Saturday, October 9, 2010

Chapter 20, loves~!

I'd like to thank you all again for the reviews, first! So many long reviews were really awesome, and I hope the trend continues, ha. Thank you all very much!

warriorcrazy: it just me or is Belladonna uh, um, falling in love with (ugh, ew) Blight?
It isn't just you, not at all. Her warped mind and the way she thinks he "saved" her has twisted any feelings she used to have for him into a revering sort of love. Eww indeed.

Wolfstorm100: I love the intricate plot behind Blight, I never suspected him to be connected to Slaughter by any means. The "lessons" that Blight teaches caught my interest too. If you read Guardians of Gahoole then you'd know what I'm talking about when I say this reminds me somewhat of Moon-Blinking....
Blight isn't so intricate; he was one of Slaughter's scouts that were send out in Crowtalon's chapter. It was a long time ago, and it's okay you didn't remember, but don't think more of me because I pulled something like that, ha. I'm not that cool. xD. I kind of remember moon-blinking; I read the books in fifth grade or so, but I tired of them after like book six....

Rainshimmer: Is Shimmer is Slaughter's daughter?
Ha, interesting conclusion. However, both of Crowtalon's daughters were the same age; whoever is or was Toxin's sister would be the same age as she is now. Crowtalon didn't father any other kits after his mate ran off. Of course, Shimmer and Slaughter might still be connected....

Also, I received a lot of questioning about Belladonna/Nightshade's name. I was kind of surprised at some of them, but I understand. To make things simple, there is a plant called deadly nightshade. It is, as you'd imagine, a deadly herb. Belladonna is another name for the same plant (so yes, I knew when I introduced her that this would eventually happen to her, one way or another). Now, it sounds like a warrior name to us, because we're so used to them, and shade is a some-what common prefix in Warriors fanfiction. However, Nightshade is NOT intended to be a compound Warrior-type name. Nightshade is a single noun, just like Robin, Jay, or Blizzard. TalonClan goes by one-word names, after Slaughter decreed it be so - such as Feather, for example. When Blight named her Nightshade, he was using his knowledge of the plant to compose the perfect name; frightening and deadly, just as Belladonna now is. So, Nightshade isn't a warriors name, it's a single word. It would be like naming her Yarrow or Yew, or Deathberry (ha). Also, she wasn't named for her pelt; 'Blight' doesn't conjure up an image for a pelt. Slaughter moved his Clan so far away from StarClan's ideals that names didn't have to mean anything anymore, even pelt color as they had for so long. So again, Blight was showing how he was turning his back on his ancestors; not only is Nightshade's name a single noun, but it also has nothing to do with her pelt.

So ya. :3