Monday, July 11, 2011

WHAM Chapter!

I think this chappy was pretty whammy. We got Chilly's motives and the quest for the sickness and everything all in one chapter! Yaaay. <3

That wasn't my original intention, though, I was going to drag on the introductions of our seven ebil kitties for awhile longer, but Dapplefern kind of got away from me and started picking fights and then Chilly was issuing orders and there was nothing I could do to stop him. It's kind of nice when the characters take charge on their own like that, but also a little hard to keep up with.

Also, on a side note, the seven kitties of ebil (mmm, they need a nickname, that's a bit of a mouthful) were formed on a certain ideological construct. I did this because I knew I needed a good-sized cast of baddies, but choosing their appearances and backstory was a little difficult...and then I thought of this really obvious one that's been used a bazillion times and I figured that I would too, just as an experiment (because, really all these stories are experiments for some of the characters fit into the slots so nicely that it was hard to pass up). So. Cookies if you guess what ideological thingamajig I based them around. :D

Anyway. Questions and all that~

@Shimmertail: Ooh, that is a delicious title for the moss-theft mystery. Lovely. As for who is doing it (or why) you might be surprised (who doesn't love surprises?). Kudos for thinking of Dapplefern, you were nearly right. ^^

@warriorcrazy: Fireblaze would prolly back off once his sister became a warrior...unless something else happened to tick him off....*mysterious laugh*

@Silverblossom: Lollipops and rainbows? I know not of what you speak! Still no Northy yet, but he's coming, I promise you. Eventually.

@VeniVidiVeci: You're right, I do tend to go for expected pairings, sigh. But, as I mentioned before, most if not all of these stories are just huge experiments for me; perhaps someday I'll surprise you. Especially with some of those you mentioned....And you're right about the kit thing, I never really paid attention to that; I suppose I like it because it helps the siblings be foils for one another, I guess? And it would be my dream to have boy-girl twins myself (as if xD). Technically some of those you mentioned had another sibling, but they died at birth or After you mentioned that, I tried thinking of exceptions, but I could only find a few (Frost/Cricket/Rain was a litter of three, Silver and Cinder were both females, Reed and Toxin were both females, Sorrel and Willow were both girls) and some others I don't remember now) but you're right. I should prolly work on that, I s'pose. I don't think I've ever done one with two male kits. @.@

@QueenofthePens: Yay, more pairing theories! One of my favorite things about apprentices is how many theories everyone churns out about who is pairing up with who. I love it. We'll have to see who (if anyone :p) Leopard curls up with. <3

@Ravenshade: Indeed, just think of the UST! Ah, fond memories....Shimmer's still all shook up over Chilly, you're right (you would be too if your brother killed your aunt and StarClan didn't warn you about it!). Maybe she'll get better...maybe not.

@CrystalSakura: *pats* I don't hold it against you. And thank you! I think apprentice shenanigans are tons of fun and under-used in the series. Moonpaw's not a real cat, she's Sootpaw's imaginary friend (which Sootpaw is completely aware of). Moonpaw might be more than she appears...or she could just be a red herring that I'm throwing at you guys because I'm trolling you. Either is possible. :D As for Jaggedclaw, Soot and Spider aren't technically obligated to look after him, but as the youngest apprentices they're sort of forced to, since the older ones won't do it (Leopard got off easy, since when she joined Soot and Spider were being punished and had to take care of Jaggedclaw, then they become the youngest apprentices so they still had to). Bluepaw mentions in one of the chapters that Redpaw is glad Soot and Spider have to do it, because as the youngest apprentice it used to be his duty. Also, Spider kind of likes Jaggedclaw, so he doesn't mind as much, and Sootpaw feels sorry for him.

I think that's everything...until next time, darlings. <3

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