Sunday, March 27, 2011

Chapters 44 and 45

Made it past the FFN glitch (obviously) and forgot to answer reviews last time. So.

Nightshade, bearing kits? Geez, that would be incredibly cruel. Do you really think I'm that mean? D:

I mean, I am that cruel to my charries, and theoretically it could be possible, I guess. But still.

@Crowstorm: As shown in this newest chapter, Minnow had no way of knowing if Nightshade was aware of the situation, or whose side she'd be on. She also didn't know what Blight was planning, so going along with it might not have helped her; the problem is she has no idea what happened to Nightshade, and whether or not Blight was trying the same thing with her.

@Autumn_Sunsets: Good point about Merla and Pyro! Unfortunately, being rogues they don't have much of a kithood, so these sort of adult ideas are important in their lives. Obviously they don't know about the moral and mental implications of taking a life, but they've experienced so much violence already (by way of Maggot's constant raids as well as the loss of their mother) that it seems like the only way they can respond.

@QueenofthePens: Yes, the brain-washing is extreme...but the scary part is, I based it in fact. Koreans tried this technique (almost exactly) on American soldiers during the Korean war. They actually managed to turn some soldiers onto their side as well, although like we see with Nightshade, the result was both destructive and fragile; keeping such a hold is very, very difficult. As Blight is finding out, what with Nightshade breaking Minnow out and all.

@Shimmertail: We'll see Toxin's alliances soon, don't you worry. Once upon a time, they were kind of in love (a squicky, twisted kind of love, ya), but now....

Hmm, I thought the cliffhanger was worse than you guys seem too...but I guess I haven't connected enough dots for you yet. It's all so clear to /me/, but...I've obviously got the privileged information here. ^^

@PricelessCatLady: I found the answer on the forums, and the person who posted it got it from Yahoo Answers. You're welcome. :)

@Shimmertail: Again, congrats on the kittens! And you're right, we'd really be in for it if Shimmerpaw was evil. She kind of was in role-play...she was a bit of a psychopath, really, since she didn't care about anyone but herself. xD

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