Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Holy New Chapter, Batman!

Yep, me again. You prolly didn't want to see me again so bad. But 'tis an important chappy, so yay, right?

We're really close to the end, if that wasn't painfully obvious.

@Shimmertail: Maybe (for Dapplefern). Leopardpaw isn't currently connected to anyone at this stage of the planning process, but you would not believe how much crap I just make up on the spot. So who knows, really. xD The Scourge story is still untitled, bleh.

@Ninjakitty: Sandpelt is Hawk/Ice's daddy, and Dapplefern's his sister, so she's Ice's aunty. It shows. xD

I think that's all, since I had about 9 reviews this time. Hope you enjoyed this chappy, tho, it felt epic while I was writing it. Love Pandora's Radio Thingy.