeleton one-shot. He wasn't such a bad dude there, or at least he didn't seem to be; he stayed with the kits when they asked him to. Shrew isn't incapable of compassion; he's just too weak to put that before his own needs.
Also, the reason I named him Shrew in the first place is because shrews have a nasty habit of eating their own young. There are also a few types of shrew that can actually starve to death in a single day because their metabolisms are so high. Nasty little creatures. o:
Also (kinda random fact) Baron is a tuxedo tom, because he is a lil mister fancypants.
Now for the reviews~
@Sunspirit: I'm not even really sure if I like Tubs or not, but I'm glad you do. He probably needs all the fans he can get. Spiderpaw staging an escape would be cool, but difficult on his own. We'll have to see if he manages that or if Eaglestrike is forced to send someone to bargain for his son. As for Tubs mentioning Reedrush...we'll see. c:
@Iceflower: Thanks! I hope you enjoy the audiobooks, I think they're neat. c:
@The Last Clan: Yep, after all that training his first battle was kind of a flop, but that's what he gets for having such a big mouth. As for the two Barons, just remember mine's the one with the most class. ;D
@Sara Darkotter: Oh noes, I'm kind of scared of what your mind might have worked up for her. She's such a leetle thing. D:
@Tangleflame: Ha, that's awesome. Give your Tubbs a big hug from me. ^^
@Crystal Sakura: I can't say much about kit possibilities atm, but I'm curious about your concern about the gap? It seems like the gap would be more beneficial, since I don't think most warriors should receive apprentices until they're sixteen moons old anyway. As for Goldenshine, he's been there the whole time. One of the biggest obstacles AshClan had in getting established was PeakClan's immense numbers. Remember, they've lived on their territory for years and years with more prey than they could ever eat, plenty of water, and a huge camp, not to mention that they don't have any enemies in the forest beyond a stray badger or too. That allowed their population to pretty much asplode. I didn't have time to show every single PeakClan cat, and in the Allegiances I only listed those we've already met. Goldenshine is a normal PeakClan cat, born and bred...he just as a fondness for silver medicine cats. As for the sinners being reborn, that's hushhush for right now. :x
@Nightkill: Well, I do like complicated love triangles. Let's say SootxBrackenxSwanxSagexBluexSpiderxLeopardxFirexReedxJagxMyrtle and call it a day, shall we? c:
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