Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I actually managed to update in a timely manner! *pats self on back*

So much uproar over Shimmer's shenanigans, gasp (hehehe I knew there would be 8D). Let's get down to business~!

@Ravenshade: It's true, unfortunately Spider seems keen on making as many enemies/getting himself into as much trouble as possible. He'll prolly have broken all of my previous love interest/enemy records, he's got so much going on. Poor kitty, I could definitely never handle so much myself. xD

@Rowanshade: You are not completely shocked by Shimmer's reckless antics? What if I told you the tom...is her FATHER? *gasp*

He's dead of course, and happily married (mated?) but it could happen. xD

@Shimmertail: Quit making me laugh at your reviews. I smile too much as it is (xD). I'll admit, I'm fond of Leopardpaw. I've always wanted a Leopard-something to call my own (comes with the username, I'm afraid) but I've never actually made a Leopard-whatever in my four or five years of role-play...so now that I've got one, she had better be awesome, darnnit. I like Birchy too. She's sort of background-y (as she was in role-play) but she's nice and sweet and adorably spacey, which sometimes my stories need because they have a tendency to get a lil heavy. :p

@Tangleflame: Glad you do! I wouldn't worry too much about his identity, though. ^^

@Moving To Mars: I am minding so hard right now. You had better review every since chapter forever or I will kill Sootpaw off and tell everyone it's your fault. :O Seriously though, I'm glad I've inspired you and helped you out! I'm the same way, I tend to make quite a few mistakes when I'm jotting stuff down, but I'm really good at picking them out otherwise. Good luck with your own stories, and if you need help, don't hesitate to ask~

@Silverblossom: Glad you like Birchy and Leopard! As I said above, I really like them too (although I'm fond of pretty much all my characters, sigh...even Dapplefern, a tiny bit. That doesn't mean I won't hesitate to kill 'em off, though!). Listen to your detective senses, since you all usually have very good guesses! I'm always impressed by my reviewers' insights. ^^

@Lynxeye: It's always good to be suspicious of the POV, but in this case I don't think it could be mistaken for anything else. And I'm glad you like the bios! If there are any others you'd like to see, please suggest them. As for Brightstar, yes, in TR a kitty named Brightstar led ThunderClan; she and Brightstar actually looked a like (same ginger/white pelt and they both shared blue eyes, although new!Brightstar only has one blue eye and the other is gold). Originally I was gonna make Chilled!Brightstar in ThunderClan too, but I realized it would prolly be really confusing so I traded her for Nettlefrost in WindClan. xD

@Sunspirit: Shimmer is a pretty odd gal, but she's pretty, so that makes up for her flaws (in some toms' minds, anyway xD) and she's very, ah, passionate when she wants to be (whether she actually feels anything for her lover remains to be seen). Also, your Blackpaw scene is awesome. I demand you write a fic depicting it (just kidding, but that would be cool if you did xD). And you're welcome, I'm glad you liked the bios! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Okay, bios are up now. That took a really really long time, so sorry about that. Anyway, they're up and beautiful so go look at them.

If there are more cats you guys want to see, just holla~

New chapter yeaaaaah~

New chapter, yay, etc. etc.  xD

Sorry for the time between updates, like I said I've been really busy. I'm in like four different community service club thingies now and they're such time-wasters. D:

However, I've had time to dabble in a few things, namely making more character-picture-things. I'll put them in with the others (Sootpaw, Spiderpaw, Leopardpaw, and Chillpaw; scroll down and I think you'll find them) after I finish this post. The bios basically just help you picture the characters and maybe get insights from them, I guess. Also I like making pictures, so yeah. xD

@Sara Darkotter: It is a mystery~ :O

@CrystalSakura: Yes, Leaf/Frozen/North had a lovely time dragging the bodies of their friends and Clanmates to a secret place in the middle of the mountains. Sometimes they would have picnics and reminiscence about the old times before Northy was born and Frozen was crazy. Like a happy family. :D I'll agree with B/N/M's name, it's a puzzler for what to call her when I'm chatting about her, since she's had so many (three names might be a record, actually, since the kit/paw/whatever name-changes don't count. xD

@Nightkill: I was thrilled that everyone loved Northy as much as I did in Shattered. He was always one of my favorite charries to rp, so I'm glad I was able to do him justice.

@Lynxeye: In my kitties' defenses, the original Clans bury their dead too (they have a special ceremony with the elders, I think?) and I'm sure they mark them in some way (so that an old body isn't dug up when a new one is being buried, since that would be uber-gross xD). I think kitties riding on flaming wheels (because Northy would be that crazy-awesome) would be pretty cool. We'll see what Tremor decides to do about his journey. And yes, he knows Rumble is dead; Feather told him, because she chats up StarClan all the time~

@Sunspirit: Sage and Swift both know who their real mother is; Minnow's made sure to tell them all about her, both the good and the bad. Sage has a bit of an odd position, we'll get to more of him later. Reedrush's mother was Cinderstream, Silverstar's secret sister (and the mother of Shimmer and Chill later on in her life). We don't see much of Reedy's childhood, it's mostly mentioned in passing. Under the plants Frozenstar and Brackenheart are buried, but the third plant is a mystery~

@PurplePanda: First, darling, don't berate yourself for criticism! I actually enjoy it, it gets my brain moving. Let me see if I can address everything:
  • Bullets are hard to work with on this blog thingy, bleh. Bear with me here.
  • The forest-sickness (let's call it FS, since I'll be saying it a lot) and chilling disease (CD) are very similar in that they both stem from the same place and both have the same initial symptoms; a fever, cough, tired feeling, lack of appetite, etc. They can also take more than one life; StarClan alone cannot cure them. It's only as the diseases progress further that the differences become more apparent. FS moves faster than CD, and with FS the fever climbs higher and higher as fluid seeps into the cats lungs; essentially they are being baked alive while also drowning. CD, on the other paw, is rather slow-moving; in Silverstar's case, it took nearly two moons to kill her. This is prolly because she has some immunity to it, since her body attacked it like it would FS and managed to stall it. PeakClan cats are not so lucky. Swanpaw, the PeakClan apprentice who died of CD, died in only a moon's time because PeakClan cats have little/no immunity to the disease. As CD progresses, its behavior changes. The cough stays, but it is a dry cough, unlike FS. The fever begins to lower the farther CD goes; eventually it reaches a point where the cat's temperature is almost normal. Unfortunately, CD eventually pushes the cat's temperature down even further and further as the cat grows weaker and weaker. Generally the cats hallucinate in this stage, as Silverstar and Swanpaw did; they will think they're on fire and thrash around and make lots of noise and junk. Swanpaw was feeling this when she died. Silverstar, on the other hand, passed more peacefully; the disease took longer with her and her temperature eventually became very very low, so she just sort of slipped away (I think Bluepaw described it as just being a sigh). Right now, NO ONE from AshClan or PeakClan has FS. Some of Tremor's cats have it (mostly the rogues from his group + any of Cane's cats that joined him, since they have not encountered FS before). Some of Tremor's cats also have CD (mostly ex-Clan cats, who are the ones that gave it to AshClan and PeakClan in the first place during the battle). The iceleaf/snowberry plant definitely cures FS, but its effects on CD are currently unknown, since it's never been used on CD before.
  • As for Leopardpaw, keep in mind that many members of the Clan are rogues. Very little is known about Jaggedclaw's past, for example, since he hates talking about it. Jaggedclaw proved himself by helping Reedrush. In Eaglestrike's eyes, Leopardpaw proved herself by saving his kits (both of them, since Spider was about to jump into the water after Soot when Leopardpaw appeared). Eaglestrike is obviously still wary of her, and he does try to keep an eye on her, but the whole Silver-dying-thing has kind of captured his attention as of late. Also, even if he had interrogated her about her past, she could have easily lied and he couldn't verify it, so it would be kinda pointless. If she is evil, she wouldn't say 'Hey so I was raised by Slaughter himself as his ebil second daughter just in case Toxin died so that I could kill everyone :D'.
  • I can see what you mean about the kitty names, but as I said before, Thistlethorn isn't really redundant since a thistle is a plant, not a pokey thorn. His name refers to the thorn of the thistle plant. I use -thorn for strong cats that are a bit hot-headed/prickly, which fits him to a T (Thistlethorn, T, geddit? I'm going to punch myself in the face now). As for Fireblaze, I don't personally view -blaze as a noun. I use it as a verb. Thus in his case his name brings the imagery of a blazing fire (compared to a feeble candle or something xD) which is indicative of his blazing nature. I also love Thistleclaw, but unfortunately it's been taken by the Erins, and the canon Thistleclaw is actually alive right now (since this is about the same time as BP) so two Thistleclaws in the same world at the same time would be weird. xD
  • I concede to you about the ocean. My cursed descriptional weakness has struck again. I will give her something prettier to look at and describe it like I have never described anything before! (I'm thinking a bunch of shooting stars on a clear night during a fireworks show while there is magically a rainbow above their heads: thoughts?)
  • Like I said, you're not making me feel bad at all! I enjoy critique, it helps me think. ^^
@Silverblossom: We'll hear more about the Tremor/Minnow stuff later, I promise. And we'll see more Northy in future chapters, just from Spider's perspective instead of Soot's. ^^

@Shimmertail: Yay, you reviewed! I was starting to miss you. The third grave isn't Birdpaw's, since she was only a lowly apprentice and would therefore be buried further away from the center (if it had been Northy's choice she would have been closer, but she died under Frozen's reign). As for Sage's eyes, if both Bella and Blight had a parent with green eyes, it would work. :D

@Priceless: No problem, I understand. :D

Anywho, I'll update the bios soon, so please scroll down and take a look at them eventually~

Friday, September 9, 2011

I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the maaaap~

Look, I made a thing:

Sorry for any eye-burning this might have caused (it's awful, I know). But I was thinking it over a few weeks ago and realized that some of the territory and stuff was prolly confusing, and it'll only get worse as the journey continues, soooo I made you this beautiful monstrosity. Pretty much NOTHING in this picture is to scale (except for the ridiculously giant car, obviouslyyy xD), it's just to help you guys with the PLACEMENT of objects in the territory. And the trail of the journeying cats is pink because pink is awesome and kicks other colors in the face. :D

It will probably show up really small, so just click on it and it'll get bigger. :)

Chapter 20~

Updated a few days early for you darlings; the last three days flowed really well for me, writing the Sootpaw chapter was really easy and delicious. It helps that there was plenty of Northy, I suppose.

Also, I guess this post is a bit late, since I updated last night, but right after I did so I had to take a shower and junk so I didn't have time to work on this blog until I came home.

@Nightkill: Yes, Spiderpaw is kind of freaky to Darkstorm because he's so teeny tiny. Darky is pretty easy to freak out, though. xD

@Artemis: Blackpaw can indeed be sneaky when she wants to be (or at least when it helps her friends ^^). As for what Spiderpaw plans for Fireblaze...well, I'll allow myself a brief 'bwahahaha.' And yes, Leopardpaw hasn't really been a focal point; she's only been mentioned a few times, and most of the time she is 'skulking,' as Spiderpaw loves to say. She'll be more important next chapter. And thank you. ^^

@Sara Darkotter: Aw, thanks! Out of curiosity, why exactly do you love me? :O

@PurplePanda: Ha, that's a lovely theory. It further supports my belief that Spiderpaw will end up with an entire harem of she-kitty devotees. He seems to attract them like flies, for some reason. And it's interesting that you pointed out the whole SandxFirexSpotted comparison, I hadn't been thinking about it. Of course, Bluepaw could also be like Cinderpelt in CinderxFirexSand. :O As for juiciness, hopefully his next chapter will be more to your tastes. :3 And that's another remarkable theory with the Jaypaw thingy! The only problem is that the chilling disease, while being closely related to the forest-sickness, doesn't really do the whole filling-up-the-lungs junk. If Jaypaw was sick with the normal forest-sickness stuff, that theory would work, but unfortunately he is not. Sneaky thinking, though, I like that. ^^

@Ravenshade: Blackpaw and Robinpaw are very close, so they're always sort of giggling about something (especially toms. Robinpaw is very fond of talking about toms...which is how Blackpaw began to work the conversation towards Spiderpaw in the first place). As Robinpaw said, she was already getting tired of the whole pretending-to-be-mad-at-Spiderpaw-because-he's-an-arrogant-unapologetic-furball thing. Robinpaw's a cat that forgives very easily, but Jaypaw does not. Jaypaw's a pretty relaxed guy most of the time, but as we've seen he's very protective of his sister. With Jaypaw around, Robinpaw couldn't talk to Spiderpaw because he would still be angry; with Jaypaw's influence gone, Robinpaw is more willing to forgive Spiderpaw, even if she doesn't hear the apology from him. And Blackpaw's fairly persuasive, when she finds the courage to speak her mind.

@Silence: Yay! Glad I didn't have any goof-ups this time. Sorry that Sootpaw is causing your brain distress. The pairings in this story are more complex than Shattered, methinks. It's kind of a good thing, though. What do you mean about the riddles, incidentally? I don't think we've had very many thus far.

@Lynxeye: Thanks! If Spider is a little Northy now...just imagine what he can accomplish later. How exciting. ^^

@TheVioletGleek: Excellent point! Silverstar is too much of a small fish for Spiderpaw. Clearly he's going to start badgering someone more important, like Thunderstar. Good plan, Spiderpaw, good plan. xD And I'm sorry you're confused! Let's see if I can help:

Silverstar and Cinderstream are sisters (although they didn't know it until much later). Cinderstream gave birth to Reedrush and Toxin. She took Reedrush with her when she fled to the lake. There she fell in love with Ashstir, and gave birth to Chill and Shimmer. Thus, Silverstar is Shimmer's aunt (and Chill's too, obviously). Frostfeather had kits with Brightfire; she had Jaypaw and Robinpaw. Ravenwing is Frostfeather's sister and had Spiderpaw and Sootpaw, so thus Spider&Soot are cousins to Jay&Robin.

@CrystalSakura: Ha, I'm glad you asked. Frost and Darky have a very odd relationship. They are mates, but not in the traditional sense; they have never 'sealed' their relationship by actually physically mating with one another. They are involved romantically. We saw the beginnings of this in the Shattered epilogue, during Darkstorm's little piece; Frosty was showing him some affection (such as licking his muzzle 'long and slow') and they had a feelings-sharing session and it was lovely. Since this story started five moons after all that, we didn't really see their relationship completely develop, but they definitely love each other. Darkstorm obviously never wants to be the father of actual kits, so he and Frostfeather have never mated, as the risk would be too great. This is obviously pretty difficult for Frosty, who had her way with oodles of toms in her youth, but she loves Darky enough to put her own feelings aside. ^^

Anywho, I think that's all for the questions. Next post will have my super amazing (i.e. super crappy) map thingy. :D

Monday, September 5, 2011

Chapter 19~

New chapter, yay. This one was still late but not as late as the last, which I guess is some pathetic progress. Yaay. D:

@Shimmertail: Yes, Soot and Spider are very different from one another, which I did on purpose because it makes them so much more refreshing! The only problem is that when I get halfway through a chapter I'm usually thinking longing thoughts about the other POV, sigh. As for Northy growling at Bracken, that's kind of his tone with everyone, except possible Rabbit and Rose (but they kind of forced their way into his heart without his permission xD). Northy loves Bracken and Bird, of course, but sometimes he feels uncomfortable around them, partially because Bracken looks a ton like Brackenheart and also because Bracken and Bird are reminders of all the crap Rose had to go through before they hooked up, and that makes him kinda sad.

@Ilex-Chan: The group has noticed it (as we'll see) but there's nothing they can do about it, so they're kind of preferring to ignore it in a sort of 'saying it out loud makes it real' way. So long as they don't voice their concerns, it's like Jaypaw isn't really sick.

@TheVioletGleek: The best part about Soot is that everyone seems to ship everyone with her, because she doesn't have any clear love interests. Which makes things fun/amusing for me. ^^ I really love your summary of the pairing, though, I love it when readers dissect relationships. Also, traveling-cat-sacrifice would be really cool, except that Chilly couldn't really contact any of them the way he can Soot.

@CrystalSakura: One of the best things about journeys is that they narrow the number of characters available, which makes each character infinitely more important! Such as, if there was no journey then we would probably never ever pay attention to Thistlethorn, because he doesn't stand out from the pack. But on the journey, he acquires new importance, which is lovely. It's pretty much confirmed by now that Jay is sick, so good job guessing on that. As for the Carvings, the tunnels are made of a softer rock than most of the mountain (hence how the stream carved them out in the first place; they're like veins of softer rock within the harder rock that makes up most of the mountains). However, don't think it was easy for them! Many FrozenClan cats had to scrape until their claws bled to leave their marks on the rocks. It was worth it, of course, since the tunnels were infinitely helpful for the cats. But yeah, it took a lot of work. ^^

@Sara Darkotter: Aww, thanks! Although it's not really hard to know more about cats than the Erins, since they've created like five tortie toms. :p

@RadiantDawn: Yay, glad that you're taking their kinship into consideration (for some reason a lot of people are forgetting it?). Really, everyone knows that Bluepaw is a ditz, they just won't say it to her face...although Sootpaw doesn't think that's necessarily a bad thing, since Bluepaw is always happy and doesn't seem to mind. Also, I'm really fond of Snatched as well. I'm not sure why; it just has a different atmosphere from Shattered, and I always become very nostalgic when I read it over (although sometimes I also cringe at the mistakes and things that I spot).

@Nightkill: I'm in the habit of calling him Deathy as well, so don't feel bad. xD

@Silverblossom: I think the amount of love Bluepaw has is congruent to the amount of hate that Swanpaw has recieved. It's very interesting to play with the readers' perspectives of characters, and I'm really looking forward to messing with Swanpaw (and maybe Bluepaw too). Northstar being Soot's mentor would be amazing, but then I'm afraid she would develop into a Destroyer of Worlds because Northy is just too awesome. :O Also, Northy leaves before the others because he is only there to get FrozenClan's cure for the regular forest-sickness, in hopes that it can help treat the new chilling-sickness, in order to buy the journeying group more time. Thus he has to leave sooner to get the forest-sickness plants back to the Clans and help 'em out. :)

@Priceless: Yay, I'm glad you don't hate me for being so late. I've been grappling with some serious block. I like Jaypaw too, and he and Soot would definitely be good friends if they had more time together. ^^

Ummmmmmmm so I think that's it. I made you guys a really spiffy (i.e. terrible) map that helps with the placement of some stuff, but I don't think I'll post it until next chapter because it's a tad bit spoilery (not really, it just looks terrible and I am ashamed of it).

So yeah, until next time~