Monday, October 3, 2011

Crazy she-cats all over the place :O

Yay, update! This one was less chipper than I'd intended. Originally Blackpaw and Spiderpaw were going to bond and be all adorable (I was listening to some really relaxing music at the time) but it didn't quite work out (mostly because my brother came in and Dragon Ball Z'd up the whole place and it was awful and I was cranky and Spider kind of took matters into his own paws there). Oh well, got to see some Leopard/Shimmer acktionz, which is always nice.

Anyway! I'm in a really good mood now, so hopefully I can work a lot on the next chapter today and everything will be super-fantastico~!

@Silence: Aww, thank you! And we will most definitely see Chillpaw's reasons for choosing Sootpaw. It will be amazingly dramatic and everyone will gasp and I'll cackle a bit, and it'll be great! :D More seriously, Chilly has a couple different reasons, all of which are very carefully thought out (cuz he's a ponderer, that one).

@Sara Darkotter: Oh man, I know! I don't always mean for them to do so but they just love to hear themselves talk. If I ever do revisions of Chilled, I'll probably snip quite a bit of the inner chitchat right out. But for now, it all gets to stay. :

@Tangleflame: Aww, thank you! As for pairings, my lips are sealed. Usually. ^^

@Anonymous: Thanks to you, I can spell Anonymous without having to use spell-check! It is quite an accomplishment, I think. And I will definitely agree in that comparison; the only different is that Birchy's is the result of severe trauma, which is (hopefully) not what caused Luna's. xD As for your theory, care to share? I love reading fan theories. :3

@Lynxeye: Moonpaw loves giving everyone a chance, but it's true that she helps out the DF kitties quite a bit. I really hope I can deliver the awesomeness for the DF kitties' stories, but we'll have to see. As for pairings....*whistles* And I am sorry you're confused, but hopefully everything will become clear eventually. :3

@Insane: Thank you! I do have a thing for parallels. I'm kind of symmetry freak, I guess.

@Silverblossom: Ah, interesting you pointed out the ocean thing. Most of the cats that use the word (Northstar and Silverstar have prolly done so on occasion) call it that because that's what their Clans called it; it only seems natural that after living near it for so many years they would come up with a word for it (especially since the sun doesn't always go down in the ocean; it depends on which coast the cats are near. For all we know, the sun could rise on this coast.) that is slightly more sophisticated. Sootpaw would have gotten the word from hearing her mother describe it in the stories that Ravenwing told her when she was a kit. Basically, to the cats that live by the ocean, it's not such a big deal; the ocean should be little more than a giant lake to them, so they would come up with a simple word, like 'ocean,' to describe it. Also, it seems like a lot of people are calling SootxSage, which I find to be very interesting (it is because I mentioned that love-interests-have-green-eyes-thing, I wonder?). Blight knows he has kits, but he's not interested in them (mostly because they were raised by Minnow, who was too strong for him to break, and were always taught that Blight was all evil and stuffs; Sage and Swift don't feel too kindly towards him).

@The Last Clan: I've been trying to update as regularly as I can, glad you appreciate it. That would be an interesting outcome for the whole Moonpaw thingy, I agree. We'll have to see. ^^

@TheVioletGleek: Such long delicious reviews...lovely~ As I mentioned last time, Shimmer's lover isn't someone we've met yet (although all bets are off for the future, if she moves on to someone else....). And I'm glad you like Spiderpaw! I'm fond of him too, even if he is just a cranky furball. It's not so much that I enjoy killing main characters, but I just really really love writing death scenes, for some reason (delicious delicious tragedy!) and it just so happens that some of the very best death scenes to write star main characters (although minor charries are good Cricketsong's death, for example. I really liked his). As for Ravenwing, it's interesting that you're thinking of her, because she hasn't done much so far. Right now, she's just hoping (very very) anxiously that Sootpaw will come home with Northy and that everything will be great. We know that's not the case, and it'll be interesting to see how she reacts when she finds Jay instead of Soot, but for now she's trying to be hopeful. And I would totally love to read your one-shot! Fan theories are the best theories. :3

@TheVioletGleekx2: Remember, Chilly is a very impartial judge; he tells it like it is, and most of the time emotions don't get in his way. If he says Shimmer is violent, then she definitely is; we've seen it a few times in the past, although she generally cloaks her behavior. Before Chilly's behavior, she really did enjoy her job and everything, but in more recent times she's starting to walk a darker path....

@Midnight Thorn: Thank you! And Chilly definitely has. It's kind of hard for me to remember sometimes that he's technically a full-grown cat, even though I still picture him as being kind of small and apprentice-y. xD

@Nightkill: I believe you're leaving out the most important pairing: SagexChill. Kidding aside, believe me when I tell you that the pairings will probably get worse from here. But we'll just have to wait and see.

@Dawnshine: Thank you!

@Your Worst Nightmare: I guess I love you too. :D

@Priceless: It's okay, I understand! Real life gets in the way of everything. As for writing a book, I am planning on writing my NaNo this November!

Speaking of which....

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