Thursday, May 24, 2012

Weeeeeeewt (45)

Whooooooooo updated early (only by a day, but still)? This gurrrrrl! :D

Ever since I tried out my old headphones, things have been flowing quite nicely, and I really hope that doesn't stop any time soon.

Thank you all for your congratulations and stuff! I'm excited to be out of high school. You guys are great. <3

I'm actually pretty pleased with this chapter, for once, because I got to do a lot of stuff that needed to be done. More setting up and such, which is always fun. And for some reason it was full of Leopardpaw, whom I love. So yeah, this chapter was fun!


@InkxInk: Cool, yours started half an hour before ours. Was it nice? Was anyone crying? We had some criers at mine. :p

@MatsuriWolfsong: Ha, sorry, I did it as fast as I could! It's flattering that you would stick around, though. ;)

@Sara Darkotter: Thanks! Good guess, but we'll just have to wait and see. c:

@Hermytail: Yup, he's more aggressive than he was as a kit, probably in part because his mother never really recovered (as a kit it was easy to imagine that she would regain her memories, but of course now that he's matured he knows it won't happen). It's hard, growing up when your mother doesn't remember you. :c

@Sunspirit: Good guess for Rabbitleap. I'm not sure why she would be pregnant with Rainwind's kits, though, if she's preggers at all. Her mate is Hawktalon, remember? Interesting theory about the DF cats, too, but as of right now I can't say a word. As for Bullet, he is Thistlethorn's father (although Thistle doesn't know Reed is looking for him, and Reed doesn't know the connection) and has some (??) connection with Jag. Jag mentioned Bullet a few times to Spiderpaw when he was talking about Myrtle and Destiny, too. Forest also saw Bullet once in Twolegplace, during Shattered, but only for a few moments. Rook being Bullet wouldn't make as much sense, since Bullet's blue-gray/kind of old, whereas Rook is really dark brown/fairly young. And yes, Nightingale's adorable. :D As for the phrases, you're probably write, I have a subconscious habit of using the same stuff over and over within a few sentences, bluh. I try to curb it, but most of the time it happens without me really noticing it. xD

@SwiftyGirl/Crystal: Could be! I like a lot of the Sinners too, but then again I have a nasty habit of sympathizing with everyone. Soot's certainly trusting enough to let it happen, although I'm not sure all of the Sinners would be able to go through with something like that. Yeah, Soot tends to be a bit of a welcome mat when it comes to what she wants; she's more about letting others do what they need first, and picking up the pieces later. It's definitely something she needs to work on, although I do think she's making at least a little progress, since she chewed Bluepaw out for it. And thank you! I've always enjoyed really interwoven 'tapestry' type stories, so I think I have a habit of just tying everything together whenever I can, so long as it doesn't screw up the timeline too bad. Some things just sort of happen by themselves, but others (like what I have planned for a certain she-cat, mmm) have been going on since they were introduced in Shattered. Right now it looks like Rook and Nightingale will join the Clan, since they don't really have anywhere else to go (they did side with the Clanners against Adder's group, after all, and since we recently learned that Adder is connected to Carmelo, that doesn't bode well for them).

@ScarlettFire: It's a possibility!

@Lynxeye: Ha, thank you. Some of the story falls into place without much work from me (a lot of the characters have their minds set already, and there's nothing I can do to persuade them) whereas other bits took/are taking a lot of groundwork to set up properly. I just hope the eventual pay-off is worth it! As for the parody, I'm sorta-kinda working on it when I have the time. I updated it a few months ago, I think. The chapters are really short, so it doesn't take long to write them, it's more a matter of whether I feel humorously inspired/am not too busy doing other stuff. Once I finish Chilled, I'd like to work on my other projects a lot more. And thank you. :)

@Justsmile: All good questions, but unfortunately I can't answer them yet. All will become clear in tiiiime. I find that generously sprinkling hints on each chapter (and being rather ambiguous about directly-asked questions, mm) helps. A lot of plot-questions have already been pieced together by some readers that can piece together the signs, but of course there is also still a lot that I haven't really given out yet. Just keep looking for breadcrumbs (and if you like writing long plots, remember to hand them out when you can). :D