Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chappy 39

Yay, Lion's insanity. Honestly, I felt that this chapter was really, really bad because I was having CRIPPLING blockage, and everything I tried with him just felt awful. Lion is one hard nut to crack, lemme tell ya. D:

For those still wondering about what the heck Belladonna looks like, you can try googling "blue calico" or "dilute calico". A blue calico is a cat that has blue patches instead of black, and cream instead of ginger, like a normal calico cat. I think they're very pretty myself, and she's the first character I've had with that coloring (it doesn't look very good on pictures, but if you see one IRL it is sooo pretty <3). Too bad she's such a head case, eh?

And, about *awkward cough* Originally she was Lightflash, but it was awkward because of Lightstar, so I changed it to something almost the same, but...there's Brightfire. Eheh. I'm an idiot sometimes, I know. She'll need a name change, but it's okay. She's based off a character named Whitelight (rhymes D:) who had amnesia, although I never had the opportunity to delve into her past.

*tosses Shimmertail a Northy plushie with Super-Sleeping Action* It would be sweet if you named them after my characters, but please don't name any of them Belladonna. She'd be doomed from the start. xD

Some of your predictions were also very interesting. It's a given that Lion will attack Silverstreak (no one else is taking his revenge from him), but why do you think that Eaglestrike and Stonestar will die? It's possible that Eaglestrike might (not saying anything more about that, mhm) but Stonestar has nine shiny-and-spiffy new lives. Do you think Lion or TalonClan could take them all away?

CrystalSakura, you asked about Mousepaw's stutter. I just threw it in there when I first made him (because...I can?) but the reason he switches words is actually something I learned from observing my teacher (he has a very bad stutter). When he gets to a word that he's stuck at and knows he can't get past, he'll switch to another word or phrase that is easier for him. Like Porky Pig (no offense to any stuttering readers).

You also asked about /why/ Dapplefern is crazy (most people just guessed who she was and left it at that). Dapplefern isn't crazy, exactly, but she has an enormous ego because of her snazzy looks. She's always been able to get what she wanted, but Northstar was not at all interested (and a little creeped out, because he's not exactly experienced in these sorts of matters) and rejected her. She's acting kind of like an angry cheerleader, but since this is a life-or-death kinda world, things are a liiittle more serious.

Now, one final issue that I'd like to address. Someone named "Nightfrost" left a review that kind of irked me. I'd like to address her concerns, if I may.

Firstly, I had never said that cats have to look identical in order to be related...but they do have to share their traits with their parents. Maybe you haven't gotten to genetics in middle school yet, but kits inherit their traits from their parents. It wouldn't make sense for them to look wildly different, although many different-looking kits can appear in a litter depending on how many fathers there were. Secondly, I never said that all white cats with blue eyes were deaf. In real life, roughly 70% of them are, but not all. Whitestorm didn't have white fur and blue eyes; his eyes were yellow, so he's not exactly the best example there. Also, if you remember, both Chill and Blizzardkit are white with blue not even all of my own characters are deaf. Also, I would appreciate if you'd work a bit on your grammar and spelling before critiquing another writer. ^^;

Please understand that I definitely appreciate any and all critique, so long as it actually...makes sense. Y'know what I mean. xD

Anyway, our beautiful 40th chappy should be here soon. C: