Friday, October 7, 2011


Another chappy a few days early for you guys. I actually finished this one on the fifth, but I decided to wait before posting it. Anyway~

@Sara Darkotter: Heh, maybe. Blackie's question was more friendship-based, but I'm not allowed to talk about pairings. *zips lips*

@Sunspirit: Glad you're enjoying them. ^^ Spider does indeed seem to attract the ladies, with Robin, Blacky, Blue, and sort-of Leopard tagging along behind him. He's just /such/ a charming fellow. xD Shimmer and Leopard meeting is like Spider's worst nightmare, since he's kind of scared of them both. Forest would indeed be a good mentor for Soot; then again, he'd be a good mentor for a lot of cats, since he's just a well-rounded, nice dude. And you're right about the sibling bit; it crossed my mind, but I was writing really quickly and by the time I stopped to fix my mistakes, I'd already forgotten about it. Derp. xD

@PurplePanda: It's practically a law for sneaky rogues to be evil, ta? We need a catchy title for it. Whether she's working with anyone shady or not actually has no reflection on whether or not she is evil; Minnow from Shattered (which you haven't read, so I'll cut you some slack there) hung out with a rather nasty crowd, first in Twolegplace and then in the forest, but she's a sweet lil darling. As for your lil spiel on my style, I understand that feeling; there are a lot of fics that just need a little tweaking/polishing to really become spiffy. I'm wondering if you could give me some examples of the stuff in my writing that you don't like? I think that would be very helpful. ^^

Also! I think in a past review you mentioned Nightshade and Northy's names, and I kind of forgot to answer. For Nightshade, I understand where you're coming from, but Nightshade is not a warrior name. She was named for the actual plant, deadly nightshade, by Blight after he corrupted her (which, again, you haven't read Shattered so it's okay that you didn't know). Blight really hates the warrior system, so he would never give his loyalist lil minion a warrior-style name. As for Northy...well. He is my guilty pleasure. You're right about his name being a real thingy; that's actually where I got the idea for his character like...four years ago, I guess. Almost exactly four years, actually. Anyway, I really liked the combination and built his character around that and then he became one of my most favoritest characters in the whooole world...I actually considered changing it for Shattered (there's an old blog post here somewhere, maybe back in May, where I compared some of the new names and the old names) but changing his name just felt wrong on a personal level, since it would kind of change who he was...or something. I don't know. If I saw his name in someone else's fic, I would prolly be skeptical or critical, but he's sort of...special to me. Crappy explanation, yay~

@Silverblossom: Yep. It was originally supposed to be very smooth and lovely, but Spider kinda got outa hand; he's one of those characters that you can't really force to do anything, and when you do he rebels and bites your hands off. It's rather unpleasant, but interesting. I hope to see more of Leopard too (definitely Leoaprd) and hopefully Shimmers if we have some time. They're both tricky little minxes, preferring to stay hidden, but I'll force them out of their hidey-holes if it's the last thing I do. And I hope you read it on FictionPress, that would be super amazing. 8D

@Midnight Thorn: Thanks! Jaggy is one of my favorites (I say that about everyone, though, so make of it what you will xD) and I enjoy having him pop in now and again. I always seem to love those hard-on-the-outside-soft(ish kinda sorta)-on-the-inside types...they just have so much potential. :D

@Crystal Sakura: Even with all his lady fans, Spider does seem to take issue with shipping (at least in the flushed quadrants...Homestuck reference FTW). As for Leopard, I will refer to the rule above, about sneaky rogues and the like. xD I sometimes have trouble with original works too (mostly because I'm so out of practice, with all these fics in my face) but hopefully this NaNo will go smoothly.

@Nightkill: Oh noes, don't yell at Jaggy . *shields* He's had a hard time, poor guy...what with his first mate dying and being crippled and pushing Reedy away and all. And all the delicious backstory nonsense that we don't know yet. :3 Glad you liked Blackie's question, and I'll agree that Spider's personality is a major issue. xD