Monday, May 16, 2011


That title didn't make any sense, I apologize.

Anyway, as promised, a quick comparing/contrasting of what is new/old between the original role-play and Shattered. Divided for your convenience. :)

  • Pretty much the whole thing in Shattered is new. I can see you staring at me right now, going 'wat?' Yes, it's true, almost the entire plot of Shattered is original/new. You see, in original role-play, I began playing with my new Clan (ForestClan, incidentally) with Silverstar already having her nine lives and Frostfeather already preggers (she was giving birth when role-play began, actually, I think that was my first post). So /everything/ (and I do mean everything) before AshClan was established is almost completely original. Surprised?
  • TalonClan DID exist originally. They were even ran by a kitty named Slaughter who overthrew Northstar. That's all true. Even the forest Clans/FrozenClan's relationship was all true, but it really wasn't dealt with very much. FrozenClan was just an excuse to use Northstar/kill the forest Clans, and the forest Clans were just so I could use Silverstar as a new leader of a new Clan. Her parents/past were hardly touched at all during original role-play; same goes for Northy, although the basic bare-bones story (had a mentor who he really loved but died, killed his father for power, was overthrown by Slaughter) is the same. 
  • TalonClan was known by another name, which I'll get to in the Names section. However, it wasn't the TalonClan we know today. You see, instead of existing for like only one season like it did in Shattered (barely even that, really) TalonClan (and the rest about Silverstar creating a new Clan which was never technically role-played but just sort of hand-waved as having already happened) took years to build. The end result was that it was an incredibly large Clan, much bigger than the TalonClan we know and hate. It was also created/ran entirely by Slaughter; Lion didn't kill him, or anything. Slaughter never actually officially died, because we never actually got to that point.
  • Also, TalonClan was full of cannibals. Yeah, you read that right. Cannibals. Snake was a cannibal. Slaughter was a cannibal. Toxin was a cannibal. Now, FrozenClan/the forest Clans weren't cannibal Clans, but somehow when they came together to make TalonClan, they all turned into cannibals, or something. That was never really made clear, pretty much because TalonClan was just for some evilly delicious tension in role-play. They were just...evil cannibals. Yeah.
  • Other Clans existed in original role-play, but they were all incredibly small compared to AshClan. My Clan was actually the most popular by far (over 100 cats compared to 30-40 in the others; we didn't have a character limit). The other Clans were SecretClan (which had wolves as well as cats in it...don't ask, I don't even know), FireClan, SunsetClan, LakeClan, PhantomClan, FrostClan...we kinda had a lot of Clans, yeah. Unlike PeakClan, however, they didn't have a problem with AshClan charging in and taking over. They didn't care so much, so there were few battles (boooring, right?).
  • Silverstar's mate wasn't named Forest. He wasn't anything even close to being Forest. Her mate (for all of like three moons before his role-player disappeared) was named Tornadofang, and he was kind of just a big ol' grump. Forest's opposite, really. Silverstar even had four adorable, badly named kits: Timberkit (brown tabby, kind of the inspiration for Timber and, by proxy, Forest himself), Cottonkit (white do the cats know what cotton is, I dunno), Lifekit (silver tabby...Life? I don't know, man)Wolfkit (wolves don't live in GB, but whatever, right?) and...Sproutkit (a calico. I have no idea how a silver cat plus a gray-blue cat created a calico, white, and brown tabby, but whatever). Yeah. You might just now be realizing how bad my old role-play stuff was.
  • Frostfeather had kits with a rogue who was never really named/revealed, it just sort of happened because she was just pregnant when I started rping her. She later popped out Ospreykit, Falconkit, and Sparrowkit. Sparrowkit went on to become one of AshClan's FOUR medicine cats (yeah, case the other three die, or something, I guess) and Ospreykit became one of the strongest warriors in the Clan/TalonClan's prisoner...Falconkit never did anything. Ospreykit eventually had a bunch of kits himself, but none of those were used in Shattered, or anything.
  • Ravenwing mothered two different litters, by two different cats. One was by Duskheart (mentioned in JtR, if you've read that you'll remember him), but after Duskheart's original mate re-appeared, I created a new mate for her, Eaglestrike. He was the deppy of the old forest Clan, just like in Shattered, and they eventually had kits together. The kits from Duskheart's litter were Pumpkinkit, Spicekit, and Spacekit. Eaglestrike's were Purekit, Passionkit, Spiderkit, and Wispkit. Spiderkit's the only one of Ravenwing's kits that I used for Shattered at all.
  • Shimmer...oh, where to being? Shimmer has always been (and will be) one of my most iconic characters, as well as one of my favorites. You know the weird way she spoke when she was younger in Shattered? She was always like that in role-play, throughout her entire life. She also had a weird habit of referencing human movies/slang (once she was watching a pair of cats falling in love and referenced like seven Disney movies, including The Lady and the Tramp). She was extremely weird, but I adored her. She was also sort of evil-ish, in that she had no regard for her Clanmates whatsoever. She pretty much hated everyone, and gave them a tongue-lashing whenever she could, including Silverstar. She had no loyalties to anyone or anything, and her favorite thing to do was to get everyone into trouble. Once, she actually dug a pit and threw some kits inside of it just to watch them sit there and suffer. Yeah, she was not so good...but /so/ fun to role-play! She never had a mate or anything like that (could you imagine?) but she eventually found an apprentice that melted her a bit (Olivepaw, not rped by me, but he warmed up to her really quickly). Besides Olivepaw, the only other cat in the world she cared about was her mother. Shimmer and Silverstar met the same way as they did in Shattered, with Shimmer kind of chilling and grooming herself. However, in role-play, Shimmer and her mother were separated by wolves (wat?), not creepy ghost thingies that only they could see. She also did not have a brother. She did, however, have two sisters....
  • ...which brings me to this. That whole tangled family thing in Shattered DID exist in role-play. However, Reedrush wasn't a part of it. Most of it was the same - Whitefrost gave her kit away to FrozenClan, that kit mated with Slaughter, had  kits, and ran off with one of them - however, Cinderstream had /three/ kits in original role-play: Shimmer, Toxin, and a cat you guys don't know named Mercury. That's right; Shimmer and Toxin were sisters! Mercury was pretty much a clone of Toxin, except she liked playing with her prey; i.e., other cats, before she devoured them. Sadistic little gal. I think I eventually killed her off, but I can't remember...also, Northy and Silver weren't originally related.
  • Now, with Reedrush, almost everything was the same; she was born in  a strange society (not called the Kalan, but something like it), her father died (he was named Ashheart, though, which technically should have been Ash-heart, except I had a tendency to accidentally type it as Assheart) and she escaped from a Twoleg Pound. However, she was not pregnant; there was no cat named Blitz. Jag found her starving to death and taught her how to hunt; then they went their seperate ways. Reedrush did follow the scent of ash, left by her father, just as in Shattered. When Reedrush and Jag separated, Reedrush scented ash, and ran back to find Jag, only to see that he had been hit by a Twoleg monster. That's obviously the scenario that played out at the end of Shattered, just relocated to a different place in the plot. Anyway, Reedrush and Jag  were totally in love and such; however, Toxin was following them. You see, in role-play Toxin was actually decently aged, and she was looking for a mate. Jag was strong and junk, so she picked him, but nearly killed Reedrush. Jag obviously didn't want her and chased her off, but she followed them all the way to the Clans. Reedrush and Jag joined SecretClan, instead of Silverstar's Clan. Toxin discovered Silverstar there, and raced off to tell her dear daddy about the kitty that got away, which got them into a whole mess of trouble.
  • That kind of brings me back to Toxin; again, she was older, and much more sadistic (although just as calculating as in Shattered). She was Slaugther's right-hand gal, and as such she was later assigned to take over a band of rogues. These rogues were led by Tremor, and all of the rogues in his band in Shattered were in original role-play. Blight was with Toxin, however (in this story he totally loved her, although she didn't really care about him) and eventually knocked her up. Toxin gave birth to several kits; Screech, Slit, Sulfur, Ax, and Pulse. Toxin and Blight were eventually chased out by Tremor and co., along with the kits, although Pulse stayed behind because she was a total softy and Toxin didn't like that.
  • Rumble wasn't blind. He did, however, have extremely poor eyesight. He had a weird connection with the ground, in that he could sense the voices/movements of cats far away from the tremors in the earth. I obviously kind of twisted that into being part of his weird senses in Shattered, and I made him blind for the fun of it.
  • Northstar's story is basically the same. He fled his Clan, stumbled on to SunsetClan (which is closest to PeakClan in this story) and saved a she-cat with kits from killing herself. The leader of SunsetClan (Sunstar) had knocked her up and then carelessly left her for the medicine cat, just like in Shattered. The queen and Northy fell in love, blah blah blah. He also gained an apprentice, little Rabbitpaw, although she didn't have a fluffy tail and wasn't as ditzy. She was more spiritual, but either way she helped Northy defrost. He still hated Silverstar, tho.
  • Brightflash was inspired by Whitelight (had to change her name, obviously), a strange she-cat with amnesia who just sort of appeared. Brightflash is kind of spacey and distant just like her, although Whitelight didn't have a kit.
  • Thistlepaw is completely original.
  • As one of my reviewers mentioned, Buck was originally kind of a hick/redneck cat. I'd prefer not to talk about it. xD
  • Flameheart (was that his name? I'm not sure anymore), the cat that Silverstar and co. found at the very beginning of Shattered (that dying warrior with the other warrior who gave him water? Remember?) was based off a background character named Sunbyrn, who was Frostfeather's mentor. I don't know why I spelled burn weird. I don't know why I thought that sounded like a good name. I just...don't know.
  • Brightfire was originally a prisoner of TalonClan (he helped Osprey-whatever escape in role-play). His character was pretty much the same, all noble and jazz, except that he was also an excellent orator. I needed a sort of revolutionary for Shattered, so I decided to dig him up and rename him.
  • Brightfire's original character had a sister, who did indeed take out Snake's eye in role-play.
  • Wanna talk about Death? Let's talk about Death. Death was, in role-play, much cooler than in Shattered. He was big and muscular and strong and no body told him what to do. He was, however, still deathly afraid of kits, just as in Shattered. And, like in Death's chapter, kits were strangely attracted to him, which led to all sorts of shenanigans. Deathy was also really really REALLY lazy, to the point where he just slept/sunbathed all the time and yelled at anyone who wanted to make him do stuff. He and Frostfeather never really knew each other. SOMEHOW he managed to find himself a mate (Starlingfeather), and they had a bunch of kits (two were mine, Dazzlekit and Goldenkit. Dazzlekit's name was later Dazzleflash, which kind of inspired Brightflash's name, a bit). Death is probably one of my other top five cats to rp, and he's appeared in a few other rps in various forms since then.
  • Northstar did name a kit after his mentor. However, the kit he named was actually his real son, not the kit of the leader.
  • Blight was a more sympathetic character, originally. He totally loved Toxin (although she didn't love him back) and was in general kind of a failure. He was still a cannibal, though. 
  • Snake existed as he does in Shattered, but he was more sympathetic too (I spent a lot of time playing with TalonClan in role-play). He still had his lust for silver she-cats (and lost an eye because of it) but he might have been kind of bisexual because he had a weird, extremely close relationship with a tom named Marshfoot. Snake and Toxin didn't interact too much, and Snake was never interested in Cinderstream.
  • Marshfoot didn't appear in Shattered, although he was a pretty  interesting dude. He was a rogue (with a Clan name, for some reason) who nearly murdered his own kits because they were hard to take care of. His mate, Clearwater, fled with them and gave them to LakeClan. She eventually fell in love with a rogue named Arrow (an incredibly disturbed but amazing character). None of them were in Shattered.
  • Tremor's band didn't change much, except that Phoenix never died (and eventually mated with Shredder. I couldn't remember if it was Scorpion or Shredder while I was writing Shattered, so I guessed, and apparently I was wrong). She actually had two kits (Harpy and Golem, continuing with the weird naming tradition). Swansong didn't die either; she mated with Scorpion. Primrose was the only one to die, in battle. Swansong and Primrose were both still kittypets who adopted Pyro/Merla. Swansong was also completely silent, and a bit of a prude (there was a story I read about how swans don't sing until they die, and their death song is referred to as a 'swansong', which inspired her name, so she didn't tell Scorpion she loved him until she nearly died; it was very dramatic and lovely xD).
  • Sprig lived with the band just like in Shattered, although she was actually kind of important. She was FrozenClan's medicine cat, just like she was in Shattered. She trained Rumble and stuff.
  • Belladonna was never in any role-play, or involved in any way. She was actually born when I noticed that deadly nightshade had a prettier name, belladonna. And thus, in my terrible, awful brain, her fate rose. Her life/death was decided at the very beginning of the story. The only thing that changed for her was popping out kits; Toxin was supposed to do it originally, but the timeline didn't really allow it. Ah well.
  • Redkit and Bluekit are sort of new; back in role-play, Mitch and Natasha did find a couple of cats named Axel and Starsky (pronounced star-ski), but they kept 'em. 
  • Blizzardkit/Robinkit/Jaykit are all new. Sootkit's new too.
  • Forest is completely new, except for his appearance, which can kind of be credited to Timberkit. His crooked smile kind of came from the Aristocats, which I liked when I was little. xD
  • Cane and Amber are also completely new. Carmelo is too.
  • As mentioned before, Lion and his friends are based off of a group I used before; I used them first in Snatched, but that was the more idealistic version. In the Shattered version (true to role-play) everyone died and Lion went crazy. In role-play (keep in mind this is a different place than the one where I role-played with Silverstar) he went crazy, gathered some followers, and attempted to kill the leader. 
  • Chill is a character I've used twice before; the first time, he met the same end as we see in Chilled's Prologue (and there was more planned for him after he died, I just didn't get around to it; Chilled will use that). The second time (still on-going) he's actually kind of a decent fellow, after a /lot/ of character development.
  • Blackmoon has no basis in role-play; he's my brother's character, and I sort of twisted him to suit my own needs. 
I think that's all for the basic plot.

  •  Silverstreak/star's name actually remained the same; it's one of the few I liked, so I kept it.
  • Silverstar's Clan was originally called ForestClan. I was planning for that name to be used in this story as well, which is why Forest exists; he was supposed to die and it was going to be awful and heart-wrenching and she'd name the Clan after him. But you guys loved him tons, and I realized I always kill of the leads, and if you're too used to that, where's the suspense? So I kept him alive, which is actually kind of cruel because now you guys don't know whether the romantic partner will live/die anymore. Yay me!
  • Frostfeather was originally named Opalstorm. Ravenwing was Jadeleaf.
  • Eaglestrike was named Nebulastar (Nebulapelt as a warrior).
  • Northstar had no warrior name, I just never needed one.
  • Rabbitpaw's name was Arrowpaw (she wasn't mine)
  • Rosedapple's name was Palmribbon (not mine either, thank goodness)
  • Lightstar was Sunstar, I don't remember Graywing's old name. Neither of them were mine either.
  • Death's name actually was Deathstorm. That's partially why I call him Death in this story, a little private joke for myself. Horrible names, I know. He had a hater named Sparklewish, if that helps.
  • Brightfire's name was Firebrand, and Rainsplash's was Dewdrop (I had a thing for compound names).
  • Buck's name was Buckheart. Jag's was Jaggedheart. With Forest becoming Forestheart...yeah, I think you see the problem there.
  • Reedrush's name actually stayed the same, since she wasn't from the Clans anyway.
  • Cinderstream's name was Quicksilver, which makes no sense since it's a human term for mercury. I just thought it was pretty (if you haven't already guessed, I didn't put a lot of thought into these old names). Also, incidentally, Quicksilver wasn't as crazy/needy as Cinderstream was after she ran off. Ah well.
  • As mentioned before, Ashstir was Ash-heart. -stir fits more with the Kalan's theme, though.
  • Again, Brightflash was Whitelight.
  • Natasha and Mitch were Sasha and Mitch (written before the real Sasha appeared and gave birth to her messed-up kits).
  • As mentioned before, Flameheart was Sunbyrn (shudder again).
  • Brackenheart was originally known as Strongheart. What the dump is that, I don't know. Thus, Northstar's son was named Strongkit.
  • Silverstar (senior, the one Silverstreak was named for) went by Tarnish after he fled his Clan.
  • BirchClan was ForestClan, ShellClan was AquaClan, and MarshClan was MarshClan. FrozenClan was...AuroraClan (shudder) which didn't make any sense since they didn't have auroras. 
  • TalonClan was...oh man...I'm ashamed to even say it. ReaperClan, there. Yeah. ReaperClan. Like the Grim Reaper. Which cats don't know about. Which cats wouldn't care about anyway. That's what they named themselves after. Yeah.
I think that's all the horrible revelations from my past. If not, I'll update it or something...hopefully you guys don't think I'm an idiot now, ha. Looking back, I was pleased at how much I've changed (especially with names...dear God, my names!). So...yeah. xD

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