Sorry this is kind of late, I didn't have time to write it last night (my dad's trying to pull some restrictions again, so I had to get off...we'll see how long this lasts) but now I have time and everything will be wonderfullllll. :D
@The Last Clan: You definitely have a point about Swanpaw, but unfortunately thus far I've had little room to play with her. Every situation she's come up against thus far she's met with hostility, because that's just the sort of cat she is; she's cold and snarky and biting and not really all that nice. The only cats she treats with compassion would be her Clan, but as we've seen she's icy even with them; however, above all she loves her family, and we saw that when she volunteered to embark on a dangerous mission to both save her mother and ensure that what her sister endured will never happen again. She also seems to have clashing feelings about Sage; she hates rogues and their kind (whatever Sage is, since he doesn't really have a structured life, with Tremor's group just starting out and all) but at the same time he saved her life, and she has to respect him for that. I'd like to focus more on her in the future, but right now we haven't had the opportunity to view a situation wherein she would act with grace rather than malice.
@Dawnshine: Indeed he does. Thank you. ^^
@Lynxeye: Sootpaw's a bit too afraid to tell everyone about her dreams; keep in mind that no one (save perhaps Bluepaw) has communicated with their warrior ancestors before, and thus they know absolutely nothing about the original four Clans. Some, like Swanpaw, would love to mock Sootpaw for dreaming up four Clans that (they believe) never existed. As far as Sootpaw knows, even Bluepaw has never heard of the four Clans (plus SkyClan, I guess), since Bluepaw is still very young and new to the job, and if Bluepaw doesn't back her up then no one will believe Sootpaw. Nothing has happened so far to give Sootpaw solid proof of her dreams; all of the situations that have occurred have been different from what happened in her dreams (such as sixteen cats went on the first journey, while there are only eight in hers, and the sixteen cats were forbidden to return until they completed their mission, which was also different from the new journey's; Nightpaw drowned while Swanpaw did not; instead of it being one rogue and real adders, it's two rogues who warn them of the danger of one cat conveniently named Adder; there will be more differences as we go along). Sootpaw isn't yet sure of the purpose of her dreams; they could be warnings, but thus far none of the warnings have amounted to anything, since everything that has happened would have happened whether she said anything or not. There's also the possibility that the dreams aren't a warning, but some sort of other message, perhaps concerning when the original journey ends up. I'm glad you like Rook and Nightingale thus far, but I'll just point something out: Nightingale doesn't love Rook, at least not how I think you're implying. They aren't a couple, but rather another one of my (seemingly infamous) sister/brother pairs. They're not related by blood, but by circumstance, and they harbor only platonic feelings for one another. :D
@Ravenshade: It's odd that you mention Swansong, I wasn't even really thinking of her. Rook is kind of like Deathy, though (I had actually considered him skulking around the trees and trying to intimidate the cats from above, but it reminded me too much of Deathy's first appearance xD).
@Anonymous: Wow, thank you! That was a long and delicious review. <3 I'm glad you've liked the plot and characters so far (and I see you've jumped on the Northy bandwagon, ha xD). Sootpaw asking them to join was probably surprising, since she is indeed wary of Rook, but she couldn't help but feel sorry for them. Keep in mind that Sootpaw was woken from her dream before she should have been, however; she doesn't know what ends up happening to Smoke. It's possible that she guessed Smoke joined the journeying cats, and decided that having Rook/Nightingale along for the ride was supposed to happen. Or maybe she just felt sorry for them, being the bleeding heart kinda gal she is.
As for why the patrol isn't avoiding Adder's Fangs, we'll find that out soon, but basically they cannot. Adder controls most of the territory on either side of the Thunderpath, so they can't avoid him without making a wide wide wide detour, which would waste a lot of time. There's more to it, but we'll get there. ^^
I don't have an account on the official forum; I've kind of glanced over the place before, but wasn't really intrigued. Posting my fics there would probably help them get more attention at such, but it would be a lot of work (I don't think I would be allowed to simply post a link to Shattered and Chilled, I'd have to actually post them...and since Shattered is loooong (right between the 4th and 5th Harry Potter books, for reference) it would be a lot of trouble. If you (and the rest of my readers, too xD) want to spread the word there it would be fine, but I can't really see myself trying to carry both stories to the forums myself. ^^;
@Nightkill: Glad you like him, he's an interesting little dude. My first posh kittypet, I think. :3
I think that's everyone now, phew. Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of Sootpaw Dreams About Lots of Weird Crap! :D
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Chappie :D
I was gonna put a heart in the title and add a 3 for each review to make it bigger, but the site was freaking out on me, sad face. I guess if I can't put it in the title:
Thank you so much guys. ILYA (I love you all :p).
@Tangleflame: I'm sure Reedy would that for making Spider not so much of a furball, I'm not sure if that is even possible, but Jaggy can try, right?
@Koraki: I enjoy a bit of dark humor mixed in with everything, so I guess stuff like that kinda pops out from time to time, ha. I'm glad you liked the chapter, and it always makes me smile to hear of various people's ships. Shipping is so fun, ta? I think it's interesting how divided the shipping is in this story (especially for Spider, omg you people ship him with everyone) compared to earlier stories, where there were fewer possibilities. Everything's an experiment, so I find this one to be very intriguing. :3
@Lynxeye: Aww, that stinks! Computers can be infuriating sometimes; mine really likes to give me lip sometimes. D:< As for the next training session, it should indeed be loads of fun. I'm excited, at least. And yes, this story does kinda have sub-plot overload. So many plot bunnies in my head. xD
@Stormy: Hey, lover! Thanks for the review, I really appreciate it (Dead Walking is rlly cool btw, I keep meaning to review but then I forget D:). If you could give me a reason for your dislike of SpiderxBlack (just outa curiosity) that would be lovely, but since even you aren't quite sure, that's okay. xD
@Silverblossom: Archeye? Eww, sounds painful. I'll agree that the Erins have made some crappy names lately (although really some first arc names were bad too; Runningnose comes to mind). Yes, Blackie's the moss-thief! What a dastardly villain, no one suspected her (at least, I don't think anyone did :p). She could definitely have a Jekyll and Hyde thing going on (how kewl would that be? 8D) but I s'pose we'll just have to see. Leopardpaw was in camp with everyone else--I guess I just forgot about her, derp. I'm making her suspicious on accident now, ha. She just didn't have much to add to the discussion; she's close to precious few cats, and none of them were on that patrol. Good of you to notice that, though. :3
@Ravenshade: Spider's such a furball, I'm beginning to lose hope for him. Not even the presence of multiple beeyewtiful laydays and a hardened rogue can force him to shape up, it would appear. Why they even bother, I dunno. Now, if Northy was the one training Spider, you bet things would be one comes away from his sessions unscarred (isn't that right, Silverstar-darling? Of course it is, it's Northstar!). I'm also interested in your shipping views; why is SpiderxLeopard better than SpiderxBlack in your opinion, out of curiosity? As for the pleasing/breaking, I take delight in performing both of those at once; it's all part of my evil plan, to craft a lovely tale and then crush everyone by killing off all the kitties at the end. It's true, don't doubt it. :O
Northy would have to survive though, I s'pose, since I honestly shudder to think what would happen if he died. I'd be eaten alive by rabid fan(atics). @.@
@The Last Clan: I promise I know my its vs. it's! Sometimes I just get so caught up in the rush that I miss/add stuff that I shouldn't. Sorry for the jumpiness, too; this story seems a lot jumpier than some of my others, for some reason. I think it's the stress of keeping a linear timeline; I have to squeeze so much into every chapter to make sure that it's not too long, while still getting in all the key's hard. I'll try harderer, though, promise. D:
@Nightkill: Babies make everything better. 8D
@Sara Darkotter: Sorry to hear about your computer, mine does the same alla time. So annoying. D: You bring up a good point, though, something I've been meaning to mention; I'll slip it into the next chapter's AN, I think, to make sure everyone sees it.
@Sunspirit: Long review, wow. Lovely. You might have mentioned that theory before, I'm not sure, but it's interesting. Considering that the SkyClan-journey is in 'ancient' times, it could work out, but I s'pose we'll have to see if that's what happens (and where the fourth Clan would go, since there was only MarshClan/BirchClan/ShellClan before FrozenClan was created). As for Tubs, that would be incredibly awesome, I agree. Tubs is technically a wild cat right now, although I'm assuming you're asking if he used to live in the forest. He might have at one point (honestly I'm not entirely sure, he's sort of a mystery). Maybe we'll find out? Also, I'm confused about your Bullet/Jaggedclaw question? Jaggedclaw and Bullet obviously had some sort of connection in the past, but they aren't the same cat, if that's what you're asking...? As for Soot's name, yes, it was intentionally linked with AshClan; that's partially how Eaglestrike thought of it; he was messing with the soot/ash left over from the fire that razed the forest, and compared them to her dapples and came up with her name. I'm not sure whether to be proud or concerned that you're starting to act like Spider; it's almost flattering, but then again he's a terrible role model. xD
@Nightkill: I used all of my adorability on that chapter. :D
@MansonNoob: Killing her would almost be merciful at this point (although I'm not really known for that, mm). And fanart always pleases me (I'll address this in the next AN, like I told Sara). :D
@Hermytail: Your views on the charries are definitely interesting. Points 1 and 3 are definitely valid, I can't really argue against those, but let's see if I can address the others:
2. I'm confused as to how training herself would help Sooty at all. Training herself to hunt would be good because that is a skill that can be learned through trial-and-error; teaching herself to fight on her own is impossible. As Jaggy says, an apprentice attacking a stump or tree or branch will do them no good; they have to face a living, breathing opponent in order to learn how to properly fight. She could attempt to teach herself some moves, but they'd be clumsy and unwieldy because she wouldn't know how to use them against an opponent that could dodge her attacks. Making Sootpaw a proficient fighter by training alone would be extremely unrealistic.
4. Actually, Spiderpaw shouted at Robinpaw, and kind of mocked her for being a cripple, which caused her to race out of camp. She got over it, but was still slightly rankled that Spiderpaw never apologized; Jaypaw is extremely protective of his sister, and in his mind Spiderpaw committed a terrible transgression by mocking Robinpaw and making her feel insecure about her disability.
5. Normally I'd say that a cat who doesn't really stand for either side is probably a coward, but in this case I think not. Now, if either side was clearly wrong, I'd agree, but the problem is that in this conflict both sides are wrong. Spider and Fire are both arrogant, cocky furballs. Neither of them are in the right; neither of them are blameless. Blizzardpaw can't really support either of them, because he knows they're both wrong. The only cat he truly allies with is Robinpaw. At the same time, he doesn't want to make anyone angry, so he simply tries to be friendly to both sides. In some ways, he's better than both sides; he tempers Fireblaze's anger (such as when he suggested they steal the moss, rather than put a thorn in it; a thorn could hurt Spiderpaw very badly, whereas stealing is rather harmless) and helps calm Spiderpaw too (as we see when Blizz, Robin, and Spider all hunt together; Spider feels calmer and apologizes to Jaggedclaw for his behavior).
That being said, if someone that Blizzardpaw was really close to (i.e. Robinpaw) was honestly threatened beyond mere insults, Blizzardpaw would have absolutely no problem smacking them down. He just usually tries peaceful means rather than violence to solve his problems.
6. Leopardpaw proved herself when she first met the Clan, by saving Sootpaw and Spiderpaw back when they were kits; saving helpless kits that weren't her own or related to her suggests some measure of compassion. Forcing her out of the Clan afterwards would be rather heartless of Eaglestrike, especially since they're his kits. Also, keep in mind that the Clan is suffering from sickness; they need every able-bodied cat they can get, and despite her chilly demeanor, Leopardpaw's an excellent hunter; she'll be extremely valuable during the cold leaf-bare months.
@Sharkfin: Another LeopardxFire shipper, I see? Interesting. I'm glad you like the story. :D
@Hermytail (again :p): Rabbitleap is definitely a favorite of mine; Bluepaw is kinda almost like her clone, although they do differ in some ways. I think the weird thing in this story is that the only available love-interest with an 'F' is Fireblaze, and he doesn't have green eyes...hmm, maybe FirexSpider....:p
Thank you so much guys. ILYA (I love you all :p).
@Tangleflame: I'm sure Reedy would that for making Spider not so much of a furball, I'm not sure if that is even possible, but Jaggy can try, right?
@Koraki: I enjoy a bit of dark humor mixed in with everything, so I guess stuff like that kinda pops out from time to time, ha. I'm glad you liked the chapter, and it always makes me smile to hear of various people's ships. Shipping is so fun, ta? I think it's interesting how divided the shipping is in this story (especially for Spider, omg you people ship him with everyone) compared to earlier stories, where there were fewer possibilities. Everything's an experiment, so I find this one to be very intriguing. :3
@Lynxeye: Aww, that stinks! Computers can be infuriating sometimes; mine really likes to give me lip sometimes. D:< As for the next training session, it should indeed be loads of fun. I'm excited, at least. And yes, this story does kinda have sub-plot overload. So many plot bunnies in my head. xD
@Stormy: Hey, lover! Thanks for the review, I really appreciate it (Dead Walking is rlly cool btw, I keep meaning to review but then I forget D:). If you could give me a reason for your dislike of SpiderxBlack (just outa curiosity) that would be lovely, but since even you aren't quite sure, that's okay. xD
@Silverblossom: Archeye? Eww, sounds painful. I'll agree that the Erins have made some crappy names lately (although really some first arc names were bad too; Runningnose comes to mind). Yes, Blackie's the moss-thief! What a dastardly villain, no one suspected her (at least, I don't think anyone did :p). She could definitely have a Jekyll and Hyde thing going on (how kewl would that be? 8D) but I s'pose we'll just have to see. Leopardpaw was in camp with everyone else--I guess I just forgot about her, derp. I'm making her suspicious on accident now, ha. She just didn't have much to add to the discussion; she's close to precious few cats, and none of them were on that patrol. Good of you to notice that, though. :3
@Ravenshade: Spider's such a furball, I'm beginning to lose hope for him. Not even the presence of multiple beeyewtiful laydays and a hardened rogue can force him to shape up, it would appear. Why they even bother, I dunno. Now, if Northy was the one training Spider, you bet things would be one comes away from his sessions unscarred (isn't that right, Silverstar-darling? Of course it is, it's Northstar!). I'm also interested in your shipping views; why is SpiderxLeopard better than SpiderxBlack in your opinion, out of curiosity? As for the pleasing/breaking, I take delight in performing both of those at once; it's all part of my evil plan, to craft a lovely tale and then crush everyone by killing off all the kitties at the end. It's true, don't doubt it. :O
Northy would have to survive though, I s'pose, since I honestly shudder to think what would happen if he died. I'd be eaten alive by rabid fan(atics). @.@
@The Last Clan: I promise I know my its vs. it's! Sometimes I just get so caught up in the rush that I miss/add stuff that I shouldn't. Sorry for the jumpiness, too; this story seems a lot jumpier than some of my others, for some reason. I think it's the stress of keeping a linear timeline; I have to squeeze so much into every chapter to make sure that it's not too long, while still getting in all the key's hard. I'll try harderer, though, promise. D:
@Nightkill: Babies make everything better. 8D
@Sara Darkotter: Sorry to hear about your computer, mine does the same alla time. So annoying. D: You bring up a good point, though, something I've been meaning to mention; I'll slip it into the next chapter's AN, I think, to make sure everyone sees it.
@Sunspirit: Long review, wow. Lovely. You might have mentioned that theory before, I'm not sure, but it's interesting. Considering that the SkyClan-journey is in 'ancient' times, it could work out, but I s'pose we'll have to see if that's what happens (and where the fourth Clan would go, since there was only MarshClan/BirchClan/ShellClan before FrozenClan was created). As for Tubs, that would be incredibly awesome, I agree. Tubs is technically a wild cat right now, although I'm assuming you're asking if he used to live in the forest. He might have at one point (honestly I'm not entirely sure, he's sort of a mystery). Maybe we'll find out? Also, I'm confused about your Bullet/Jaggedclaw question? Jaggedclaw and Bullet obviously had some sort of connection in the past, but they aren't the same cat, if that's what you're asking...? As for Soot's name, yes, it was intentionally linked with AshClan; that's partially how Eaglestrike thought of it; he was messing with the soot/ash left over from the fire that razed the forest, and compared them to her dapples and came up with her name. I'm not sure whether to be proud or concerned that you're starting to act like Spider; it's almost flattering, but then again he's a terrible role model. xD
@Nightkill: I used all of my adorability on that chapter. :D
@MansonNoob: Killing her would almost be merciful at this point (although I'm not really known for that, mm). And fanart always pleases me (I'll address this in the next AN, like I told Sara). :D
@Hermytail: Your views on the charries are definitely interesting. Points 1 and 3 are definitely valid, I can't really argue against those, but let's see if I can address the others:
2. I'm confused as to how training herself would help Sooty at all. Training herself to hunt would be good because that is a skill that can be learned through trial-and-error; teaching herself to fight on her own is impossible. As Jaggy says, an apprentice attacking a stump or tree or branch will do them no good; they have to face a living, breathing opponent in order to learn how to properly fight. She could attempt to teach herself some moves, but they'd be clumsy and unwieldy because she wouldn't know how to use them against an opponent that could dodge her attacks. Making Sootpaw a proficient fighter by training alone would be extremely unrealistic.
4. Actually, Spiderpaw shouted at Robinpaw, and kind of mocked her for being a cripple, which caused her to race out of camp. She got over it, but was still slightly rankled that Spiderpaw never apologized; Jaypaw is extremely protective of his sister, and in his mind Spiderpaw committed a terrible transgression by mocking Robinpaw and making her feel insecure about her disability.
5. Normally I'd say that a cat who doesn't really stand for either side is probably a coward, but in this case I think not. Now, if either side was clearly wrong, I'd agree, but the problem is that in this conflict both sides are wrong. Spider and Fire are both arrogant, cocky furballs. Neither of them are in the right; neither of them are blameless. Blizzardpaw can't really support either of them, because he knows they're both wrong. The only cat he truly allies with is Robinpaw. At the same time, he doesn't want to make anyone angry, so he simply tries to be friendly to both sides. In some ways, he's better than both sides; he tempers Fireblaze's anger (such as when he suggested they steal the moss, rather than put a thorn in it; a thorn could hurt Spiderpaw very badly, whereas stealing is rather harmless) and helps calm Spiderpaw too (as we see when Blizz, Robin, and Spider all hunt together; Spider feels calmer and apologizes to Jaggedclaw for his behavior).
That being said, if someone that Blizzardpaw was really close to (i.e. Robinpaw) was honestly threatened beyond mere insults, Blizzardpaw would have absolutely no problem smacking them down. He just usually tries peaceful means rather than violence to solve his problems.
6. Leopardpaw proved herself when she first met the Clan, by saving Sootpaw and Spiderpaw back when they were kits; saving helpless kits that weren't her own or related to her suggests some measure of compassion. Forcing her out of the Clan afterwards would be rather heartless of Eaglestrike, especially since they're his kits. Also, keep in mind that the Clan is suffering from sickness; they need every able-bodied cat they can get, and despite her chilly demeanor, Leopardpaw's an excellent hunter; she'll be extremely valuable during the cold leaf-bare months.
@Sharkfin: Another LeopardxFire shipper, I see? Interesting. I'm glad you like the story. :D
@Hermytail (again :p): Rabbitleap is definitely a favorite of mine; Bluepaw is kinda almost like her clone, although they do differ in some ways. I think the weird thing in this story is that the only available love-interest with an 'F' is Fireblaze, and he doesn't have green eyes...hmm, maybe FirexSpider....:p
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Another early update. Things were just sort of flowing, I guess. It was a fairly heavy chapter...kind of depressing to write. But the good kind of depressing; the cathartic kind. I don't know, I've been feeling kind of down for a while now, and writing some bonding scenes really helps me feel better.
Anyway. I suppose the question-answering will be brief for this chapter.
I think it's interesting how the opinions are divided about Tubs; some like him, some hate him, and some just think he's odd; all three of those are sort of how I feel about him. He's kind of an odd dude, like some fat, lazy bum/Santa Claus figure. It's weird, in a weird way. I guess he's just one of those characters that not even the writer can get a handle on.
@Ravenshade: TremorxMinnow kind of surprised me too; I knew when I was writing the first chapter that Minnow and Rumble would hit it off pretty well, but I didn't think that she and Tremor would get along quite as nicely. They did, though, which I guess is good, because they're better parents than Nightshade or Blight could ever be. Hopefully the Bullet-finding will be as interesting as you think it will; I'm looking forward to it too.
@Silverblossom: It seems that all the Twolegplace cats are rather secretive, especially since not all of them (especially Natasha and Mitch) approve of the new regime. We'll have to see what Carmelo & Flicka's exact partnership is, but I'm fairly certain it won't be good for the Clanners. Sorry it's agonizing. I could throw spoilers at you if you want, but I'm sure it wouldn't be as much fun at the end for either of us.
@PurplePanda: I see what you mean. semicolons have sort of become the new comma for me (I used to, throw in commas, where they didn't exactly belong, sometimes where it really, made no sense for me, to do so, which is probably why, my teacher, called me comma-happy xD), meaning that I overuse them and they just sort of pop out and explode everywhere. Plus I've been writing very flowish-ly, and it all comes out so fast that it's hard to ponder whether or not a semicolon belongs there or not. It's definitely a problem spot. However I do have a question: In one example you put the phrase as "She tried to resist for a moment, before simply relaxing; allowing the force to pull her further into the pine forest." I don't think a semicolon would actually work there, since "allowing the force to pull her further into the pine forest" can't stand alone by itself (I think it's a dependent clause) and I don't think semicolons are allowed to link a dependent clause to something else. Maybe I'm wrong, though; it's hard when I look at my own work. If it's not mine, I can pick the mistakes apart really easily (I got a 36 and 35 on the two English parts of the ACT, last time I took it, and those are pretty much all about grammar) but if it's mine I get all confused and foggy and messy.
@Priceless: We were talking about sumos as an occupation in my AP Gov class today, actually. Interesting. And it's not a problem, I understand that you're busy. I'm just happy you reviewed. :)
I suppose that's all.
Anyway. I suppose the question-answering will be brief for this chapter.
I think it's interesting how the opinions are divided about Tubs; some like him, some hate him, and some just think he's odd; all three of those are sort of how I feel about him. He's kind of an odd dude, like some fat, lazy bum/Santa Claus figure. It's weird, in a weird way. I guess he's just one of those characters that not even the writer can get a handle on.
@Ravenshade: TremorxMinnow kind of surprised me too; I knew when I was writing the first chapter that Minnow and Rumble would hit it off pretty well, but I didn't think that she and Tremor would get along quite as nicely. They did, though, which I guess is good, because they're better parents than Nightshade or Blight could ever be. Hopefully the Bullet-finding will be as interesting as you think it will; I'm looking forward to it too.
@Silverblossom: It seems that all the Twolegplace cats are rather secretive, especially since not all of them (especially Natasha and Mitch) approve of the new regime. We'll have to see what Carmelo & Flicka's exact partnership is, but I'm fairly certain it won't be good for the Clanners. Sorry it's agonizing. I could throw spoilers at you if you want, but I'm sure it wouldn't be as much fun at the end for either of us.
@PurplePanda: I see what you mean. semicolons have sort of become the new comma for me (I used to, throw in commas, where they didn't exactly belong, sometimes where it really, made no sense for me, to do so, which is probably why, my teacher, called me comma-happy xD), meaning that I overuse them and they just sort of pop out and explode everywhere. Plus I've been writing very flowish-ly, and it all comes out so fast that it's hard to ponder whether or not a semicolon belongs there or not. It's definitely a problem spot. However I do have a question: In one example you put the phrase as "She tried to resist for a moment, before simply relaxing; allowing the force to pull her further into the pine forest." I don't think a semicolon would actually work there, since "allowing the force to pull her further into the pine forest" can't stand alone by itself (I think it's a dependent clause) and I don't think semicolons are allowed to link a dependent clause to something else. Maybe I'm wrong, though; it's hard when I look at my own work. If it's not mine, I can pick the mistakes apart really easily (I got a 36 and 35 on the two English parts of the ACT, last time I took it, and those are pretty much all about grammar) but if it's mine I get all confused and foggy and messy.
@Priceless: We were talking about sumos as an occupation in my AP Gov class today, actually. Interesting. And it's not a problem, I understand that you're busy. I'm just happy you reviewed. :)
I suppose that's all.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Another chappy a few days early for you guys. I actually finished this one on the fifth, but I decided to wait before posting it. Anyway~
@Sara Darkotter: Heh, maybe. Blackie's question was more friendship-based, but I'm not allowed to talk about pairings. *zips lips*
@Sunspirit: Glad you're enjoying them. ^^ Spider does indeed seem to attract the ladies, with Robin, Blacky, Blue, and sort-of Leopard tagging along behind him. He's just /such/ a charming fellow. xD Shimmer and Leopard meeting is like Spider's worst nightmare, since he's kind of scared of them both. Forest would indeed be a good mentor for Soot; then again, he'd be a good mentor for a lot of cats, since he's just a well-rounded, nice dude. And you're right about the sibling bit; it crossed my mind, but I was writing really quickly and by the time I stopped to fix my mistakes, I'd already forgotten about it. Derp. xD
@PurplePanda: It's practically a law for sneaky rogues to be evil, ta? We need a catchy title for it. Whether she's working with anyone shady or not actually has no reflection on whether or not she is evil; Minnow from Shattered (which you haven't read, so I'll cut you some slack there) hung out with a rather nasty crowd, first in Twolegplace and then in the forest, but she's a sweet lil darling. As for your lil spiel on my style, I understand that feeling; there are a lot of fics that just need a little tweaking/polishing to really become spiffy. I'm wondering if you could give me some examples of the stuff in my writing that you don't like? I think that would be very helpful. ^^
Also! I think in a past review you mentioned Nightshade and Northy's names, and I kind of forgot to answer. For Nightshade, I understand where you're coming from, but Nightshade is not a warrior name. She was named for the actual plant, deadly nightshade, by Blight after he corrupted her (which, again, you haven't read Shattered so it's okay that you didn't know). Blight really hates the warrior system, so he would never give his loyalist lil minion a warrior-style name. As for Northy...well. He is my guilty pleasure. You're right about his name being a real thingy; that's actually where I got the idea for his character like...four years ago, I guess. Almost exactly four years, actually. Anyway, I really liked the combination and built his character around that and then he became one of my most favoritest characters in the whooole world...I actually considered changing it for Shattered (there's an old blog post here somewhere, maybe back in May, where I compared some of the new names and the old names) but changing his name just felt wrong on a personal level, since it would kind of change who he was...or something. I don't know. If I saw his name in someone else's fic, I would prolly be skeptical or critical, but he's sort of...special to me. Crappy explanation, yay~
@Silverblossom: Yep. It was originally supposed to be very smooth and lovely, but Spider kinda got outa hand; he's one of those characters that you can't really force to do anything, and when you do he rebels and bites your hands off. It's rather unpleasant, but interesting. I hope to see more of Leopard too (definitely Leoaprd) and hopefully Shimmers if we have some time. They're both tricky little minxes, preferring to stay hidden, but I'll force them out of their hidey-holes if it's the last thing I do. And I hope you read it on FictionPress, that would be super amazing. 8D
@Midnight Thorn: Thanks! Jaggy is one of my favorites (I say that about everyone, though, so make of it what you will xD) and I enjoy having him pop in now and again. I always seem to love those hard-on-the-outside-soft(ish kinda sorta)-on-the-inside types...they just have so much potential. :D
@Crystal Sakura: Even with all his lady fans, Spider does seem to take issue with shipping (at least in the flushed quadrants...Homestuck reference FTW). As for Leopard, I will refer to the rule above, about sneaky rogues and the like. xD I sometimes have trouble with original works too (mostly because I'm so out of practice, with all these fics in my face) but hopefully this NaNo will go smoothly.
@Nightkill: Oh noes, don't yell at Jaggy . *shields* He's had a hard time, poor guy...what with his first mate dying and being crippled and pushing Reedy away and all. And all the delicious backstory nonsense that we don't know yet. :3 Glad you liked Blackie's question, and I'll agree that Spider's personality is a major issue. xD
@Sara Darkotter: Heh, maybe. Blackie's question was more friendship-based, but I'm not allowed to talk about pairings. *zips lips*
@Sunspirit: Glad you're enjoying them. ^^ Spider does indeed seem to attract the ladies, with Robin, Blacky, Blue, and sort-of Leopard tagging along behind him. He's just /such/ a charming fellow. xD Shimmer and Leopard meeting is like Spider's worst nightmare, since he's kind of scared of them both. Forest would indeed be a good mentor for Soot; then again, he'd be a good mentor for a lot of cats, since he's just a well-rounded, nice dude. And you're right about the sibling bit; it crossed my mind, but I was writing really quickly and by the time I stopped to fix my mistakes, I'd already forgotten about it. Derp. xD
@PurplePanda: It's practically a law for sneaky rogues to be evil, ta? We need a catchy title for it. Whether she's working with anyone shady or not actually has no reflection on whether or not she is evil; Minnow from Shattered (which you haven't read, so I'll cut you some slack there) hung out with a rather nasty crowd, first in Twolegplace and then in the forest, but she's a sweet lil darling. As for your lil spiel on my style, I understand that feeling; there are a lot of fics that just need a little tweaking/polishing to really become spiffy. I'm wondering if you could give me some examples of the stuff in my writing that you don't like? I think that would be very helpful. ^^
Also! I think in a past review you mentioned Nightshade and Northy's names, and I kind of forgot to answer. For Nightshade, I understand where you're coming from, but Nightshade is not a warrior name. She was named for the actual plant, deadly nightshade, by Blight after he corrupted her (which, again, you haven't read Shattered so it's okay that you didn't know). Blight really hates the warrior system, so he would never give his loyalist lil minion a warrior-style name. As for Northy...well. He is my guilty pleasure. You're right about his name being a real thingy; that's actually where I got the idea for his character like...four years ago, I guess. Almost exactly four years, actually. Anyway, I really liked the combination and built his character around that and then he became one of my most favoritest characters in the whooole world...I actually considered changing it for Shattered (there's an old blog post here somewhere, maybe back in May, where I compared some of the new names and the old names) but changing his name just felt wrong on a personal level, since it would kind of change who he was...or something. I don't know. If I saw his name in someone else's fic, I would prolly be skeptical or critical, but he's sort of...special to me. Crappy explanation, yay~
@Silverblossom: Yep. It was originally supposed to be very smooth and lovely, but Spider kinda got outa hand; he's one of those characters that you can't really force to do anything, and when you do he rebels and bites your hands off. It's rather unpleasant, but interesting. I hope to see more of Leopard too (definitely Leoaprd) and hopefully Shimmers if we have some time. They're both tricky little minxes, preferring to stay hidden, but I'll force them out of their hidey-holes if it's the last thing I do. And I hope you read it on FictionPress, that would be super amazing. 8D
@Midnight Thorn: Thanks! Jaggy is one of my favorites (I say that about everyone, though, so make of it what you will xD) and I enjoy having him pop in now and again. I always seem to love those hard-on-the-outside-soft(ish kinda sorta)-on-the-inside types...they just have so much potential. :D
@Crystal Sakura: Even with all his lady fans, Spider does seem to take issue with shipping (at least in the flushed quadrants...Homestuck reference FTW). As for Leopard, I will refer to the rule above, about sneaky rogues and the like. xD I sometimes have trouble with original works too (mostly because I'm so out of practice, with all these fics in my face) but hopefully this NaNo will go smoothly.
@Nightkill: Oh noes, don't yell at Jaggy . *shields* He's had a hard time, poor guy...what with his first mate dying and being crippled and pushing Reedy away and all. And all the delicious backstory nonsense that we don't know yet. :3 Glad you liked Blackie's question, and I'll agree that Spider's personality is a major issue. xD
Monday, October 3, 2011
NaNo 2011!
Yessir, this is what I mentioned in my latest AN! I am going to be joining this year's NaNo, just like I did last year, for those who don't remember. For those who don't know, NaNo's full title is NaNoWriMo, which stands for National Novel-Writing Month. Basically, you join the site ( and take their challenge, to write a 50,000 word novel during the month in November. You keep track of how much you write each day and stuff, and its really fun!
This will be my fourth year (and hopefully my fourth time winning, although for some reason the site says I didn't win last year; I think I forgot to submit my final score, or something). Last year I posted my NaNo on fictionpress as I finished each chapter, and I will be doing the same this year, so I really hope you guys check it out! My username on FictionPress is the same as it is here ( and there you can read my NaNo as I post each chapter. Fun stuff!
Now, this does mean that I won't be working on my fics, at least not for November! NaNoing is serious bizznizz, and takes up a lot of my time (especially since my personal goal for this year is 75k rather than 50k). So Chilled and the One-Shots and my PMD fic (which I promise I'm working on, it's just slow goin' xD) will all be put on the backburner to make room for my NaNo. I did the same thing last year, and it worked out great, so don't be scared that I'll completely forget about Chilled once December rolls around.
However (and I really hate to mention this, but I remember having trouble with this issue last year) don't think that just because I'm leaving Chilled for a month means that I don't need reviews. If you've ever stopped a project and then come back a long time later to finish it, you know that sometimes it's hard to get back into the swing of things. And that's when reviews really, really count; just knowing that you guys have stayed dedicated to the fic and reviewed even without expecting an update really, really makes me feel good, and when I feel good I can write like the wind (my fingers might even catch on fire, guys, seriously :O).
But since it's only October, I guess it's a little early to be talking about that. ANYWAY.
The real thing I wanted to ask was if you guys will help me out. I'm going to need some background characters for my NaNo, and I find it really hard to just poof up characters without creating intricate backstories and junk for the lot of them, even when it's not necessary. So I need you guys to make the background characters for me, so I don't feel those weird compulsions to make each and every character super important.
Obviously you can't make characters without knowing the basics of the story, so here you go:
It's about dogs. Yes, dogs. As you might have guessed from all my Warriors-related fics, I can write animals very well and very easily...but people are harder for me, mostly because I hate having to fuss about dumb stuff like what the character is wearing and what social group they fit into and all that. People are boring to write about. But after writing so much stuff about cats, I figured some change would be good, and I adore doglets. Plus, I already had a teeny tiny thing worked up that I did a couple years ago for a Creative Writing class. And thus this grand plot was born.
Our main character is a loyal doggy named Pancho. He was adopted as a wee puppy by the Sanchez family, and he loves them all dearly, but there is one person that he loves the most out of everyone in the whole world, and that is his 'Girl,' Bunny. When he joined the family, Bunny was like twelve or so, but now she's sixteen. And as such she's going through some scary changes and rearranging her life and thinking about - dear God - COLLEGE.
A few years back (like one. Or maybe two.) the neighbors son, Tim, moved away to college, leaving his dog, Jake, absolutely distraught. One of the 'warning signs' that Jake mentioned to Pancho at this time was Tim no longer riding the 'big-yellow-full-of-children-thing' (school bus) to wherever People went during the day, but rather his own car. So when Bunny turns sixteen and leaves one morning in her car rather than the bus, Pancho becomes a bit...distressed. He's terrified that Bunny will leave him too, and so he concocts a brilliant plan: he will follow her to wherever it is that she goes, and make sure she never ever disappears like Tim.
Unfortunately, Pancho is a dog. The dogs in this story will be anthropomorphized to some extent, but not nearly as much as the cats in the Warriors series, so unfortunately his thought process is a Long story short, once Pancho actually manages to escape from his cozy home, he becomes incredibly, hopelessly, lost.
And then he is carried away into a wonderful (yet also terrifying) land of pack rivalries and bloodshed (much like Warriors, yay, everyone wins).
SO. There are three main packs in the series, the 'SS' pack (those are just the initials, the name is kinda long), the GG pack, and the RR pack. The SS pack is the main one, and the one that recruits Pancho (i.e. tries to help him get home but ultimately fails miserably because understanding People is HARD). They are allied with the GG pack. The RR pack is the 'evil' pack, and rather mysteriously so; not a whole lot is known about them.
I've got the SS pack full of amazing doggies, but I need more background-y characters for the GG & RR packs. They won't have a whole lot of lines or be of grave importance, but having them there to make the packs seem bigger would be really really helpful.
So. Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to create some GG and RR characters for me. It's a very simple process. Simply fill out this form below, and PM it to my FFN account. I repeat, don't stick it in a review or anything, just PM it to me. If you don't have an FFN account, then you can leave it in a comment here, I guess. Or just make an FFN account, since it's really easy. xD
A few things:
* Submissions are ONLY for the GG and RR packs.
*Submit as many charries as you like for either pack, but keep in mind there's no guarantee I'll use all of 'em.
*Packs accept all breeds, sizes, etc. of dogs.
*No pure-breds allowed, since it's very unlikely that they would appear on the streets. Half-breeds and pure mutts are fine.
* Packs are usually led by a First and a Second (alpha and beta). Sometimes there will be two Firsts (the alpha pair), however in this story there will not be. Coyle is the First of the GG pack, and Djoser is the Second. The positions for the RR pack are unknown, but I assure you they are already taken. So please don't submit any First/Seconds to either pack.
*The positions in the pack are a bit weird. There are three main 'duties' in the pack; there are Soliders (usually large and powerful dogs, these are the ones that fight for the pack in battle), Scouts (usually thinner, more agile dogs, these conduct patrols around the territory and deliver messages to other packs), and Sentries (usually very small, very loud dogs, these sleep all day but stay up all night to keep guard. They bark very loudly/annoyingly if they smell intruders; it is their job to alert everyone to danger). So, choose a position that best fits your character when you submit him/her. Keep in mind that female Soldiers are a little rare, since female dogs are usually weaker than males.
*The GG pack are generally seen as being good. They're a little haughty and vain, but they openly oppose the RR pack. Their leader, Coyle, is kind of a shady dude, but their Second, Djoser, is a very warm, kind dog. GG dogs are usually a bit disdainful of others, but still very loyal.
*The RR pack is another matter entirely. No one knows for sure who leads it; the only thing that is known is that they are very violent and brutal, and have been known to wipe out entire packs to gain territory and power. They are almost universally reviled. Many of the RR pack are mentally/emotionally unstable, and most of them are also badly scarred because of almost constant battle (including quite a bit of infighting).
Now, for the form:
Pack: (Just put GG or RR)
Duty: (Sentry/Soldier/Scout)
Appearance: (You can just list their breed here, like Husky mix, or you can go into detail, either is fine)
Personality: (Be as detailed as you like)
Other: (Misc. stuff, like kin or relationships or whatever)
That was all probably really scary and complex, and if so I'm sorry! Explaining stuff is hard. Still, I hope you got the gist of it, and I really look forward to your submissions, and I reaaally hope you read & review my NaNo during November.
Love you guys. <33
This will be my fourth year (and hopefully my fourth time winning, although for some reason the site says I didn't win last year; I think I forgot to submit my final score, or something). Last year I posted my NaNo on fictionpress as I finished each chapter, and I will be doing the same this year, so I really hope you guys check it out! My username on FictionPress is the same as it is here ( and there you can read my NaNo as I post each chapter. Fun stuff!
Now, this does mean that I won't be working on my fics, at least not for November! NaNoing is serious bizznizz, and takes up a lot of my time (especially since my personal goal for this year is 75k rather than 50k). So Chilled and the One-Shots and my PMD fic (which I promise I'm working on, it's just slow goin' xD) will all be put on the backburner to make room for my NaNo. I did the same thing last year, and it worked out great, so don't be scared that I'll completely forget about Chilled once December rolls around.
However (and I really hate to mention this, but I remember having trouble with this issue last year) don't think that just because I'm leaving Chilled for a month means that I don't need reviews. If you've ever stopped a project and then come back a long time later to finish it, you know that sometimes it's hard to get back into the swing of things. And that's when reviews really, really count; just knowing that you guys have stayed dedicated to the fic and reviewed even without expecting an update really, really makes me feel good, and when I feel good I can write like the wind (my fingers might even catch on fire, guys, seriously :O).
But since it's only October, I guess it's a little early to be talking about that. ANYWAY.
The real thing I wanted to ask was if you guys will help me out. I'm going to need some background characters for my NaNo, and I find it really hard to just poof up characters without creating intricate backstories and junk for the lot of them, even when it's not necessary. So I need you guys to make the background characters for me, so I don't feel those weird compulsions to make each and every character super important.
Obviously you can't make characters without knowing the basics of the story, so here you go:
It's about dogs. Yes, dogs. As you might have guessed from all my Warriors-related fics, I can write animals very well and very easily...but people are harder for me, mostly because I hate having to fuss about dumb stuff like what the character is wearing and what social group they fit into and all that. People are boring to write about. But after writing so much stuff about cats, I figured some change would be good, and I adore doglets. Plus, I already had a teeny tiny thing worked up that I did a couple years ago for a Creative Writing class. And thus this grand plot was born.
Our main character is a loyal doggy named Pancho. He was adopted as a wee puppy by the Sanchez family, and he loves them all dearly, but there is one person that he loves the most out of everyone in the whole world, and that is his 'Girl,' Bunny. When he joined the family, Bunny was like twelve or so, but now she's sixteen. And as such she's going through some scary changes and rearranging her life and thinking about - dear God - COLLEGE.
A few years back (like one. Or maybe two.) the neighbors son, Tim, moved away to college, leaving his dog, Jake, absolutely distraught. One of the 'warning signs' that Jake mentioned to Pancho at this time was Tim no longer riding the 'big-yellow-full-of-children-thing' (school bus) to wherever People went during the day, but rather his own car. So when Bunny turns sixteen and leaves one morning in her car rather than the bus, Pancho becomes a bit...distressed. He's terrified that Bunny will leave him too, and so he concocts a brilliant plan: he will follow her to wherever it is that she goes, and make sure she never ever disappears like Tim.
Unfortunately, Pancho is a dog. The dogs in this story will be anthropomorphized to some extent, but not nearly as much as the cats in the Warriors series, so unfortunately his thought process is a Long story short, once Pancho actually manages to escape from his cozy home, he becomes incredibly, hopelessly, lost.
And then he is carried away into a wonderful (yet also terrifying) land of pack rivalries and bloodshed (much like Warriors, yay, everyone wins).
SO. There are three main packs in the series, the 'SS' pack (those are just the initials, the name is kinda long), the GG pack, and the RR pack. The SS pack is the main one, and the one that recruits Pancho (i.e. tries to help him get home but ultimately fails miserably because understanding People is HARD). They are allied with the GG pack. The RR pack is the 'evil' pack, and rather mysteriously so; not a whole lot is known about them.
I've got the SS pack full of amazing doggies, but I need more background-y characters for the GG & RR packs. They won't have a whole lot of lines or be of grave importance, but having them there to make the packs seem bigger would be really really helpful.
So. Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to create some GG and RR characters for me. It's a very simple process. Simply fill out this form below, and PM it to my FFN account. I repeat, don't stick it in a review or anything, just PM it to me. If you don't have an FFN account, then you can leave it in a comment here, I guess. Or just make an FFN account, since it's really easy. xD
A few things:
* Submissions are ONLY for the GG and RR packs.
*Submit as many charries as you like for either pack, but keep in mind there's no guarantee I'll use all of 'em.
*Packs accept all breeds, sizes, etc. of dogs.
*No pure-breds allowed, since it's very unlikely that they would appear on the streets. Half-breeds and pure mutts are fine.
* Packs are usually led by a First and a Second (alpha and beta). Sometimes there will be two Firsts (the alpha pair), however in this story there will not be. Coyle is the First of the GG pack, and Djoser is the Second. The positions for the RR pack are unknown, but I assure you they are already taken. So please don't submit any First/Seconds to either pack.
*The positions in the pack are a bit weird. There are three main 'duties' in the pack; there are Soliders (usually large and powerful dogs, these are the ones that fight for the pack in battle), Scouts (usually thinner, more agile dogs, these conduct patrols around the territory and deliver messages to other packs), and Sentries (usually very small, very loud dogs, these sleep all day but stay up all night to keep guard. They bark very loudly/annoyingly if they smell intruders; it is their job to alert everyone to danger). So, choose a position that best fits your character when you submit him/her. Keep in mind that female Soldiers are a little rare, since female dogs are usually weaker than males.
*The GG pack are generally seen as being good. They're a little haughty and vain, but they openly oppose the RR pack. Their leader, Coyle, is kind of a shady dude, but their Second, Djoser, is a very warm, kind dog. GG dogs are usually a bit disdainful of others, but still very loyal.
*The RR pack is another matter entirely. No one knows for sure who leads it; the only thing that is known is that they are very violent and brutal, and have been known to wipe out entire packs to gain territory and power. They are almost universally reviled. Many of the RR pack are mentally/emotionally unstable, and most of them are also badly scarred because of almost constant battle (including quite a bit of infighting).
Now, for the form:
Pack: (Just put GG or RR)
Duty: (Sentry/Soldier/Scout)
Appearance: (You can just list their breed here, like Husky mix, or you can go into detail, either is fine)
Personality: (Be as detailed as you like)
Other: (Misc. stuff, like kin or relationships or whatever)
That was all probably really scary and complex, and if so I'm sorry! Explaining stuff is hard. Still, I hope you got the gist of it, and I really look forward to your submissions, and I reaaally hope you read & review my NaNo during November.
Love you guys. <33
Crazy she-cats all over the place :O
Yay, update! This one was less chipper than I'd intended. Originally Blackpaw and Spiderpaw were going to bond and be all adorable (I was listening to some really relaxing music at the time) but it didn't quite work out (mostly because my brother came in and Dragon Ball Z'd up the whole place and it was awful and I was cranky and Spider kind of took matters into his own paws there). Oh well, got to see some Leopard/Shimmer acktionz, which is always nice.
Anyway! I'm in a really good mood now, so hopefully I can work a lot on the next chapter today and everything will be super-fantastico~!
@Silence: Aww, thank you! And we will most definitely see Chillpaw's reasons for choosing Sootpaw. It will be amazingly dramatic and everyone will gasp and I'll cackle a bit, and it'll be great! :D More seriously, Chilly has a couple different reasons, all of which are very carefully thought out (cuz he's a ponderer, that one).
@Sara Darkotter: Oh man, I know! I don't always mean for them to do so but they just love to hear themselves talk. If I ever do revisions of Chilled, I'll probably snip quite a bit of the inner chitchat right out. But for now, it all gets to stay. :
@Tangleflame: Aww, thank you! As for pairings, my lips are sealed. Usually. ^^
@Anonymous: Thanks to you, I can spell Anonymous without having to use spell-check! It is quite an accomplishment, I think. And I will definitely agree in that comparison; the only different is that Birchy's is the result of severe trauma, which is (hopefully) not what caused Luna's. xD As for your theory, care to share? I love reading fan theories. :3
@Lynxeye: Moonpaw loves giving everyone a chance, but it's true that she helps out the DF kitties quite a bit. I really hope I can deliver the awesomeness for the DF kitties' stories, but we'll have to see. As for pairings....*whistles* And I am sorry you're confused, but hopefully everything will become clear eventually. :3
@Insane: Thank you! I do have a thing for parallels. I'm kind of symmetry freak, I guess.
@Silverblossom: Ah, interesting you pointed out the ocean thing. Most of the cats that use the word (Northstar and Silverstar have prolly done so on occasion) call it that because that's what their Clans called it; it only seems natural that after living near it for so many years they would come up with a word for it (especially since the sun doesn't always go down in the ocean; it depends on which coast the cats are near. For all we know, the sun could rise on this coast.) that is slightly more sophisticated. Sootpaw would have gotten the word from hearing her mother describe it in the stories that Ravenwing told her when she was a kit. Basically, to the cats that live by the ocean, it's not such a big deal; the ocean should be little more than a giant lake to them, so they would come up with a simple word, like 'ocean,' to describe it. Also, it seems like a lot of people are calling SootxSage, which I find to be very interesting (it is because I mentioned that love-interests-have-green-eyes-thing, I wonder?). Blight knows he has kits, but he's not interested in them (mostly because they were raised by Minnow, who was too strong for him to break, and were always taught that Blight was all evil and stuffs; Sage and Swift don't feel too kindly towards him).
@The Last Clan: I've been trying to update as regularly as I can, glad you appreciate it. That would be an interesting outcome for the whole Moonpaw thingy, I agree. We'll have to see. ^^
@TheVioletGleek: Such long delicious reviews...lovely~ As I mentioned last time, Shimmer's lover isn't someone we've met yet (although all bets are off for the future, if she moves on to someone else....). And I'm glad you like Spiderpaw! I'm fond of him too, even if he is just a cranky furball. It's not so much that I enjoy killing main characters, but I just really really love writing death scenes, for some reason (delicious delicious tragedy!) and it just so happens that some of the very best death scenes to write star main characters (although minor charries are good Cricketsong's death, for example. I really liked his). As for Ravenwing, it's interesting that you're thinking of her, because she hasn't done much so far. Right now, she's just hoping (very very) anxiously that Sootpaw will come home with Northy and that everything will be great. We know that's not the case, and it'll be interesting to see how she reacts when she finds Jay instead of Soot, but for now she's trying to be hopeful. And I would totally love to read your one-shot! Fan theories are the best theories. :3
@TheVioletGleekx2: Remember, Chilly is a very impartial judge; he tells it like it is, and most of the time emotions don't get in his way. If he says Shimmer is violent, then she definitely is; we've seen it a few times in the past, although she generally cloaks her behavior. Before Chilly's behavior, she really did enjoy her job and everything, but in more recent times she's starting to walk a darker path....
@Midnight Thorn: Thank you! And Chilly definitely has. It's kind of hard for me to remember sometimes that he's technically a full-grown cat, even though I still picture him as being kind of small and apprentice-y. xD
@Nightkill: I believe you're leaving out the most important pairing: SagexChill. Kidding aside, believe me when I tell you that the pairings will probably get worse from here. But we'll just have to wait and see.
@Dawnshine: Thank you!
@Your Worst Nightmare: I guess I love you too. :D
@Priceless: It's okay, I understand! Real life gets in the way of everything. As for writing a book, I am planning on writing my NaNo this November!
Speaking of which....
Anyway! I'm in a really good mood now, so hopefully I can work a lot on the next chapter today and everything will be super-fantastico~!
@Silence: Aww, thank you! And we will most definitely see Chillpaw's reasons for choosing Sootpaw. It will be amazingly dramatic and everyone will gasp and I'll cackle a bit, and it'll be great! :D More seriously, Chilly has a couple different reasons, all of which are very carefully thought out (cuz he's a ponderer, that one).
@Sara Darkotter: Oh man, I know! I don't always mean for them to do so but they just love to hear themselves talk. If I ever do revisions of Chilled, I'll probably snip quite a bit of the inner chitchat right out. But for now, it all gets to stay. :
@Tangleflame: Aww, thank you! As for pairings, my lips are sealed. Usually. ^^
@Anonymous: Thanks to you, I can spell Anonymous without having to use spell-check! It is quite an accomplishment, I think. And I will definitely agree in that comparison; the only different is that Birchy's is the result of severe trauma, which is (hopefully) not what caused Luna's. xD As for your theory, care to share? I love reading fan theories. :3
@Lynxeye: Moonpaw loves giving everyone a chance, but it's true that she helps out the DF kitties quite a bit. I really hope I can deliver the awesomeness for the DF kitties' stories, but we'll have to see. As for pairings....*whistles* And I am sorry you're confused, but hopefully everything will become clear eventually. :3
@Insane: Thank you! I do have a thing for parallels. I'm kind of symmetry freak, I guess.
@Silverblossom: Ah, interesting you pointed out the ocean thing. Most of the cats that use the word (Northstar and Silverstar have prolly done so on occasion) call it that because that's what their Clans called it; it only seems natural that after living near it for so many years they would come up with a word for it (especially since the sun doesn't always go down in the ocean; it depends on which coast the cats are near. For all we know, the sun could rise on this coast.) that is slightly more sophisticated. Sootpaw would have gotten the word from hearing her mother describe it in the stories that Ravenwing told her when she was a kit. Basically, to the cats that live by the ocean, it's not such a big deal; the ocean should be little more than a giant lake to them, so they would come up with a simple word, like 'ocean,' to describe it. Also, it seems like a lot of people are calling SootxSage, which I find to be very interesting (it is because I mentioned that love-interests-have-green-eyes-thing, I wonder?). Blight knows he has kits, but he's not interested in them (mostly because they were raised by Minnow, who was too strong for him to break, and were always taught that Blight was all evil and stuffs; Sage and Swift don't feel too kindly towards him).
@The Last Clan: I've been trying to update as regularly as I can, glad you appreciate it. That would be an interesting outcome for the whole Moonpaw thingy, I agree. We'll have to see. ^^
@TheVioletGleek: Such long delicious reviews...lovely~ As I mentioned last time, Shimmer's lover isn't someone we've met yet (although all bets are off for the future, if she moves on to someone else....). And I'm glad you like Spiderpaw! I'm fond of him too, even if he is just a cranky furball. It's not so much that I enjoy killing main characters, but I just really really love writing death scenes, for some reason (delicious delicious tragedy!) and it just so happens that some of the very best death scenes to write star main characters (although minor charries are good Cricketsong's death, for example. I really liked his). As for Ravenwing, it's interesting that you're thinking of her, because she hasn't done much so far. Right now, she's just hoping (very very) anxiously that Sootpaw will come home with Northy and that everything will be great. We know that's not the case, and it'll be interesting to see how she reacts when she finds Jay instead of Soot, but for now she's trying to be hopeful. And I would totally love to read your one-shot! Fan theories are the best theories. :3
@TheVioletGleekx2: Remember, Chilly is a very impartial judge; he tells it like it is, and most of the time emotions don't get in his way. If he says Shimmer is violent, then she definitely is; we've seen it a few times in the past, although she generally cloaks her behavior. Before Chilly's behavior, she really did enjoy her job and everything, but in more recent times she's starting to walk a darker path....
@Midnight Thorn: Thank you! And Chilly definitely has. It's kind of hard for me to remember sometimes that he's technically a full-grown cat, even though I still picture him as being kind of small and apprentice-y. xD
@Nightkill: I believe you're leaving out the most important pairing: SagexChill. Kidding aside, believe me when I tell you that the pairings will probably get worse from here. But we'll just have to wait and see.
@Dawnshine: Thank you!
@Your Worst Nightmare: I guess I love you too. :D
@Priceless: It's okay, I understand! Real life gets in the way of everything. As for writing a book, I am planning on writing my NaNo this November!
Speaking of which....
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