Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Chapter 33

Updated a few days early; Jaggedclaw's story flowed better than I thought it would, so I finished earlier than expected with the chapter. Which is good, because now I have some wriggle room for the next chapter. :p

@Mochihamster: Thank you! :)

@Shimmertail: Yaaay, I'm very glad that you liked it. I'll admit the scene kind of got away from me, it wasn't supposed to be so long (the chapter was like 8k or something, and 3/4s of it was the dream!) but I'm pleased with the result. Also, you earn ten points by mentioning the 'one paw in StarClan' bit, it's been awhile since I've brought that up. It's weird, a lot of people have remarked that they like Moonpaw more now, despite her not doing a whole lot...but I guess that's good. Now I know if I want a character to be liked, I just need to add some snow. :p Again, I'm really glad you liked it. <33

@TheCatOwl: I've never seen The Phantom of the Opera, actually. I tried reading the book once but I was in 5th grade and it didn't make much sense to me so I gave up after like the first chapter. I'd like to watch it some time. ^^

@Sara Darkotter: Join the masses of SootxChill fans. 8D

@Silverblossom: Poor Rainwind was doomed from the beginning of that battle, I'm afraid, but he was a good kitty, and, as Sootpaw said, StarClan is one of the most peaceful places imaginable, so he's prolly pretty happy. And yep, Chilly's a little Mr. Dapper. He's always been that way, even when I rped him foreverrr ago; he's a bit longwinded, the poor kid.

@TheLastClan: Aren't best friend romances the best kind? I love them myself, although I don't think Chilly makes good BFF material (sleepovers with him are pretty awkward!). As for Moonpaw, her disappearing/reappearing was intentional. That happens sometimes in dreams, you lose track of who's with you and who isn't, so she popped in and out. Remember that a big chunk of her is just Sooty's subconscious, so she's subject to the same sort of whimsy rules of existence. As for Rainy and Reed, they were pals, but I think we'll hear more about that later.

@Tangleflame: Ever since the battle, some people have wanted to strangle her and some want to give her a hug, which I think makes for a fun character! Sometimes it's nice to have a 'base breaker' thrown in the mix. :D

@Nightkill: Yup, I did NaNo! It's on my fictionpress account (same username) if you'd like to take a look. Thanks~

@Rainshimmer: Your lateness is forgiven, no worries; Christmas time is busy for errebody. If you're a Homestuck reader, right now Leopardpaw kind of has a kismesis thing goin' on with Spiderpaw. They do not like each other one bit, but Leopardpaw absolutely adores messing around with cats and pushing them just to see how far their temper extends. It's a bit of a curse, really, since as we're seeing it tends to backfire....

As for your dream theory, it's interesting, but of course it could just be coincidence. After all, where would the tension be if the pattern was as straightforward as that (if there's even a pattern at all)? And I do find your attempts to continue hating Swanpaw most amusing. 8D And I don't know what you mean; Blight is the kingpin of relationship advice, clearly. He gets allll the ladies. Granted it's by brainwashing and torturing them, but still, gotta give him props. ;)

@Zerala: Ooh, aspens would have been good for that scene. They always look pretty with snow, and they're usually slender enough to give a more sinister Nice. Thank you!

That's all for now, folks. Enjoy the update. <3

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas, etc. etc.

So yes, enjoy your snowy update! I'm really wishing it would snow here (we haven't had a decent snow all year, and a few days ago it was 60 degrees outside! I'm thinking of writing a very angry letter to the weather gods a la Calvin and Hobbes) but I guess this is as close as we'll get!

Hope you all have merry Christmases/Happy Holidays/whatever you prefer~

@Tangleflame: Thank you!

@Sunspirit: Leopard's pretty kickass, yupyup. As for Destiny, Jaggedclaw will share some information about her when Spider spars again with Leopard (which might be in the next update, provided that Spider doesn't totally lose his temper....:p). Destiny was never mentioned in Shattered, but Jaggedclaw's first mate, Myrtle, was. And yes, Blacky has been a big girl lately, and yes Swanpaw is a very good fighter (pity that fighting skills don't correlate with niceness, though).

@The Last Clan: I smell cinnamon rolls, but I s'pose that's because my dad is making them right now. And Leopardpaw is Leopardpaw, silly! She's totally not hiding deepdarksecrets or anything like that. :3

@Silverblossom: Ooh, you used CMoA. Are you a troper? Fine people, tropers. And I'm glad that for once Spiderpaw wasn't a totally disappointing little brat like he usually is. As for Destiny, we'll see!

@Zera: I know I already replied in PM, but I'd just like to thank you again for your review. And for Novacaine. <3

@Miss Tangerineleaf: Bios are the little pictures & descriptions of characters that I post on the blog. They help the readers picture the characters a lil bit...and they are pretty fun to make. Good guesses for the warrior names, we'll have to see!

@Priceless: Thanks! She certainly has been changing a lot. As for Lawless, I'll take a glance when I have time. ^^

Guess that's all, folks. Hope you all get awesome presents and such. <3

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Chapter 31~

GahthisislateandI'msorry. The last couple days have just been busy for me. |D

Mmm, I don't think I have much to say about this most recent chapter, though, hmm. So I guess we'll just hop over to the reviews. :p

@Hermytail: It's pretty catchy, no?

@Tangleflame: I like him too, but that doesn't really mean I'll keep him alive. We'll see. ^^

@Sara Darkotter: He has been kidnapped by leprechauns, I'm afraid. There's no saving him now...or is there? :o

@Insane: I know, it's a terrible name. PeakClan really sucks when it comes to naming their warriors. And yup! It looks like it's important somehow~

@Rainshimmer: Your reviews are so looong, it's awesome. Clearly Sooty and Chilly are in love and they are going to have adorable ghost babies as Shimmertail suggested a long time ago. And it will be awesome. As for Swan and Sage, I can't say, but Sage at least has her respect (which is more than most cats earn, sooo). RookxNightingale isn't really a thing (I mentioned it in an earlier entry, I think, but we'll see it in the story soon enough). I've never heard of MirrorMask, actually...what is it?

@Silverblossom: I think Moonpaw might be the single most terrifying character I've ever created, which surprises me, because she's not really supposed to be scary. It's interesting, though, and hopefully I'll be able to make use of it in future stories. I love kitties that can kick tail too, and I figured it was about time Swanpaw did something besides being an enormous bitch. :D And grr, you're right. Guess I have Nightshade on the brain for some reason.../hums innocently

@The Last Clan: I think you meant he, but the sentiment is appreciated anyway. And yay! Maybe Swanpaw will level up. :D

@Priceless: No worries, I've been busy too. ^^

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Early Update: Chappy 30

Is 30 a milestone? It kinda feels like one...but I guess once we hit 50 chapters we'll get a real one.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the early update. My goal is to get another Spidy & Sooty chapter out before Christmas. We'll see how that goes. |D

@Hermytail: Glad to hear it. ^^

@Silverblossom: I sure did, thank you! This year's NaNo wasn't as fun as the last, but it was still pretty good. I agree, Pancho is ridiculously adorable in a very doggy way. :p And yeah, poor Jaggy's always a kind of ticking time bomb kind of a cat. It was there in Shattered, but he usually kept it under control; it hasn't really gotten bad until Chilled, methinks. As for Destiny, we'll see! Hopefully I'll have some time for Abrazame too, but we'll have to see. :p

@Sara Darkotter: Missed you too! And it certainly does. :3

@Rainshimmer: BlizzardxRobin was like the third most popular pairing on the poll I did a few months ago, which surprised me since Blizz and Robin have been pretty minor thus far. I guess a few teasy-hints here and there are good for that sort of kindling. As for Spider, you're right; he seems to get a lot of lectures, but whether they do any good is a mystery. He's the kinda cat that's slow to change (which is exactly what irks Jaggy xD). As awesome as Spidey becoming Dark Vader would be, I can't see it. He's fairly loyal to his Clan, even though he hates...certain cats (*cough*"ginger oppressors"*cough*). Darky and Firefire definitely didn't act honorably, though. The problem is that Firefire is blind when it comes to loyalty to his Clan, and Darky is just too much of a chicken to make many moves without someone else's approval. Oh noes, don't be mad at Silverstar! She's obviously not thinking clearly, dying of a terrible disease and all...although I'll agree she's not being a very good role model for Jaypaw right now. As for the orbs thing, I knowwww. I hardly ever use it (prolly what, twice, in all of Chilled? Maybe once in Shattered? xD). Usually it gets on my nerves (especially with humans, bleh) but sometimes if 'eyes' has already been used in the same sentence and it would be awkward to use again, I must resort to it. Although, I would say that cats' eyes are pretty orb-y. xD

Anyway, that's all for this chapter. Reviews are always appreciated. <3

Saturday, December 3, 2011



Anyway, NaNo's over so we can all party again! Yaaay! I've got some spiffy chapters lined up (there are three that I'm hoping to get out before the end of Dec., we'll see how the actual writing goes) and I can't deny that I'm excited to hear from you all again. Hope you had great Thanksgivings and such. :D

Also, sorry this was late! It was supposed to be finished Dec. 1st, but I only got halfway through it because I had to go back and look at past chapters to kinda refresh my memory (it's amazing what you forget in a month). And then I was gonna finish it tomorrow buuut my dad was stuck at the airport so we had to go and get him and it's a few hours away so I didn't get home until fairly late which was terrible and annoying. But I had lots of free time today, so here you are~!

Now, let's get to those succulent, satisfying reviews, shall we? <3

They're italicized for convenience because some of them (*cough*Rainshimmer*cough*) are rather long.

@The Last Clan: I'm sure the wait was agonizing (prolly not really, but whatever xD) but here we are again with plenty of Spiderpaw! And you can guess about Chilly's sin if you like.

@Sharkfin: Her meeting them would be neat, but also difficult since they'll be reincarnated into their original Clans if they make it, like Cinderpelt/Cinderheart. Aaah, the tantalizing moss thief secrets. We'll get to that eventually, I promise!

@Silverblossom: I love ship-to-ship combat, it's fun to hear about (and ship-teasing both side is fun too! Keeps you guessing :3). I don't think Chilly would be a girl, though. I don't want to get all metaphysical and such on you, so I'll try to keep it simple: the only reincarnation we have to go off of is Cinderpelt/heart, and she not only kept her gender and appearance but also some of her mannerisms and personality; thus in the Warriors world that seems to be part of the overall 'spirit' stuff. So if Chilly does get reincarnated, he'll basically just be baby!Chilly, which is both adorable and terrifying. And you're right about the tensions, the Dark Forest kitties are not at all happy with another (especially since none of them justify things with 'for the evulz' and therefore they see each other as being contemptible for their crimes...and their Clans were enemies). You were right about Sooty not asking about the other Clans, but for the moment she has more pressing issues like coming battles and such...and most of the DF cats scare the poop out of her. xD

@Ravenshade: Sooty's reaction should be...interesting. And I like Ratface, since his original prefix was Rat and all, ha. And you're welcome, I guess. :p

@Sara Darkotter: Hope your NaNo went well too!

@Purple Panda: S;sdkfpojrfnldsknfn such a long review. Kinda hurts my brain. I see what you mean about adverbs, kinda; I don't really pay attention to that much when reading other works, but I prolly should. I attempted to cut down on them this chappy - I'm not sure I could ever do away with them entirely, since I think sometimes they do help add to the tone of dialogue or something without being too "he said solemnly" versus "he said in a solemn tone," because in my opinion the latter sounds a bit klunky). As for the phrase thingies, I'll admit it's been aaaaages (like three years now) since I've had a grammar lesson, so I'm a bit rusty. I kinda know what you're talking about, but my memories are a little vague; I tried grappling with them in this most recent chapter (not necessarily using less, but trying to use them properly) but I'm sure a few got away from me somewhere. I'll try harder. :c

@LightningstormZero: I didn't know about the Prin/Principle bit, but I did know about the Pardus! Prin Pardus comes from an older username of mine, which I tweaked to make it sound less kiddy (it was princessleopard). Princess became Prin, and leopard became Pardus, since the name for leopard is Panthera Pardus and all. Neat that you noticed. ^^

@Rainshimmerrrrrr: I missed you, it's great to see you again! I'm gonna have to be brief because there were so many (delicious) reviews from you, darling. <3

I think everyone's thinking that Moonpaw is evil by this point, which I think is amusing since she's basically an extension of Sootpaw's consciousness...but I'm very glad that you like Sooty and Spider and Chilly and stuffs. You're not the first person to theorize about Silvy being preggers, but unfortunately my lips are (temporarily) sealed on the matter.

You think Spiderpaw would be abusive in a relationship? That's kinda scary. I don't think he would be intentionally...but he does have a terrible temper, the little 'git.' As for the noticing, like I said on an earlier entry on the blog, most of the cats suspected Jaypaw was getting sick (and Bluepaw even knew he had a cough before) but since there was nothing they could do they chose to ignore it rather than investigate. Suspecting but not knowing something is sometimes better than knowing something you can do nothing about. As for the prophecies, it's an interesting thought. :3

I think everyone should be happy when Spidey gets his tail handed to him, because he almost always deserves it. :p As for Darkstorm, it's just a phobia. Some people are scared of spiders, some of snakes, some of clowns...Darky just happens to be afraid of tiny, adorable kittens.

I know everyone was looking forward to seeing Bella/Night's kits (two of 'em, anyway)! I love them too. Glad Swanny managed to trap you with her words; she's a master of pity-manipulation. If I could give you a potted snowberry plant, I would. :c

Don't worry, we ran full X-rays and blood tests to make sure that Shimmerfrost wasn't an alien. Blackpaw is really pathetic and sad...sometimes I want to punch her and sometimes I want to give her cuddles. As for Leopardpaw, we'll see!

Your obsessive paring of Chill with Soot is both disturbing and heartening. And Swanpaw isn't fat (although she is mean and you should hate her probably xD). I do agree that Sage is pretty cool, tho. Don't be scared of Minnow, she's a darling. :c

Hasn't Shimmer always been teh evulz, tho? I'm not sure Shimmer's corruptible anymore. Her soul is already filled with kit-eating blackness and wrath. :D

That would be an interesting story, although it almost wouldn't even be a fic since it has zero to do with Warriors until Amber and Cane pair up with AshClan. Still, food for thought. My next story might be of that sort of type, though, so it kinda works.

I see what you mean about Shimmer's description; it was kinda hurried and looking back it doesn't feel quite right, hmm. One more thing for me to hate. D:

Oh noes, I hope nothing happens to your farm. That would be terribbible. And it's interesting how the welfare of Soot and Spider seems to have an inverse relationship, I hadn't really thought of it that way before. As for the dream-ancestor kitties, we'll see. ^^

I think the only time I've heard the word 'lugubrious' is during Hercules when the pink fat demon thing calls Hades 'your lugubriousness'. I love that movie. Glad you enjoyed the scene, it was really fun to write. It was kind of a depressing chapter, but not necessarily in a bad way, I think.

Honesty is a big thing for me, so I like Swifty too (especially considering how his sister totes warped him) although I definitely won't pardon him for his crimes. I think he's interesting because he doesn't fall into the usual types of bad guys; he isn't in it 'for the evulz' or 'trying to do a good thing but using bad methods'. He's unique in that he doesn't have a goal at all and doesn't shirk from his crimes even though he doesn't enjoy them. 

@Nightkill: I finished kinda early too (and by that I mean reached 50k), and used a bit of that time to work on a one-shot, but then I continued working on my NaNo since there's still a lot to finish, plot-wise.

Welp, I think that's all. Thank you for the reviews, ducklings. It's great to be back~
You guys seem very, very split when it comes to Tubs, which is interesting.