Sunday, October 27, 2013

Vulp 8

Hey! Forgot to update the blog when I posted the chapter (and the chapter was a few hours late because every time I thought about it, I'd get distracted by something else). I don't think there's too much to say, though, aside from the NaNo thing (I will be participating, as always, but this year the story won't be posted although I would love to gush about it; Vulpine updates will continue as normal) and the fact that there's a poll up now (just for fun; I find polls a bit entertaining xD). December might be a bit unpleasant because there's a chance I might fall behind (I'm 5 chapters ahead right now if I write one this week, and there are 4 Sundays in November, so I'll only have 1 chapter to hide behind), but I'll try to make sure that doesn't happen.

Not much else to say, I guess!

@Veronica Fay: Thank you! The Sprite/Riven bits have been some of the most interesting stuff to write about so far, mostly because their viewpoints are so different, and things tend to get heated between them rather quickly. Fun times.

@Swyfte: No worries! Better late than never. Sprite does kinda invoke that "I like you but damn girl you stupid" response, from what I can tell; she's a real sweetheart, but just doesn't have good decision-making abilities, and absolutely sucks at holding grudges. Her poor decision-making skills probably hearken back to her first few months, where she wasn't really allowed to do anything on her own, and having Sage around to give her directions hasn't given her much room for growth, either. Whether these things improve (or whether she dies horribly as a result of her complete lack of self preservation) remains to be seen! The full quote is "The best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray," I believe. Basically it means that even if your plan seems solid, there's always the possibility of something messing it up or getting in the way. It seemed relevant. ;)

(Thanks for noting the typo, by the way. I fixed it.)

@Guest: Hah, yeah. Riven shows occasional glimpses of being half-decent, but then it just gets covered up in his overwhelming douchebaggery again. There are very few of my own characters that I really enjoy smacking around via the plot, but he is definitely one of them.

Thanks for the reviews, as always (we beat Abrazame,woot!). See you next Sunday!

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